HI, may name is James Curtis.  I am an only child of the ripe age of 31.  I am 6' 0", 385 LBS, with a BMI of 52.2.  I  have been heavy all my life.  I graduated from Grand Rapids Community College where I started two years on the football team.  During that time, I had multiple injuries.  Including, several serious back injuries as well as a serious concussion.  After all, I ended up with 2 herniated disks and at that time I was as low as 242 LBS.   Since then in 1999, I have gained 143 LBS.  However, it wasn't until after my college football days that I started taking any prescribed medication.   Then, I was 242 pounds, super healthy, and did not take any perscribed medication until the year 2000.  It started with a couple basic medications like vicoden and motrim for pain.  I have been taking meds now for 10 years.  In 2001, I decided to go finish college at Michigan State University where in 2003, I obtained a bachelor of science in Family and Consumer Resources and graduated with a 2.95.  However, during the time at MSU, the different medications started piling up.  Went from vicoden to percocet, then ms contin, oxy contin, duragesic patch, to methadone for my levels of pain and now I am currently detoxing from methadone and they are putting me on suboxone.  I also went from taking one psycatriac med to abilify.  Took several different muscle relaxers, all types of depression meds., anxiety medication, sleeping pills, acid reflux meds, cumadin for a blood clot in my shoulder, testosterone because of low levels, metoprolol for a fast heart beat, several different stool softeners and to top it off, I found out yesterday i have to start taking a medication for type II diabetes.  This all happened in a 10 year time span.  In 1999, I didn't take any type of medication, now i am currently taking TEN pills for ten different reasons.  As you can see I have an incredible amount of problems and have been taking many different medical steps to help control these illnesses.  I think, with all of these serious issues it is time to me to take a serious look at weight loss surgery for a possible solution to most if not all of these ailments.  With all of this in consideration,  I chose it as a main goal of mine to lose 200LBS. in two years.  I feel that it is a very realistic goal, which would be about a 40% weight loss which is right in the ball park for the figures of the gasteric bypass and lap band surgeries.   Any ideas, questions, or concerns feel free to write me and I will respond back asap.  Thank you and good luck with your health and weight loss program(s).  

About Me
Charlotte, MI
Mar 14, 2010
Member Since
