Christmas Eve and down 100lbs

Dec 24, 2008

Okay So today is Christmas Eve, and Santa has left an early Christmas Present for me on my scale...

At the start of my Bariatric Process I weighed 271, this morning I and down to 171!!!!  I have reached another Goal, and still only 26 lbs to go until I reach my goaled weight of 145!!!!  I am 6 days within my 5 month Surgi-Versary and I am so very close to goal that I can almost taste it !!!

Okay so where Have I been slacking?  What can I do to ensure I make it to goal? What can I do to be sure I do NOT revert back into my old ways?

~ I need to blog my daily meals, I am oh so bad...
~ I need to drink more water, I am dehydrated...
~ I need to up my protein intake, I suck at this...
~ I need to make sure I am taking all my vitamins, I have been sucking at this more recently...
~ I need to focus on the life style change, what I need to eat and what I need NOT to eat...
~ I need to work out more! I am flabby and it is just gross...


Okay so now that I have made myself accountable, lets follow through with these Goals...

Wish me Luck!!!



A few day Post my 4 month Surgiversary

Dec 03, 2008

Hello My Lovelies,

Well I am so excited to report that I own my first pair of size 12 jeans EVER!!!!!  

I also bought me a Medium t-shirt that I have to admit that I am a little shy about wearing out in a shirt that no one loves as much as your husband... if you get my drift...

I did gain a few lbs back during the holidays and I did have 1 episode of  b/c I ate a super thin piece of SF Monkey bread... and I paid the price... 

How is everyone else's holiday season?  I hope you stop in to leave me a message if your taking the time to check in on me...


3 1/2 Months Post-Op and My Wedding Anniversary!!!

Nov 18, 2008

WELL Happy Anniversary to me and My Handsome hubby!!! It has been 2 yrs of marriage and 5 yrs total!!! And it seems to be getting easier (with exception for the last two days, LOL) Does the stress of an empending anniversary cause issues in anyone eleses relationships?  Maybe it's just me.. I dont know...

Okay so I am down a total of 84 lbs since the start of my Baratric Process and since surgery I am down 68 lbs!!!  I am wearing a size 14 now and some of my 14's a kinda getting loose...  I LOVE my RNY!!!!

1 Day before my 3 Month Surgiversary!!!

Oct 29, 2008

Hi Everyone!

Today is a good day! I am nearly 3 months out, I haven't had much problems aside from the clumps of my hair falling out of my head and my clothes all falling off of me (the rants of a skinny Bitch!!! J/K totally not skinny! LOL). 

When I began the process I weighed about 271 and at surgery I weighed 255 and today I weighed 195 so total loss of 65lbs since surgery!!! YEA!!!!

And my Clothes... I was a size 22 (a tight fitting 22) and had not seen the teens in years!!! Well this morning I am wearing a size 14 suit I got at Ross for $20.00. This is is a double accomplishment, you can't ever find FAT clothes for 20 buck unless it's a T-shirt!

I am still struggling with getting in all my protein and vitamins and water but I am now making a consious effort to work on these struggles... I will accomplish this goal in the next month or so.  I am playing with recipes, and alot of them I like and my family likes so this is a major sucsess for me!!!

For those of you are still contemplating surgery... this surgery is a "Tool" and only a "Tool" it is up to you to use it, if you choose to use it and maintane your tool (IE Protein, Vitamins, Meal Choices, and Water) it works and you will see a lot of success!!!  If you can not make the commiment to this "Tool" it is better for your health not to make this decision.  This decision was the best decision for me but don't get me wrong it definately was not an easy decision to make AND there are continued struggles for a long while even after surgery...

Stall Busters...

Oct 22, 2008

Courtesy of our Cowboy!

You could just go into induction and start low carbing it, use the ketone strips or your to postiviely track how you're progressing, the allowed food llist is as follows:

All fish including:

  • Flounder
  • Herring
  • Salmon
  • Sardines
  • Sole
  • Tuna
  • Trout

All fowl including:

  • Cornish Hen
  • Chicken
  • Duck
  • Goose
  • Pheasant
  • Quail
  • Turkey

All shellfish including:

  • Clams
  • Crabmeat
  • Mussels*
  • Oysters*
  • Shrimp
  • Squid

*Oysters and mussels are higher in carbs so limit to about 4 ounces per day.

All meat including:

  • Bacon*
  • Beef
  • Ham*
  • Lamb
  • Pork
  • Veal
  • Venison

*Be aware of processed meat and that some may be cured with sugar, which will add to the carbohydrate count. Also steer clear of meats with added nitrates.

Eggs are one of nature's most nutritious creations. That’s why eggs are a staple breakfast in the Atkins Nutritional Approach.

Feel free to get creative with your eggs, add mushrooms and onions, or even green pepper. Top them off with feta cheese or add spices like basil and oregano.

All Eggs including:

  • Deviled
  • Fried
  • Hard-boiled
  • Omelets
  • Poached
  • Scrambled
  • Soft-boiled

Keep in mind that cheese does contain carbs, about 1 gram per once. You may have about 3 to 4 ounces of cheese per day. An ounce is about the size of an individually wrapped slice of American cheese.

Cheese including:

Type Serving Size Net Carbs
Blue cheeses 1 oz 0.7
Cheddar ½ cup 0.0
Cow, sheep and goat 1 oz 0.3
Cream cheese 1 oz 0.8
Feta 1 oz 1.2
Gouda 1 oz 0.6
Mozzarella 1 oz 0.6
Parmesan 1 tbs 0.2
Swiss 1 oz 1.0



You should be eating approximately 12 to 15 net carbs a day from vegetables, which is equivalent to several cups depending on the Net Carb count of vegetable used.

1 cup is equal to approximately the size of a baseball

Vegetable Serving Size/Prep Net Carbs
Alfalfa sprouts 1 cup/raw 0.4
Argula ½ cup/raw 0.2
Bok choy 1 cup/raw 0.8
Celery 1 stalk 0.8
Chicory Greens ½ cup/raw 0.6
Chives 1 tablespoon 0.1
Cucumber ½ cup 1.0
Daikon ½ cup 1.0
Endive ½ cup 0.0
Escarole ½ cup 0.0
Fennel 1 cup 3.6
Jicama ½ cup 2.5
Lettuce Iceberg ½ cup 0.1
Mushrooms ½ cup 1.2
Parsley 1 tablespoon 0.1
Peppers ½ cup/raw 2.3
Radicchio ½ cup/raw 0.7
Radishes 10/raw 0.9
Romaine lettuce ½ cup 0.2


The following vegetables are slightly higher than the salad vegetables listed above; they also provide important nutrients and add variety to your daily foods. Make sure you stay within the 12-15 grams net carbs.

Vegetable Serving Size/ Prep Net Carbs
Artichoke ¼ of medium/boiled 4.0
Asparagus 6 spears/boiled 2.4
Artichoke hearts 1 canned in water 1.0
Avocadoes 1 whole/raw 3.5
Bamboo shoots 1 cup/boiled 1.1
Broccoli boiled ½ cup 1.6
Broccoli raw ½ cup 1.0
Broccoli rabe 1 ounce 1.3
Broccoflower ½ cup 1.4
Brussels sprouts ¼ cup boiled 2.4
Cabbage ½ cup boiled or raw 2.0
Cauliflower ½ cup boiled or raw 1.0
Chard ½ cup swiss/boiled 1.8
Collard greens ½ cup boiled 4.2
Eggplant ½ cup boiled/raw 1.8
Hearts of palm 1 heart 0.7
Kale ½ cup 2.4
Kohlrabi ½ cup 4.6
Leeks ¼ cup boiled 1.7
Okra ½ cup boiled/raw 2.4
Olives green 5 2.5
Olives black 5 0.7
Onion ¼ cup raw 2.8
Pumpkin ¼ cup boiled 2.4
Rhubarb ½ cup unsweetened 1.7
Sauerkraut ½ cup canned/drained 1.2
Peas ½ cup edible podded 3.4
Spaghetti squash ½ cup boiled 2.0
Spinach ½ cup raw 0.2
Summer squash ½ cup boiled 2.0
Tomato 1 raw 4.3
Turnips ½ cup boiled 2.2
Water chestnuts ½ cup canned 6.9
Zucchini ½ cup sautéed 2.0

Salad Garnishes
Crumbled bacon 3 slices 0.0
Diced hard-boiled egg 1 egg 0.0
Grated cheeses (see above carb counts)  


Herbs and Spices (make sure they contain no added sugar)

Basil 1 tbs 0.0
Cayenne pepper 1 tbs 0.0
Cilantro 1 tbs 0.0
Dill 1 tbs 0.0
Garlic 1 clove 0.9
Ginger 1 tbs sliced root 0.8
Oregano 1 tbs 0.0
Pepper 1 tbs 0.0
Rosemary 1 tbs 0.0
Sage 1 tbs 0.0
Tarragon 1 tbs 0.0
Sautéed mushrooms ½ cup 1.0
Sour cream 2 tbs 1.2


Salad Dressings - Any prepared salad dressing with no added sugar and no more then two net carbs per serving (1 - 2 tablespoons is a serving)

Blue Cheese 2 tbs 2.3
Caesar 2 tbs 0.5
Italian 2 tbs 3.0
Lemon juice 2 tbs 2.8
Oil and vinegar 2 tbs 1.0
Ranch 2 tbs 1.4



Fats and Oils – No net carbs here, but keep in mind the serving size is approximately 1 tablespoon.

  • Butter
  • Mayonnaise – make sure there is no added sugar
  • Olive oil
  • Vegetable oils – especially good if they are labeled “cold pressed” or “expeller pressed” One of the best oil to use is olive oil.
    • Canola
    • Walnut
    • Soybean*
    • Grape seed
    • Sesame
    • Sunflower*
    • Safflower

*Do not allow these oils to reach high temperatures when cooking. Use olive oil for sautéing.

Artificial Sweeteners

  • Splenda – one packet equals 1 carb


  • Clear broth/ bouillon (make sure there are no sugars added)
  • Club soda
  • Cream – heavy or light, be sure to note the carb count
  • Decaffeinated or regular coffee and tea*
  • Diet soda - be sure to note the carbs
  • Flavored Seltzer (must say no calories)
  • Herb tea (no barley or fruit sugar added)
  • Water – at least 8 eight ounce glasses per day including...
    • Filtered water
    • Mineral water
    • Spring water
    • Tap water

* One to two cups of caffeinated tea or coffee is allowed as desired and tolerated by each individual. If you experience symptoms of hypoglycemia or cravings as a result, do not use caffeine. If you have a true caffeine addiction, it is best to break that habit during the induction phase.

Okay so it been a while, ... I am sorry!

Oct 21, 2008

Hi Everyone!

So it's kinda been a while since my last post, but I am hoping to get back into the swing of things...

Well things are getting back to normal since Ike, I am slowly progressing with my weightloss, I am now at 198lbs!  Yes I am finally in Onderland!

Oh and just this past weekend I realized that I am just starting to fit into size 14's!!!!!!  OMG, I know I am totally freaking out too!

I have been trying some recipes from the Recipes Forum and from Eggfaces Blog. And let me tell you, if there is something that your craving Go THERE! If you are like me and don't ever know what to eat GO THERE!  If your trying to make Family-Friendly foods beleive me they are there or ask and someone somewhere knows them!

Okay so the bads: I haven't been working out, I haven't been getting in my proteins, I haven't been taking my vatamins, I haven't ben getting in my water, and guess what my hair is falling out!!!  but I know why.... totally my own fault, I know!

oh and on top of that my job security is GONE!!!! We are going through a merger, there is tremondous overlap, and I may lose my job!

I need some motivation!  Anyone got any inspiring words for me???  

Okay Ike's Aftermath

Sep 15, 2008

We are 7 days Post-Ike, and I still have no power!

Today is my first day back at work!

And it doesn't look like I will get power until After Monday!

OOOH not to mention that finding stuff to eat is awful!  The Grocery stores are still very bare and it is really hard to figure out how to cook something Semi-healthy that is not BBQ-ued! 

So I have good news and bad news... The good news is that local fast food joints and restaraunts are beginning to open back up... The bad news is that I am addicted to Fast Food!!!

Okay but at least everyone is safe... At least there was no terrible damage...At least I still have a paycheck coming in ... And at least I am still Losing weight! 
I am down to 212!!!!!!!!!!!

Week 6

Sep 10, 2008

Okay I am 6 weeks out-

I have to say that I am beginning to notice my bad habits:
     ~ Not having my daily required amounts of Vitamins/Protein
     ~ Not eating the right stuff i.e. veggies
     ~ Eating too fast
     ~ Eating out ( I am eating stuff like soup, and lean cooked stuff)

I know that this is a learning experience, but I wish I were in more control mentally!  I know this will come slowly but surely...

As for my goals, Let me made a list so I can check back and see what I've accomplished:
     ~ take at least 50-60g of protein DAILY
     ~ Work out 4x a week, for 45 mins of more
     ~write down my daily intake of foods and vitamins*****
     ~ Try a new Bariatric recipe at least once a week

Now, ... My numbers.  I have lost 40 lbs since surgery! and 55 since start of the bariatic process.  I am in a size 18 pants, but they are getting baggy I will be so estatic when I can fit into a size 14/16 pant!!!!

Week 4

Aug 27, 2008

Okay I think I have hit my first plateau, I have been at 225 for about a week and a half, yesterday I weighed my seld and it said 222 but that is the first variance that I've seem in a while!

maybe I am getting out of my slump

What do you all do durring these times?  Am I eating more? is it my body just adjusting? What do I do?

I have to admit I am starting to feel myself falling into a SLUMP, I don't feel like I am losing weight, I really don't feel great after working out, I am really scared that I will not lose enough weight ot that I'll just stop losing.

What should I do or What am I doing wrong?   

Week Three ...

Aug 21, 2008

Okay so I am beginning to feel some side affects of maybe the malnutrition??  I get really light headed and tingly in my head.

maybe b/c I am not drinking my protein shake like I should be??? Does anyone eles get these episodes?

I have not gone to bought any other protein shakes, but maybe I should do that today.  Fishermary gave me some really great options for getting in my protein, I think its about time to utilize those other options!

I am still at 225lbs down 30lbs from surgery day! 

About Me
houston, TX
Surgery Date
Jul 17, 2008
Member Since

Friends 42

Latest Blog 17
A few day Post my 4 month Surgiversary
3 1/2 Months Post-Op and My Wedding Anniversary!!!
1 Day before my 3 Month Surgiversary!!!
Stall Busters...
Okay so it been a while, ... I am sorry!
Okay Ike's Aftermath
Week 6
Week 4
Week Three ...
