It's been a while

Nov 13, 2006

Well, I went to a WLS support group meeting Sunday.  My first in almost 3 years.  I thoroughly enjoyed it.  I will have to make time to attend more often.  I was actually able to share knowledge with people.  What I've wanted to do in this job for over a year.  I met many people with successful weight loss and many people on their journey.  I was proud of what I've accomplished again.  Sometimes I forget how far I came and the work I had to do to get here.  

I can't remember if I wrote about my upcoming plastic surgery.  I am having a revision to the abdominoplasty and he's fixing my belly button and an adhesion that developed in my left breast.  It's scheduled for 12/22 at 2:15.  I am so ready.  I will feel complete then (I think).

Thanks for reading. Dawna

That plastic surgeon...

Nov 02, 2006

Well, went to see the doc yesterday.  I am scheduled for a abdominal revision on 12/22.  I cannot wait!  I wish I could have it tomorrow!  I know I will feel 100% better about myself.  I have an adhesion in my left breast that he is going to release.  I decided I am going to live with my breasts the way they are for a while before I decide to have any more surgery on them.  Anyway, I am really excited!


The ups and downs of my life...

Oct 31, 2006

Well I interviewed for the new job yesterday.  It was rather bitter sweet.  I got the job offer and I am really excited to get back to a nursing job that I really loved, but to do it I have to give up (put the final nail in the coffin) of my bariatric program.  The change is what is best for Drew and I.  I just have to realize that I did my best, but I cannot change the insurance industry.

I go to the plastic surgeon this afternoon.  I am excited yet nervous.  I am interested in what he suggests in this revision.  I'll update after the visit.

Took Drew trick or treating last night.  He was Fred from Scooby Doo.  He had a blast.  We walked about 3 miles of neighborhoods and I bet only 15 or 20 people had porch lights on and were giving treats.  Seems Halloween is loosing it's tradition.

Thats it for now. Dawna


Jul 11, 2006

Well, I have the money for the surgery and that's all. I had to have a crown made for a broken tooth and that set me back to the tune of $200 (and I still owe $123) and imagine that's with the expensive insurance!

Anyway, Cheryl has sent me half the money she said she would and I am expecting the other half soon. My surgery is 13 days away. I am so excited. I cannot wait. It is time to just do it. I am so glad that I buckled down, got a second job and went for it. I am amazed that it only took 4 months of working a second job and saving every extra dime (though there have been a couple of extravagent expenses along the way) to get this together.

I got this all approved to be off through my boss. She is now on medical leave and people are getting nervous about me being off. One of the VP's asked for an e-mail outling the plan for what will happen while I am off, since I am the only one that can do my job (I wonder what would happen if I were hit by a Mack truck tomorrow {I really don't, delete that Universe} but you get my point). Anyway, I will leave a voice mail about what is going on, encourage potential pt to leave their name, number and address and the surgery admin. assistant will mail out the packets. The potential patients will be encouraged to ask for a phone call if they have questions that they would like answered. I will return those calls on Fridays. Patients with medical issues will be instructed to contact their surgeons. It should be fine. I don't really have any worries.

I have been shopping for sports bras with front zip closures for the reduction. The only place I found them was target and sears. I liked the sears brand better and it was cheaper. I think I am going to get a couple this weekend.

I purchased some arnica for post op to reduce swelling and bruising. I think I am going to try to find some Bromelain too. The one I found at the health food store was $17 a bottle. I thought I would check around a bit.

Something I forgot to mention, but is great... I am going to have an On Q pain buster for the abdominoplasty. I am very glad for this as I want my recovery to go as smoothly as possible and I personally think pain inhibits healing. Anyway, my surgeon doesn't routinely use them (actually doesn't use them at all). His nurse said she would talk with him about it, but not to be disappointed if he said no. Well, I got on the phone with the On-Q rep (he is working closely with my bariatric surgeons) and he said he would call on my ps and he would provide me one for FREE!! I am so glad. Anyway, my ps agreed if I paid for my own On-Q so.... I am set. The rep will be here for my surgery to show my surgeon what to do and I will have a pump... See how God works. Ask and it is done.

I can't wait to see my results. It is all I think about. I am so ready. It has been a long time coming. I see so many people have ps just after their 1 year. I don't think I would have been ready then. I don't think I would have appreciated it the way I will now. I am completely different now than I was 2 years ago. I know what life is like thin. I know how to function and I think that waiting will only make this moment sweeter. Thank you God.

Well I have rambled on quite enough. Dawna


Jun 27, 2006

6/28/06 Nervous

I am feeling nervous today. Not about my surgery, although I should be, I feel confident that it will go fine. I purchased our tickets to go see Cheryl. I had to take the $$ out of savings (to the tune of $1440). Cheryl is supposed to send me $500 to help out with the costs. I hope she is able to send it soon.

It looks like the up front cost of my surgery will be $4400 ($3300 + $1000 deductible) surgeon fee and $2165 surgicenter fee. I will also be billed 20% of the BR fee for the surgeon, surgicenter, and anesthesia fees. I guess they bill these since you have to do the math based on allowable, contracted rates. It should come to over $600 and I'll be able to pay it later. Anyway, I should have all the $$ in the bank by 7/10. Then everything else I sock away is spending money. With what Cheryl is sending me + what I earn, we should be able to get some good souveniers. I can't wait for my surgery and then I can't wait for the trip. I need some time off.

Cheryl is pretty lonely. I feel bad for her, but it is kind of what happens when you run away to a far away land. I miss her bunches and hope she comes home soon.


Jun 20, 2006

June 21

Happy Summer to all. I am proud to report that I have a surgery date. I am scheduled for an OP breast reduction and abdominoplasty on July 25. I cannot wait. I am past ready! I am doing my best to be in the best shape of my life going in. I re-joined the gym and have been working out almost daily. At least 30-40 minutes 5 days a week. I feel good. Right now I am just tuckered out. I am thinking of scheduling a physical with my MD to get some labs done and make sure I am good and healthy going in, they don't do PAT's where I'm going, so the lab will be drawn the morning of surgery. I don't want to get some nasty surprise and get cancelled when it has been difficult to get the time off and everything arranged. I am planning to take 3 weeks off. The third week, Drew and I are going to see Cheryl. It will be really lovely!


june 1 2006

May 31, 2006

June 1
Thought it was time for an update. I weighed in this am at 151. I am pretty excited about that. I have been mid to upper 150's for a while. I have been doing well with intakes and have been doing some core strengthening exercises with a stability ball. I really like it and I can feel it (wish I had gotten it before I bought the ab louger). Anyway, I feel stronger in my abdomen. I have also been "playing" in the pool. Drew and I run around and around to make a whirlpool. It's fun for him and exercise for me. I only allow myself in the pool after having completed some yard or house chore that I don't want to do. So this plan has been successful on several levels.

I am still working my part time job. I have managed to sock away nearly $4000. I am pretty proud of this since I just started saving in mid April. The abdmonioplasty quote I received is for 6493, so I am well on my way. I am going to my second consult next week. I am also looking at having a breast reduction at the same time. I would like insurance to pay something. We'll see what the doc thinks. If the ins. won't approve I will just have the abdominoplasty. I will see whose price is right with the best outcomes and go that direction.

This Monday, my program will perform it's first gastric bypass. I am excited and nervous. I can't wait (for it to be over and successful!) We have a second case scheduled and 2 more to line up over the following month. It's heating up!



Apr 27, 2006

I am so glad it is Friday. I am so tired. This will be my first weekend off since the 1st of April. It has allowed me to put away quite abit toward my abdominoplasty. I have a little over a thousand in the bank and am expecting almost 50 hours worth of pay today and tomorrow from the nh. I expect to be close to 2 thousand very soon. I have been investigating plastic surgeons who actually accept insurance. There is one in Rogers that actually has priv. at WRMS. If I have the surgery outpatient there, I will get a 50% discount. Now I have to find out how OR and anesthesia costs compare. I may come out better paying full price at an outpatient center. I do get a discount at North Hills also. Anyway... the reason I looked in to insured plastic surgeons is because I NEED a breast reduction. I had surgery 3 years ago and have gone from a 48 DD to a 32 DD. My cup is just full of skin now. I would LOVE to experience what a B cup feels like. I have chronic back and shoulder pain that I have treated with tylenol and massage. I have grooves in my shoulders from the bra staps. The requirement is to have to have 350 grams removed from each breast. That is 3/4 of a pound. What a relief that would be. I would like to have these surgeries (reduction and abdominoplasty) at the same time, as I don't imagine I will undergo any other surgeries. I would like the insurance to pay some of the OR costs and anesthesia costs. We'll see how it goes. I'll just keep putting away all my little dollars...


Apr 11, 2006

Well, I joined I highly rec. it. I like it better than fitday. Anyway, I am on the fast break where you spend a week or 2 building momentum to focus on your habits. It helps you set quick and easy goals during this time. Anyway, my goals were to log my calories (everyday, not doing so hot but I went back and logged them), 10 min of cardio a day and strength train 2 days a week (it sets up a quick and simple weight training program for you), and to journal. So I am fulfilling that here. As you can see I am a couple of days lacking but...

I am buckling down. It has helped. I am at least under 160 again (157.8) and I am going to stay. I set my long term goal at 130 ( I think by August, we'll see.) I am going walking with Ann in a few min so at least my cardio will be done.

I started part time at a nursing home. I didn't really like it. I don't like the way it is run. It was for $20 an hour weekend supervisor. I applied at the nursing home right by the hospital where I can get every other weekend. They will pay me $22 and hour and the job is more what I am accustomed to. The DON seems very down to earth. I am filling out the paperwork for their position this afternoon.

I have done the math and if I save $200 from each hospital pay check, along with my paychecks from the nursing home (and other income) I will have enough to pay for my abdominoplasty by mid august. I can't wait. I will go ahead and schedule it for the beginning of October. That way if something comes up, I will be able to take care of it. I can hardly wait. I've got the math posted all over so that it is always on my mind. I can do it. No getting distracted! No big time over spending, I've got to put all my money away!

Will be back soon, Dawna


Mar 28, 2006

It's been a long time again. I just stay in the dog house don't I. Well....what can I say? I have been out of control with my eating. Pathetically out of control. I don't know what has come over me but I have got to get myself straight. I started today because I stepped on the scale this morning and weight 161.8 I am really angry at myself. There really is no excuse. It doesn't matter that it is cold, I can exercise inside. It doesn't matter that I am depressed, food doesn't cure it.

I have diagnosed myself as a compulsive eater, not an emotional eater. I do not eat b/c I am happy or sad (though I do eat out of boredom). I eat b/c it is there and I NEED to eat it until it is gone. I NEED to eat it, not want to. I have been coping with this by going shopping often and only buying a little bit so that it won't undermine my eating. I still eat it all, but I only bought a small amount. It is a pain in the but. It helps me cope.

My job is getting busier. I was in the newspaper this weekend. Many people have approached me and can't believe the difference in me.

Gonna sign off for now. If my profile seems disjointed sorry, I edited it so it could be public.


About Me
Springdale, AR
Surgery Date
Mar 16, 2003
Member Since

Friends 2

Latest Blog 14
It's been a while
That plastic surgeon...
The ups and downs of my life...
june 1 2006
