Size 10 Petite!!

Sep 18, 2007

I went shopping today.  I broke down and bought me a pair of jeans. I have none that fit anymore. I wasn't sure what size I am in so I started with the the 12's. Those were too BIG!  I got a 10 regular and a 10 petite. Well the regular was too loose but the petite fit. I probably could of tried a size smaller but it would of been snug. I can't stand to the feel of tight jeans. So I am happy today!!


Sep 18, 2007

I been walking for awhile now and I am going to step it up and jog part of my way. I started yesterday. I want to work myself up to the whole distance jogging. I know that will take time. My dream is to jog with my husband who loves to run. My legs are sore today. I know its because I jogged yesterday. This morning I jogged alittle more than yesterday. The only thing I hate is my boobs. They are so big and I am wearing two sports bras. I hate when I am jogging and my boobs are boucing all over the place. The time I walk/jog is the time the soldiers are going to work. I've had a few long stares. Uggh!!!  


Sep 13, 2007

Its been awhile since I've gotten sick. The other day I tried some of that blue bell anniversary cake icecream.  I might of had two spoon fulls. I just wanted to taste it. Well it made me sick. I ended up throwing it back up. I guess it was too much sugar. I've had icecream before and it didn't make me sick before. I won't be trying it anytime soon. I hate throwing up!  

My scale started moving again! Yayy! I had hit a plateau. This week I didn't get to walk. I've had sick kids home from school.  I should get back on track next week.

Oh and I am going do my blood work today when Ronald gets home from work. Uggh I hate needles!!!


Sep 07, 2007

I'm sick. I have a cold. I took some OTC cold meds but its making me feel worse. The part that sucks the most is that my sinus are draining in my stomach...well its really making me feel like I need to puke. I'm drinking alot of water trying to keep my pouch flushed. To top it all off I started my period too...uugh Lovely! I did however go for my morning walk. I am walking 3.5 miles everyday now. I really wanted to go back to bed but I went for my walk. I am ready to see my 130's!!  I'm close and getting there!

I called....

Sep 05, 2007

Dr. Chung's office this morning. My paper work to get my blood work done is on its way as of today. I should get it by Friday. I'll go do it on Monday. I hate blood work... I have small, deep, rolling veins. I asked and I have to get 7 tubes of blood. I sure hope I don't pass out. The last time I had to get that much I almost passed out.  

I went walk this morning. It sure was hot. I'm sleepy now because I just got out the shower. Too bad Camille wasn't ready for her nap.

Tired Lately

Sep 04, 2007

Lately I been very tired. I think I might not be getting enough protein. I hate the protein drinks so I try to eat my meat and eggs daily. I also have not done my 6 month blood work... I know I know. Its just when I was supposed to get it done my hubby wasn't here. I also didn't get my paper to have it done. I could almost bet you it came when I was in the process of moving and I did my address change a few days late. So now I need to call Dr. Chung's office to see if they can send me what I need. 

Overall I am doing fine. Today I ran into someone who hasn't seen me since right after my surgery. I was waving at her and at first she didn't know who I was. For a moment I forgot I am 90 pounds smaller. She was like WOW you look so different. :))  

Well thats about it for now...

Hair Loss

Aug 30, 2007

When I was about 3 or 4 months post op I started to lose my hair. I was really depressed about it. Hand fulls at a time would come out. The sad part is that I don't have thick hair so what I was losing it was showing. My sister in law is a hair dresser and she got me some nioxin shampoo/conditioner/scalp treatment. I started using it and within weeks my hair stop falling out. Now I have lots of new growths. I wanted to put this out there for anyone who may have the hair loss going on.

Walking and update

Aug 29, 2007

Well since the kids started school I been walking every morning with my neighbor. Camille (my baby) loves the walk too. I am planning on trying to start going the gym. We have a gym here on post and its free to use. I just need a babysitter. My husband has a new job and some days is home before the kids get home from school. I am planning on using those days to hit the gym. I have to lose these 20 pounds before my brothers wedding. I also really need to get back to drinking more water. 

Now there is nothing I eat that upsets my stomach. For the longest time milk made me sick. Lately I've been having small amounts and its not upsetting my stomach, Yayy :) 

Well that is about it for now. I need to go to bed.


Aug 22, 2007

I know its been forever since I posted.  I am doing great.  I feel awesome!! I am down almost 90 pounds. I have about 20 more to go and I will be at my goal weight. My weight loss has slowed down alot. I find now I need to walk or exercise to see the scale move. :( But its all worth it! 

Checking In

Feb 24, 2007

Well its been awhile since I updated. Things are going great for me. I am down 52 pounds. I am feeling great. I am running out of clothes to wear which is awesome. I used to run out of things to wear because I gained weight. Now its the other way around.

About Me
Fort Polk, LA
Surgery Date
Nov 14, 2006
Member Since

Friends 60

Latest Blog 20
Size 10 Petite!!
I called....
Tired Lately
Hair Loss
Walking and update
Checking In
