Jeffrey W. Kolff

"My first impression of the doctor was that he looked very young, which made me nervous. It turnes out he just has a baby face and is older than he appeared. The office staff is amazing. They just moved to a new state of the art facility where the entire second floor is all for weight loss surgery. Futur patients should know that this office is very thorough. Nothing will be done quickley. It is a long process the quickest being6 months. Everyone must attend an information seminar first then from there you have to go to a lot of different doctors to have check ups and tons of blood work. All this helps you in terms of insurance approval. rn I do have one complain regarding my procedure, this is that i was told I would awake from surgery in ICU and that did not happen so my visitors thought they could not see me because it was past ICU visiting hours. I spent the 1st night alone. Also the hospital staff did not do a lot of things the doctor said they would. It seems the ball was dropped between the hospital staff and the surgon. They did not communicate well. My surgon was suprised that they never called him when the staff should have. Also I was told I would see a pain managment specialist due to special issues i had. The surgon promised me this consult and it did not occure till 36 hours after surgery. I ended up without any pain relief until 36 hours later. My parents had to make a stink in order for my surgon to be called regarding this issue. i suffered in horrific pain for no reason. The hospital staff was lazy and did not study my case personally and did not give me my CPAP the entire time I was in the hospital. They forgot. My surgon was great the hospital needs to pay more attention to individuals persons needs."
About Me
Surgery Date
Sep 21, 2008
Member Since

Friends 13
