WOW!!! So much to catch up on!!

May 01, 2009

Just wanted to take a minute to give a quick update.  It's amazing how fast life can pass you by!!  Scott and I got married on April 24, 2009 in a beautiful intimate ceremony with just the two of us and a preacher (of course!) in the awesome Smoky Mountains in Gatlinburg, TN.  It was everything I could have ever imagined it to be.  The weather was absolutely gorgeous and we had a great time.  He makes me so happy!!!  I am truly blessed.

My weight has basically stayed the same for about the past 6-8 months.  I keep losing and gaining the same 3-4 lbs.  It's my fault though, as I don't always follow the rules and am bad to still stress eat.  I do still dump sometimes if I really overindulge but it scares me that I can eat like I do.  I know that I have to get some control over this before it takes control over me.  I copied the 5 day pouch test off of someone's profile so that I will always have it to help remind me of what and how I am supposed to be eating.  As far as exercise goes, I am so not good at it!!!  I hate it!!!  I have no willpower as far as making myself develope and stick to an exercise plan.  Another thing I really have to start working on if I want to be successful in the long term.  One day at a time. . .

Brandon is doing good.  We had a health scare with him regarding some seizure like episodes he was having.  But it all turned out good and after extensive treatment, it was determined that he was suffering from severe panic attacks.  He is doing so much better now, thank God!!  He's driving and needless to say, I am a nervous wreck!!  He does good but I make him so nervous.  I'm not the best driving teacher to have!!

Welll, that's about it for now.  Till next time. . .

5 Day Pouch Test

May 01, 2009

Day 1 & 2- Liquid Protein = low carb protein shakes, broth, clear or cream soups, sugar free gelatin and pudding. You can have as much of these as you need to satisfy your hunger. In addition, you need to drink at least 6 x 8oz glasses of water.

Day 3 - Soft Protein = canned fish, eggs, fresh soft fish. You can eat as much and as often as you want but you only get 15 minutes to eat. There's no drinking 30 minutes before or after meals, or with your meals.

Day 4 - Firm Protein = ground meat, shellfish, scallops, lobster, fresh salmon, or halibut. Same rules as previous day.

Day 5 - Solid Protein = white meat poultry, beef steak, pork, lamb, wild game. Same rules as previous day


How time flies. . .

Jul 25, 2008

Wow!!!  I cannot believe that it's been over a year now since my surgery.  What a year of changes it's been ~ both physically and mentally!!!  As of today, I have lost a total of 133 lbs!!!  How awesome is that????  The sad part of that is that I still see myself as weighing 305 lbs. Don't know if that will ever get any better.  I feel great though and get wonderful compliments from people who knew me "before" and see me for the first time now so that helps a lot with my self esteem.

My personal life is going great.  Scott is the best thing that has ever happened to me.  He loves me unconditionally and tells me constantly how beautiful I am.  We just bought a house together and I love it!!  He treats me like a princess and I am so blessed to have him in my life. 

Well, that's about it for now.  I will try to do better about updating.  I love to read about other people's journies and hope that I can be an inspiration to others too!! 

Till next time. . .

Christmas 2007 ~ a time to reflect on all the changes . . .

Dec 25, 2007

Hello everyone and Merry Christmas!!!  Well, I'm coming up on my 6 month "surgiversary" and thought I'd give a quick update.  As of this morning, my weight is 213 lbs.  That's 92 pounds down from my all time high of 305 lbs!!  While that sounds so incredible to me, I really cannot see the difference.  All my family and friends say that I am crazy for not being able to see it but what can I say.  I just don't see it.  I know that is pretty typical from what I've read on other's profiles.  I really don't understand why we have such a hard time seeing what everyone else does.  I still feel like I am that fat ugly girl I was before surgery and that makes me sad.  I want to feel better about myself because I know what it took for me to get to this point.   A lot of changes have taken place for me in 2007 and while most of them have been good, a lot of them have been stressful.  So I guess all in all, it's not surprising that I am having somewhat of a difficult time dealing with everything going on in my life at this time.  I'm hoping for brighter, skinnier days ahead for 2008!!!  

Till next time. . . 

Well, it's been a while. . .

Nov 25, 2007

. . . since I've updated this thing so here goes!!!!  I am coming up on my 5 month surgiversary and as of this morning I have lost a total of 81 lbs!!!  How awesome is that!!!!  As great as that has been, my life has very chaotic these past few months!!!  My husband and I have seperated for good and I am starting the divorce process.  Shortly after I had surgery, I had reconnected with a man I went to school with and even though neither of us was looking for a relationship beyond friendship, a higher power intervened and we fell in love.  So I decided that I would pursue a relationship with him since me and my husband had been separated since 2005 and even though we remained friends and talked or saw each other almost every day, I knew that I didn't want to remain married to him.  So life was going pretty good for me and then my husband was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer and everything fell apart.  I felt guilty for having feelings for another man and my husband was scared and begging me to give us another try so I decided that I needed to be there for him and do the wifely thing.  Well, of course that didn't work out.  I was scared for him but I don't love him like a wife is supposed to love her husband and I had all these feelings for this other man that I couldn't make go away.  So it became pretty ugly and I know that I hurt my husband by deciding to be with the other guy.  I feel bad about that and maybe I'm selfish but I feel like I deserve happiness.  If that makes me a bad person, then so be it.

Scott lives in Virginia and I was living in North Carolina and all my family was in Virginia so it just made sense to move back to Virginia.  So I packed up all my worldly possessions and moved me and my son back to Virginia.  So far things have gone really good for us.  Brandon (my son) has adjusted so much better than I thought he would to his new school and even though he misses his friends in NC, he doesn't complain and he is making new friends here in VA.  And there's always MySpace so he is able to keep in touch with his old friends.  I have found a job here as an Accounts Receivable clerk with a company that I worked for before I moved to NC so that has worked out well too.  Scott and I are doing really well.  We are adjusting to living together trying to learn each other's quirks and ways of doing things but all in all, everything is going well.  I've been busy trying to turn his bachelor pad apartment into a home for us and so far, so good!!!  He is really great at letting me do what I want as far as decorating goes!!  He is very opinionated and I know that all these changes haven't been real easy for him but he has been a real trooper!!  I have been really blessed and hope that continues!!

Well, I guess that's about all the news I have for now.  I'll try not to wait so long before I update again!!!  Thanks for reading and God bless!!

One month out ~ down 39 lbs!

Aug 19, 2007

Hello all.  This is supposed to be my one month update although it's actually been almost 6 weeks since surgery.  Life has been more than hectic lately.  We found out on Aug. 10th that my husband has Stage 4 colon cancer.  He will be undergoing chemo treatments for 4-6 weeks and then will have surgery to remove the entire colon and rectum.  The only good thing to come out of this is that we are in the process of restoring our relationship.  We have many issues that still need ironing out but we have both discovered that life is too short to let petty things get in the way.  

As far as my weight loss goes, I am doing o.k. I guess.  As of this morning, I have lost 50 lbs!!  My first big milestone.  I should be thrilled but I actually don't feel much of anything right now.  I guess the events of the past week have overshadowed everything.  I called my PCP last week and he gave me a prescrip for some depression meds.  I didn't want to do that but I know I need some help to get through this time.  I wore my cherry necklace and earrings all day today even though I didn't go anywhere except the grocery store!!  I am not doing well at all on getting in my protein or all my water and I falter from time to time with my vitamins.  This past week has been pure hell for me emotionally and physically and I can feel my body protesting.  I am determined to get back on track and stay there this week.  I will be no good to my husband if I am sick and he needs me to be strong for him at this time.  Sometimes I feel like I have been shattered into a million pieces and I just don't have the energy to put everything back together again.  Please keep me in your prayers as I struggle just to get through each day one day at a time.  

Till next time. . .

First post op visit

Aug 02, 2007

Hello.  Today I went for my first post op visit since surgery.  Their scales showed me a 19 lb loss but they used my pre op appointment which was a week before surgery as my starting weight.  On my scales on the morning of surgery, I had gained 2-3 lbs from their scales weight so I guess that is about right.  My scales say I've lost 23 lbs and that's what I'm going with!!  Besides, I always weigh first thing in the morning and this was at around 3 p.m. on their scales so I'm thinking my scale is probably pretty close to theirs.  Anywhoo, I'm sticking with mine!!!  

My visit went really well.  My surgeon was pleased with my progress and with how well I am healing.  The only bad thing is my iron level is low so that means another supplement.  I'm already so constipated that it ain't even funny and when I told him that, he said to add another Colace and some MOM if I need it. Man, I feel like a walking drug store!!  But we have to do what we have to do to be healthy I guess.  My nut increased my protein from 59 grams (which I thought was too low all along) to 73 grams!!!  Crap, I have no idea how I'm supposed to get all that in but I will do my best.  I have to increase my water intake from 48 oz to 64 oz.  That's going to be a struggle too but I will do it somehow!

I don't have to go back until Oct. 4th so hopefully by then I will be down at least 50 lbs!!  Till next time.
. .

One week post op update

Jul 17, 2007

Hello all.  Well, today marks my one week surgiversary!!  I have to say that so far I am doing absolutely fantastic!!!  The first 3-4 days were rough for me and I really wondered if I did the right thing by having the surgery but since then every day has gotten better and better!  All the soreness in my tummy is almost gone and I can sleep on either of my sides now and am anxiously awaiting the night I can finally sleep on my tummy again!!  Talk about heaven on earth!!! I have finally gotten into a pretty good routine with my eating, at least for now!  In the morning I have an 8 oz protein shake for breakfast (33 grams of protein), for lunch I will usually have some soup with some added unflavored protein (Unjury is the best!!!) or cheese or something like that, and then for dinner I'll usually do another 8 oz shake.  This helps me to get in my required 59+ daily grams of protein.  Then later in the evening if I need something, I will usually have some sf jello, sf pudding, or a popsicle.  I am finally getting the hang of taking all these supplements ~ after my morning shake I will take my Fintstones chewable multi vitamin, my chewable calcium, my Zantac, and my sublingual B-12.  Then after my evening shake, I will repeat this except for the B-12 since I only am required to do one of those per day.  I have only had one bad episode with food.  I tried 2 teeny tiny bites of pureed chicken salad (mush really!) and it sit very heavy.  I felt like I couldn't breathe and I wanted to throw up but couldn't.  I finally had to lay down for a few hours before I felt better.  Needless to say, I won't be having chicken salad again anytime soon!!  The only issue I am having right now is trying to get my required 48 oz of fluid in per day.  I am averaging around 40 oz counting the shakes so I hope I can improve on this pretty quickly.  I definitely don't want to get dehydrated!!!  I have had some head hunger which has been somewhat difficult to deal with but that seems to be improving day by day as well.

When I left the hospital on Thursday, I had gained 6 lbs from all the IV fluid they pump into you.  As of this morning, I have lost that 6 lbs plus 10 more!!!!!  Whoooo  Hoooo!!!!!  My highest weight before surgery was 305 lbs, surgery day weight was 292 lbs and today I am at 282 lbs.  So I am very pleased with my progress so far.  

Susan from Dr. Fuzz's office called me today to see how I was doing and when I told her I felt great she said Fuzz said I could go back to work on Monday if I wanted to.  So I was happy about that!!  I am financially strapped at the moment and short term disability would kick in next week if I had to be out and since that is only 60% of my salary I would really be hurting!!!  So that is working out well for me.  God is good!!!

Well, I guess that is all I need to report on at the moment.  I've got a protein shake calling my name!  Till next time. . .

Surgery day!!!

Jul 12, 2007

Hello all.  Well, I came home from the hospital yesterday and thought I'd post about my journey.  **WARNING** Some of this is not too pleasant so if you are faint of heart, stop reading now!!  Let me preface this post first by saying that my hubby and I are legally seperated and have been for a while now but remain good friends and since we aren't divorced yet, I refer to him in this post as my hubby.  This is just clarification for anyone reading this that thinks we may still be living a "married" life.  He did stay the night before surgery at my house (slept in the spare room!) just because I had to be at the hospital so early in the morning and as he lives about 45 minutes away from me, it was more feasible for him to stay here. And the only other family I have here is my Mom who was staying with my 14 year old so that is why hubby stayed with me in the hospital.  He was a huge help and I appreciate all that he has done for me.  Anywho, just wanted to clarify things a bit on that subject.

O.K., the hospital called me on Monday afternoon to tell me that surgery was scheduled for 7 a.m. and to check in at surgical services at 6 a.m.  I was to take a shower Monday night using bacterial soap and then again on Tuesday morning.  My surgeon does not require a bowel prep the day before but I guess I think I'm smarter than him or something because I decided I was going to drink some of that nasty magnesium citrate just to ensure that I was good and cleaned out.  So on Monday when I got home from work I measured out 8 ozs of that foul stuff and drank it.  The bottle said that it should start working anywhere from one hour to six hours after injesting it.  So I waited and waited and waited.  Nothing happened.  Around 10:30 p.m. I decided I should drink the other 2 oz that was left in the bottle so I did.  Went to bed around 11 p.m.  Nothing happening.  Got up at 4 a.m. to get my shower and get ready to go to the hospital.  Had my shower and was waiting for hubby to get ready when I felt the rumbling in the tummy.  No cramping or anything, just thought I'd better go sit on the pot for a while.  Well, I barely made it!!!  Not to be gross or anything, but it was pure water coming out of me.  So I thought, alrighty then, this is a good thing.  Well, I ended up going about 5 times in 20 minutes before we left for the hospital.  So I figured surely I must be empty now, right?? WRONG!!!!!  We are driving to Winston and almost got to the hospital when it hit me again!!  There was nowhere to stop to go to the bathroom so I am franticly praying that I can hold it till we get there.  Well, guess what ~~ yep, I didn't make it!!  Crapped right there all over myself in hubby's car!!!!  I thought I would die on the spot!!!  We got to the hospital and I had a towel that was in hubby's car so I wrapped that around me and went into the bathroom and cleaned myself up as best as I could!!  I was mortified!!!!  I threw my underwear away and cleaned up my pants as much as possible.  Thank goodness, it didn't make too much of a mess but I still ended up going about 5 or 6 more times before I was taken back for surgery!  So a word of advice ~~ don't think you are smarter than your doctor ~ if he doesn't say to do something, don't do it!!!

So we checked in at Surgical Services and then they called us back about 5 minutes later.  I had to get undressed and put on one of the lovely hospital gowns and socks.  The "put you to sleep guys" came in and started an IV and got me checked in.  I guess they must have given me some happy juice cause the next thing I remember is telling hubby good-bye and then I remember seeing those big lights in the OR and then I remember waking up moaning and someone telling me to take good deep breathes.  Man, I was in some kind of pain!!  I kept telling the nurse I was sorry for moaning and that I was hurting and she was telling me it was o.k. and to just breathe.  Then I remember a bumpy ride to my room and then I must have slept for a while because I woke up with oxygen in my nose and someone trying to take my vital signs.  I slept on and off for most of the evening (thanks to good pain medicine).  My mouth was very dry and they let me have an ice chip every once in a while and hubby kept chap stick on my lips.  I was able to get up and go pee so I was glad I didn't have any trouble with that.  

Wednesday I was feeling somewhat better and was able to get up and walk some and I think that really helped.  I still felt really tired but was able to sleep quite a bit and some friends from work stopped by for a few minutes that evening to see me.  I did not get anything to eat on Tuesday or Wednesday.  Breakfast was a cup of coffee which I didn't even touch and lunch was a bottle of water which I tried to sip on but I didn't really want it so it was hard to make myself drink.  They did bring me some diluted grape juice but after 2 sips my pouch was like "Um, no thank you!" so I didn't do too well with that either.  The nurse gave me some apple juice and I was able to tolerate it better than the grape juice.  

Thursday I was ready to go home!!  Fuzz came by that morning and said that they would be giving me some pureed food and if I tolerated that well, I could go home that afternoon.  Well, my food never got there till around noon and it was nasty!!  Pureed chicken, sweet potatoes, veggie soup, and peaches.  I managed a few bites of the sweet potatoes, a bite of the soup and a bite of the peaches.  I attempted a bite of the chicken but UUUUGGGHHH!!!!  Nasty!!  Anyway, Susan came by when I was eating and did my discharge teaching and then I went home around 1 p.m.  Oh, I almost forgot ~ I weighed 6 lbs more when I got home from the hospital than I did when I went in on Tuesday morning!

Today is Friday and I can honestly say that so far today has been the best day for me.  I am struggling to get in enough water and I don't want to eat but am making myself so that I can stay hydrated and keep my energy level up.  Well, I'm off to fix a protein shake and take a shower.  I'll update more later!  

Till next time. . .

Nutrition class was great!!

Jul 03, 2007

Hello all.  Today I went for my nutrition class and it was great!  I was having some anxiety about how I would do eating after surgery and I learned a lot today and feel so much better about things now.  Amber (my NUT) was very helpful and gave me lots of good info on how to get my protein in and what kinds of foods are best to eat.  She had some sample menus to follow and some good protein smoothie and high protein recipes.  She also gave me a "goodie" bag that had protein samples, vitamin samples, crystal light, and even a baby/toddler spoon to get me started!!!  So now I am ready for surgery.  Only 6 more days!!!!  

Till next time. . .

About Me
Somewhere in, VA
Surgery Date
Oct 13, 2006
Member Since

Friends 89

Latest Blog 29
How time flies. . .
Christmas 2007 ~ a time to reflect on all the changes . . .
Well, it's been a while. . .
One month out ~ down 39 lbs!
First post op visit
One week post op update
Surgery day!!!
Nutrition class was great!!
