New Pics My Five Year Anniversary & Haters!

Aug 05, 2012

OMG!! I can't believe I'm approaching my five year anniversary!!!! This road has definitely been long but through it all I never lost the faith and I kept on hanging on! The second part of my post is about HATERS!!!! You know its crazy how before a person will compliment you or tell you that you've inspired them they will hate! I'm sure its misdirected love and admiration but really that mess burns me up and FAMILY are the worst offenders! I can't tell you how many times someone has said "You only look good because you had Gastric..." or "You're too old to dress that way or hang out with us anymore..." Like really are you really serious right now. At first that stuff bothered me but now I take it with a grain of salt, dust my shoulders off and keep it moving! Well I'm here for any new OH family members who have questions concerns or doubts!!!
Love Ya.

Plastic Time

Oct 30, 2011

Hi Everyone I know its been a while since I've posted but I do log on regularly to check messages or visit other profiles... So the time has come where I'm itching for some Plastics. The only thing I really really want done is my tummy tuck. I have had the money to do it three times but each time I chickened out so this time I'm going to go ahead and bite the bullet. I don't know why it was so easy for me to just decide yes I want Gastric Bypass and I will do whatever it takes. But with the plastics its kind of harder to make the choice because you go back and forth in your mind about it alot. My breast have lost mass but my Victoria Secrets have me covered in that area. Soooo enough for now...TTYL

Open Forum.

Jan 08, 2011

hi Oh it's been three years since my surgery and I must say it's been a truly amazing and wonderful experience. This year I will dedicate all my posts to people who may have questions or post suggestions. Inbox me your requests. Stay healthy love you OH family Mwah


Nov 04, 2010

As I'm writing this right now I have tears in my eyes.. I've been so caught up in everything that I need to get "fixed" that I lost sight of how far I've truly come. When males and females approach me in AWE I wonder and I look around like what are they looking at, its just plain old me, but I took the time tonight and looked through some old pictures and some new ones, and I am amazed! I SAVED my own life, as I flipped thorugh the pictures I saw a woman in pain. One that had been attacked not only by other people, but also by herself. I was attacking myself! With food and unhealthy habits. I now LOVE myself and it shows. I no longer tolerate abuse in any form. Our bodies are screaming to be loved Goodnight...OH FAM
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Are you Anorexic?!?

Aug 11, 2010

Hello everyone I hope this post finds everyone in good spirits. Ok lets begin for starters I am a very private person and for a long time I held everything inside of me, I dont really know why..Well I do know, and it was because for so long people and my enviroment made me feel invalidated. Sure I excelled in school but I was overweight and my mother, my sisters and my classmates would never let me forget the fact that I was heavy. I remember so vivdly the cruel comments and the horrible treatment that I received from people simply because of something that I could not control at the time ( my weight). Now that I am smaller I find that people are still mean. If I had a dollar for every side glance or off the wall comment such as "Are you anorexic? or "Do you eat?" I would be rich! OH family tell me why is it, that people feel the need to focus on other people flaws so much that they can't see their own faults? Sheesh! Moving on.... I am also finding that I am standing up for myself and my self esteem is getting higher. I can not Thank God enough for giving me a new life, and although I have been tempted to use my new body and beauty for "evil" (money,cars,clothes,sex). I thank God for allowing me to remember just how far he has brought me, and for keeping me reminded of the path I was once on, and making me remeber that I don't EVER want to go back down that road again. I'm sorry if my post was TMI (too much information) But what people need is to hear the truth!   Love you OH Family! "Keep your Haters Guessing!!!!! LOL" Until Next Time...


Jul 11, 2010

Hey everyone was checking e-mail today and just on the computer and realized I haven't updated in a while. First Congratulations to all the community newbies. We ♥ you all and hope your journey becomes an amazing experience for you. Never give up the fight. I guess I'm in the "age" range in my plastics journey where I'm like OK what happened to my boobs?? I mean I know they were there like who took them away? LOL but honestly I haven't had any plastics and I've come to the conclusion that I'm SOOOOO happy with me and this amazing journey that God has brought me through, that I can buy a padded bra and be just as happy. People always say you dress too flashy or you're always dressed to kill, but honestly I have always took pride in the way I looked, its just that now everyone else around me notices. OH family I will always be apart of you. I ♥ you all so MUCH! 
   Until Next Time


Jun 16, 2010

As an active member of the obesity help community and a post RNY surgical patient, I am always saddened to hear when someone passes away due to complications from the surgery. I was just informed that a member of one of my best friends church passed away last Tuesday just one week after his surgery. OH family some of us have been truly blessed and have pulled through the surgery successfully, but  I can't stress how important it is to make sure that when you're telling your story to make sure "EVERYTHING" is told and not only the good stuff. A picture may be worth a thousand words, but a picture from a post WLS patient does not even begin to describe the journey that was taken to get to that point. RIP to all the members and friends of members who have lost their lives in the attempt to began their journey. Goodnight.


May 14, 2010

WOW everyone looks so AMAZING!!!!!!!! Never be afraid to shine! You know I had start feeling like you know I shouldn't be so proud of my success because so many others are still struggling, but I learned we must CELEBRATE ourselves and our journey in overcoming the epidemic of obesity..

Q&A Session

Mar 19, 2010

Hello Everyone I hope everyone is doing well ! I've decided to post some answers to a few questions I've received. So if you have any questions feel free to send them to me and I will answer the openly and honestly. You identity will remain private if you so choose. I feel everyone has questions and no question is a dumb question or too personal or private... So ASK AWAY!!

"Have a nice life!"

Feb 07, 2010

Hello Everyone,
 I hope this post finds everyone in good spirits emotionally and physically. My two year anniversary just passed and I must say this has been the most amazing and most life changing experience in the world. Never in a million years would I imagine that I would be in this position in my life. I've never felt so much joy and inner peace. Which brings me to my post title "Have a nice life!". Listen OH family when you reach a point in your journey where your inner peace and your joy begins to radiate, People WILL (listen carefully) "PEOPLE WILL TRY TO STEAL YOUR JOY!" I promise. but you must  declare to yourself and to the people who are trying to come into your life and remind you of the hurting and depressed and broken person you use to be that they "Can't Steal Your Joy!". OH family will you believe that my own mother called and angrily stated to me to "Have a nice life!" just because I've finally found my peace and my joy. I tell you that night I sat down and I had a heart to heart with God and I came to the conclusion that; I REFUSE to let anyone take away what God has given to me; which is peace and a second chance at life. No more regrets, no more pity parties. IT'S OVER and I'm living in my now. Don't miss out on your happiness by living in the past. You've already cried and experienced those hurts don't allow them to steal your present happiness by reliving them. Don't give those negative experiences the power. Well family that's about all for now. Love ya stay happy and blessed!
Until Next Time

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About Me
Charlotte, NC
Surgery Date
Dec 19, 2007
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