Moving right along...

Jul 01, 2009

Well my surgery came and went with no complications so far.  I am now 4 days post-op. I am having an intake around 3 oz at a time. Still having alot of trouble with gas but I plan on getting some type of gas reliever today.

The most unpleasant part for me was when it was time to go home and I had to have the drain removed from my stomach. That was the only thing that has really hurt or bothered me really. Yes my belly is sore but it does not really painful.

It is now breakfast time and I am getting ready to have my first protein shake...YUM! I will let you all know how I am progressing. My first pre-op appointment is the 10th & I will update every one then!


About Me
Evansville, IN
Surgery Date
Jun 11, 2008
Member Since

Friends 19

Latest Blog 9
Going down....
I have my first consult & dietician consult.
I'm already
One step closer..
My jouney now begins...
