So much Going on........

Apr 02, 2011

Well i reached my second goal from 190 to 175, and yeay i don't know if i should be excited or not. So many issues going on at home with a child with ADHD and a husband Dx with ADHD medically retired from the military and with PTSD, and all my brain wants to do is eat my life away like i did prior to RNY. I know i am a stress eater, n this is not helping me at all, i been talking with a pschyciatrist, and im on lexapro and klonopin, this is not fun i dont like drug i feel down all the time. All i want to do is run run run away and leave everything behind. Yikes looking at this in actual words makes me want to smak the smack out of my self. Big gasp of fresh air and starting to move forward with the challenges of life.

God bless.



Jan 23, 2011

 Im at my initial GOAL of 190 woot woot took 5 months to get there   

4 months 2 weeks post op and a milestone

Jan 03, 2011

 YES.........I am at last under 200, i dont care is 199 but it is under 200 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. All i feel is excitment. Went in today for my 4 months post op and blood work was great Cholesterol at 120 and vitamins where prettu much good except, Vitamin D so i went and got me some Vitamin D with Calcium, As well i love salad dressing well more like italian dressing but i have this new found palad for Balsamic VInagrette and that is soo tastey low cal high in vitamin and it helps your boy absorb the vitamins that salad has, soo look at that a win win situation. 

Trying out new foods

Sep 10, 2010

Well i had me today some steamed Salmon with some couliflower,  It was good  and best of all i tolerated it, So i am happy.  The Crystal light stuff makes me sick as if i was gonna die

So far i can Tolerate

Banana baby food stage 1
ramen noodles (BROTH)
Banana pudding baby food stage 2

Pureed vs Regular small bites

Sep 09, 2010

How is it that pureed food makes me ill but if i take baby bite of regualr foods im ok, I have not done it much just 2x mainly cause on super scared oof hurting y self.

Small sip it hard through the day cause of kids and hubby ruined lunch today by freaking stumping his feet on the floor like a little darn kid, needless to say my appetite went bye bye, i can not concentrate on eating and so many distractions yet.


Feeling a tab bit better

Sep 07, 2010

Well as you all know i have not been feeling so well for my past 3 weeks post op, but last night before bed i grabed a 32 oz bottle of water and while watching tv with my husband and the kids sleeping i got water in me, i did wake up feeling a bit less nauseaus, and thinking hey this is not so bad, My biggest issue is to drink fluids through out the day while taking care of my toddlers. no down time with them always on the run and if i can drink 2oz of water or any liquids for the matter is alot.\

So far i still take my nexium and the other med to coat my ulcer right now just trying to built the stomach for it, When i drank the nexium yesterday morning it made me vomit but nothing came out it was just all the muscles in the abdominal area going at it.

For food well seem like ramen noodles make me feel good, and my 2 yr old and 1 yr old eat the nooddles for me so no waste there.

My Dr had said for me to start transitioning in to puree and God know i try every day, n i  can not do it it makes me super ill, but today its an other day yet we will try again at it.


2 weeks post op

Sep 06, 2010

Hi well surgery was on aug 19 2010, seems to have lost 24 lbs, i dont feel it but my lothes tells me so, Its nice to be here but on the other hand i have had to get and EGD with dialation 2 times, that was not very fun, on my second visit my potassium was to low so i had to recive to IV bags of potassium plus 2 regular bags of iv ,,, The potassium BURNS baby burnsss.

Today is Monday Sept 6, no change on my nausea even for liguids, currently taking antiacid nexium and some other one pink med to coat my ulcer and help it heal hopefully, the downfall to all of this is that the ulcer keeps me nauseated and it makes me feel full faster.

Has anyone had this complication along the way and if soo how long for you to feel better, i am trully looking forward to passing this setback.


About Me
Clarksville, TN
Surgery Date
Sep 05, 2010
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