Surgery Scheduled!

Sep 30, 2009

Whoo hoo! I finally got the call from Dr. Suh's office today. I am scheduled for surgery October 7, 2009.  It's been a long "6 month program". The time does go by quickly, if you don't think about it too much.

So, I started my "program" in January, finished in June, had my consult in August, did preop testing Aug/Sept. and surgery in Oct.

I'm excited and scared at the same time. I have to get my will together and tell my mom. I've been scared to tell her, I know she's gonna freak out! My co-workers are going to freak also. I haven't told them. I guess I'll have to tell them now.
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Six Month Program Start

Jan 08, 2009

So it's official. I started my 6 month Bariatric Surgery Program with Beaver Medical Group. It's a comprehensive program that requires educational classes and participation in a medically supervised weight loss program.

I'm a little resentful about the time I'm having to take off work and time away from home, but I have no choice. I understand why the requirements are in place, but they should make some of these classes in the evening. I'm going to miss enough work when I have the surgery.

I'm being realistic about the processing time for this to be approved and to get my surgery date. I'm hoping that I can have the surgery in August. I usually take two weeks vacation in August anyway, so it will be just like my annual time off (as far as work is concerned).

Beaver refers to two surgery groups: Crown in Murrieta, CA and Pacific Bariatrics in San Diego, CA. San Diego is a bit further, but I am hoping to go there. They have performed 10,000 surgeries as of December 2008 and have earned the seal of excellence in bariatrics. Most importantly though, they use the Lap Band that I would like to have. Crown uses the Realize Band.

I joined WW in November and have gone up and down the same 2 lbs. My goal is to loose 10% by my surgery date. 22 lbs in 6 months. I hope I can do it! Time to focus and try to exercise more.

The beginning...

Nov 18, 2008

Like many of you, I have had a weight problem since having my first child - 21 years ago. I have PCOS and feel that the hormonal influence make it harder for me to loose weight. Despite that issue, I have been successful many times with weight loss: Phen/Fen, Optifast, WW, Lindora...but, I always gain it back. So here I am at my heaviest, without the finances to do yet another weight loss plan. So, fine - I admit I need a more permanent solution. WLS! I made up my mind and my doctor has referred me to the 6 month program with Beaver Medical Group so that I can jump through the hoops necessary to get the surgery. I hope the  next 6 months goes by quickly. I'm beyond ready to finally deal with this weight.

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