
Nov 19, 2009

So, I am still plugging away at the pre-op meal plan (day 4 is almost under my belt!!).  So far so good. I haven't "cheated" yet, and surprisingly, I haven't wanted to.  Although food has been on my mind and in my dreams constantly I am not having the cravings or feeling hungry enough to even want to cheat.  I am so proud of myself!!  I did feel a little tired today.  Not sure if it was just the day or if it's because of the lower calories.  I hope tomorrow is better.

I remembered about 1/2 way through my day that my surgeon's office had their monthly support group tonight and so I decided to go.  I am soooo glad I did!  There had to be close to 30 people there and the topic was "The journey to the new you".  How perfect for me.  To get the opportunity to hear so many other's experiences through this journey!!  Everyone was so helpful and gave me some great advice!  It was amazing!  Totally inspirational!! I left with a re-newed sense of how great my decision to have this surgery is and how awesome the journey in front of me is going to be!  I know that I am not on this journey alone and I am so motivated to get the show on the road now and move forward!  I know the next week and a half is going to go by so slowly just waiting........and waiting......

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Grand Rapids, MI
Sep 03, 2009
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