98 down, 9 months out, it is like I gave birth to a 9 year old

Jul 01, 2009

Hi All! I have not been on for a looooooooong time. I think you get to a point where you don't have a ton of questions and you just stop checking as much.
I just wanted to say, over 9 months, the first 2 -3 months were very difficult. I think in my head I wanted this so bad that I was acting like it would be no deal to have my stomach cut out :) So I didn't expect how hard the first few months would be emotionally. I don't say that to scare people. I say it to comfort people going through that time right now. It does get better. Even if pre-surgery you don't eat as much as other people do, you still are going to miss that fact that you cant eat a normal meal. I eat every 2-3 hours, but I still can't eat large amounts. And I have to go slow.
I still deal with the issues of comfort eating, making wrong unhealthy choices, and getting lazy working out. But the difference now, is that I cant overeat. And that I see results much faster, so i get back on track much easier. Before I would eat and gain weight , then try and work out and not see results right away, so i would  stop and keep gaining weight. Now I work out for 2 days and I am toned, so I keep doing it. I see in my body when I gain 2-3 pounds so I get back on track. Before I would sneeze 2-3 pounds lol.
This was the best choice I ever made. It was an easy choice to make to have the surgery, it was very difficult the first few months and now I still battle, but it was still the best choice I ever made. I felt like before the surgery I was fat and constantly battling my weight. Now I am thinner (crazy to use that word!) and still constantly battle my weight. But at least I am doing it thinner and healthier!:)
I love shopping now, I go to Ross all the time and love it. I love wearing swimsuits and things I was always self conscience in before.
People on here always ask me what my secret is, and I will be completely honest, there is no secret. I eat small amounts all day long and try to work out 2-4 days a week to tone. Every BODY is different, some lose fast, some lose slower, but we all lose.I eat what I want, choose protein first, if I feel like munching I try to choose fruits and vegetables with full fat dips and creams.I do eat carbs, but my portions are so small that my body is constantly burning it. I stay away from soda, and juice, but I know that I need to drink more water. That is something I work on. I drink 1-2 times a week. usually wine or vodka.
 My skin has kept most elasticity, kind of. :) My inner thighs are a little saggy, my arms are a little saggy, my stomach is mega saggy, but I also have a 4 year old. My boobs went from a 38/40 DD to a 34D and the skin is def not perky:) but that can be fixed.....:)
Anyway, that is me in a nutshell. I just thought I would share where I was at now. Honestly :)
I wish everyone the best of luck and I hope that you can find success in whatever choice you make! Happy summer everyone!


About Me
scottsdale, AZ
Surgery Date
Dec 27, 2007
Member Since

Friends 33

Latest Blog 17
Two months out....199!
One month out and I love my sleeve :)
