
I have managed to eat my way back to my pre-surgery weight. I am scheduled for a outpatient procedure (EGD) to tighten my band but will need to learn how to eat smaller portions all over again. This is obviously a lesson learned. I will post new pics once I've started losing again. Check back and keep me in your thoughts.

Gained 40 lbs in 4 years. Appt. with Dr. Tan to discuss EGD.

6mths post-op: Total weight gone forever: 58lbs.

17-weeks post-op: Total weight gone forever: 46lbs.

15-weeks post-op: Everything is wonderful. I'm still working out at Curves three times a week. I've lost a total of 38lbs. 

9-weeks post-op: Everything is going great. I'm working out at Curves. I've lost a total of 26lbs. It seems really slow, but I didn't want to lose to fast. I would like to lose another 25lbs by my birthday in Aug. Not really sure if that will happen but I'm going to try. I'm starting the Curves Carb sensitive diet this week so we'll see how that goes. Update soon.

4-weeks post-op: Everything is still going good. Haven't weighed this week. Trying to stay away from the scale to keep from getting discouraged. Able to eat just about anything. I just forget to chew really good. I'm craving the food so much that when I start eating, I want to eat it so fast. Update soon.

3-weeks post-op: Joined Curves this weekend, 19lbs lost total. Everything is going good, eating is good. I just have to remember to chew really good, sometimes I forget and boy do I get a reminder!

1-week post-op: Went to my post-op appt today. 13lbs gone the first week. I think that's pretty good. Considering I've never lost that much before in a short amount of time. Everything is going well. Received ok to return to work this week, but I'll wait a few more days.

5 days post-op: It's over. I think it went very well. I was only in the hospital for 1 day. I feel really good. I wish I could eat more though. Working on foods other than mashed potatos and oatmeal. No nausea or vomitting. My pain comes from my incisions and when I drink water too fast. Other than that I feel good. I haven't noticed any differenc in weight, haven't gotten on the scale yet. I have my first post-op appt this coming Monday, we'll see what happens.

About Me
Milwaukee, WI
Surgery Date
Sep 20, 2002
Member Since

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Never Give Up!!
