Going slow

Oct 03, 2011

Well I'm having some car trouble at the moment so unable to attend my zumba classes as neither one are located in the city I live in. But to combat that I have been walking more. I live within walking distance to work so I'm not in a big rush to fix the car. Then again it hasn't snowed yet. This has horrified my co workers so I do end up getting a ride half way. Funny thing they keep asking what am I going to do without my car.. my answer has been the most that can happen is I loose some weight.  It's all a financial issue at the moment.. So walking is doing me well. My neighbor is also my bowling partner so I am still bowling.  and I have a stair stepper to help combat the no zumba classes.  I am going to try to log into OH daily to track my weight progress and activity and food logs.  I've cup back on using sugar in my tea. I use it if someone else fixes me tea.. if I fix my own I don't use it.  Oh Well I guess I rambled on enough.. Hope to drop a few more pounds in the as I am preparing for surgery. I have to have my semi to total thyroidectomy on 11/2/11  oh so much fun.


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Riverside, RI
Surgery Date
May 17, 2006
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