October 2008

Oct 30, 2008

Have not posted in awhile and I am kind of angry at myself for letting go and letting the sweets take over my life again after how hard I have worked to get this far I see myself gaining the weight back slowly but surley I have put back on 15 pounds and I am not happy about it.. this all since April. so I am trying to get back on track and get my life back in the right direction. Ayone else having this problem? I would love to hear from you.

May 2008

May 28, 2008

I decided to try running and that seemed to be a good idea at the time I even bought a really nice pair of running shoes, but after about 2 weeks i had pulled a mucle in my leg and now I cant run, so i guess its back to walking. I think i would like to look into rollerblading maybe that wont be so tough.. we will see. As for weight loss my weight seems to have slowed down and i fluctuate between 135 to 140 the same 5 pounds up and down, some days i really want some sugar and i find that i can eat certian things now without getting sick.. I havent had a sugar dump in a very long time and as far as I can remember I only have had one...well not sure what else to let you know about.


1 Year after surgery

Apr 26, 2008

Hi all its been a year now since I had the best surgery of my life!! and it changed my life for the best!!! i have lost 95 pounds and i now can keep up with my 2 year old and able to walk across the room without having to stop to catch my breath.

still struggling

Mar 10, 2008

I just cant seem to lose the last ten pounds I am stuck at 145 and i just hate it... I wanted to  be at my goal weight of 135 by the time my year rolled around. Iam getting married in april too and i want to look hot in my wedding dress. 30 more days and its stress city!!! and we all know what happens when I get stressed I eat..............and than we all know what happens after that  weight gain city...

weight progress

Feb 08, 2008

One more Week

Feb 08, 2008

One more week to get through before we are off to warmer weather!! ya off to Florida!!! Cant wait.....

January 2008

Jan 27, 2008



january 25 2008

Jan 27, 2008

January 2008

Jan 21, 2008

Getting scared!!!

Jan 07, 2008

Help me lord to be strong to be able to just say no or to be able to limit the amount of junk i put into my body... the whole reason that i was fat to begin with I feel is coming back to haunt me.. some days i just dont feel strong enough to not eat that stuff that tastes so good but makes me fattttttttttt!!! I am so scared of gaining back the weight that is my worst fear right now... I have become obsessed with the scale again and those 5 lbs that i have gained over the holiday are driving me nuts.... i am having that love hate relationship with my self again.... that  why why are you eating that.... than i eat it than i feel so guilty after and i just dont know what to do about it.... I feel its stress related this eating thing or maybe iam just thirsty because god knows i do not drink enough either so maybe iam thirsty not hungry. what can i do to stop this crazy cycle...if anyone reads this and know what iam talking about and can offer some advice to me please feel free too.  signing off for now 

About Me
Rochester, NY
Surgery Date
Mar 06, 2007
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
Me in florida

Friends 50

Latest Blog 61
October 2008
May 2008
1 Year after surgery
still struggling
weight progress
One more Week
January 2008
january 25 2008
January 2008
Getting scared!!!
