Revision time

Jan 08, 2014

Had a revision from Lap Band to RNY on 10/29/2014.  Everything went well in the hospital.  right before Thanksgiving developed 2 blood clots in my lungs and now on Coumadin for 4-6 months :-(  Feeling good and to this date 1/8/2014 have lost 43 pounds!!!  Glad I went through with the revision after thinking about it for a couple years.  Lap Band just wasn't for me.  Just never found that sweet spot and regained all weight back!


been awhile....

Jan 03, 2009

It has been about 2 months since the surgery.  I had my 1st fill on Dec. 18th- 2 cc.  Felt tight at first- NOW- not much at all- Sure I can''t eat the amount I used to, but, wtill feel like I eat too much.  Next fill scheduled in 2 or 3 weeks. We'll see if that helps...

1 comment

2 weeks post

Nov 11, 2008

Finally, feeling like myself. A little sore occasionally, but otherwise doing well.  Loving cottage cheese right now!!!

1 week post op

Nov 04, 2008

1 week out still in a little pain. Only  meds taking are childrens liquid IBprofen at night.  Still Hungry!  Sticking to liquids and sugar free yogurt and pudding (pudding seems so think but goes down okay!)  So, sick of protein powder and the taste it leaves in my mouth!  It's been hard for my 2 year old, with Mommy not being able to lift him..  He's getting better 1 Week Post op (almost).  Still a bit sore inside.  Not taking anythough.  I go tomorrow for a post op visit with Dr. M.

4 days post op

Nov 01, 2008

Surgery went well.  In hospital for about 22 hours.  I walked alot b/c I was worried about blood clots.  I am pretty sore still.  Trying not to take the "heavy" meds- instead taking children's IBprofen.  Hoping to get energy back soon and trying hard to get protein in.

10 days in 4 days until surgery

Oct 24, 2008

I have only 4 days until surgery.  I don't even feel like eating that much now.  Still taking the protein powder with slim fast.  broth with some veggies.  More energy as I have been walking on my lunch hour with my mom.  She has been a tremendous help with getting me walking and making me soups and spaghetti (SQUASH)!   I am getting a little nervous about surgery.  Mainly the anastisia (spell?), I just want to pull through ok with no complications!  For my kids and family.  Down 11-12 pounds from the diet.

7 days to go!

Oct 20, 2008

Kinda weird- don't even feel that hungry anymore!  Hangin in there.  Lost approximately 9 pounds!!!!

pre op diet

Oct 19, 2008

I am 6 days into my pre op diet.  The first few days absolutely sucked!  Horrible headaches and of course hungry.  Now, not so bad.  I have a least 3 slim fast a day and protein power- need to get that 80 grams in. 

About Me
Ithaca, NY
Surgery Date
Sep 10, 2008
Member Since

Friends 12

Latest Blog 8
2 weeks post
1 week post op
4 days post op
10 days in 4 days until surgery
7 days to go!
pre op diet
