1 year Post-Op!!

May 15, 2008

Hi everyone! Just a 1-year post op update. I'm maintaining at around 180-185 lbs and doing great. I could lose more if I exercised, and I am determined to get back into my routine again. I am changing jobs and moving to Milwaukee at the end of May, so this is a super busy time. I am happy and healthy and thankful for every single day!  I am in a great relationship now, my best friend in the world. Wishing all of you the very best, Elaine  PS -- I will post my new pics asap!

August 13, 2007

Aug 13, 2007

201 lbs!!! Only one lb from onederland! I can't believe it!  I'm so happy I had this surgery. I am still so surprised with everyone single pound I lose.

August 2, 2007

Aug 02, 2007

OMG!!!!  I can't believe that I am still losing weight. I feel like I'm eating too much, even though I know I'm not. Today the scale says 204 lbs!!!!!!!!  Only 4 lbs to onederland!  Wow!  I'm in shock!

Almost 3 months post-op!

Jul 15, 2007

I'm down to 210 lbs now (and I still have 4 days til my 3 month surgiversary). I'll be flying to Ohio to visit family this week. It will be interesting to hear their reactions. I haven't seen them for over a year (and about 50 lbs).

2 months post op!

Jun 21, 2007

I can't believe it has been 2 months! I'm also happy to report that my weight dropped another 2 lbs, so I'm at 217 lbs today. I can't believe that the weight is still dropping. I guess I keep thinking, "anyday its going to stop working and I'll gain it all back" -- in spite of the few calories I consume each day.

Last night I tried to eat a salad. I did okay, but I stopped after a few bites so I could try a piece of steak. I did okay with a couple tiny bites (chewing really really well), but later I threw up a little. I think the steak stayed down, so I'm glad to get the protein to stay down.

Otherwise, my energy is much better these days, but I still need a lot of sleep at night. I am having a lot of vivid dreams lately.

June 16, 2007

Jun 16, 2007

I am so excited!  I weighed in today at 219 lbs. Also, my office relocated this week so I am very sore from all the lifting and moving around, but I think the exercise helped my energy levels a lot. I feel pretty good now. I still need a lot of sleep and sometimes I need a nap, but overall I think my energy is returning now. Eating is going pretty good, as long as I chew really well and swallow very little at a time --- and don't drink while I eat. That is very hard for me because I'm always so thirsty!

June 10, 2007

Jun 10, 2007

Finally lost another 2lbs down to 222 lbs today.  I'm doing much better getting my liquids in, and also I've noticed that I'm able to eat if I don't eat too fast. I think I was eating too fast before and that is why I was vomiting so much. It almost works better if I eat at my computer or when I'm talking to someone so that there is a long pause between bites. I'm not as exhausted as I was before, but still needing a lot of sleep.

May 29, 2007

May 29, 2007

Finally lost 2 more lbs, so today I'm at 226 lbs. My period just ended, so I'm hoping the weight loss picks back up soon. I'm feeling exhausted lately. Its hard to get out the bed each day. Its not depression either, I just have zero energy. I need to drink more and get more exercise, I know. Food is not going down well. I throw up a lot now. I threw up soup the other day! I hate feeling so tired all the time. I get up and do a couple hours of work around the house or at the office and I feel like I need to go back to bed. This is ridiculous.


May 22, 2007

I can't believe it - I'm finally at 228 lbs, which is the weight I was when I moved to Alaska in 2004. Small steps make giant leaps!!!

4 weeks post op

May 18, 2007

Still at 232 lbs. I haven't been able to eat hardly anything lately. It hurts to eat. I also haven't been getting enough liquids. Still waiting for my period to start. I know the hormones go crazy after this surgery, so I'm guessing that's what it is.  This week I've had a lot of negative feelings about this surgery and missing the joy of food and eating. I have to remind myself daily that its just a phase and eventually I'll be able to enjoy eating again. Its not the amount of food --- I just can't stand to look at food or even think about eating... and that really hurts. I know its hurting my body not to eat, so I force myself to make soup or sip on a protein shake, but I truly hate it. Its so uncomfortable. Also, I've been sleeping a lot lately. Today I finally got up and cleaned the house and did 3 loads of laundry. I was tired afterward that I slept for an hour before I had to be at a potluck party for my work. By then, my stomach was really not happy at all and the drive there was so bumpy. It was awful -- the food looked and smelled so good, but I couldn't even eat 4 bites without running off to the bathroom to throw up. I don't know if I'm developing a stricture or not, but if stays this bad for another week, I'll go in to see my doctor.

Note: The next day I dropped 2 more lbs, so 230 lbs as of 5/19/07

About Me
Fairbanks, AK
Surgery Date
Mar 10, 2007
Member Since

Friends 41

Latest Blog 20
1 year Post-Op!!
August 13, 2007
August 2, 2007
Almost 3 months post-op!
2 months post op!
June 16, 2007
June 10, 2007
May 29, 2007
4 weeks post op
