What will happen.. Repost

Feb 25, 2009

I wrote this before my surgery..  I think about it all the time..  So far I have been happy with what has happened to me!

What will happen to the little girl in me, the fat one who has been teased and taunted for years?  The one with no self esteem and is afraid of people?  The one who crys for attention but runs at the sight of it... I PRAY SHE GOES IN PEACE!

What will happen to the promiscous young women in me who looked for love in all the wrong places?  The one with low self esteem who just wanting her hair played with and her hand held?  I PRAY SHE GOES IN PEACE!

What will happen to the woman I am now?  The woman with some self esteem and self respect who is finally kinda okay in her own skin.  The one who has learned to be faithful and love with all she's got.  The one who will dance, sing, and smile.  I PRAY SHE STAYS HUMBLE AND MODEST!!

I am here for support...

Feb 25, 2009

I am not on this site much.. but please if you have questions or need support you can contact me at [email protected].
Please only contact if you are for real and only if it is about this surgery.  No men looking for a date, no sales people, no bullsh*t..

Thank you!

quick update...

Feb 21, 2008

So i am 10 months out.. Down a total of 118 pounds from my highest and 88 from surgery.  From size 26/28 to 16!  Nails and hair look fantastic!  life is great!... oh ya and check out my pic of my crossing my legs!~!!!

oh ya and...

Jan 11, 2008

My hair is coming back!  i have baby haors everywhere.. my nail are look ing fantastic and skin is soft..  I think it is the shampoo and vitamin i am taking.. If you want to know more about that let me know!

update Jan 2008

Jan 11, 2008

Well things are moving much slower now.  I am down to 219 pounds!!  Is a size 16, depending on the pants... i remember when I would give ANYTHING to be in a size 20!  It is amazing.  I have slacked off on the gym and stuff and i knw that is why it is slow going.  I can cross my legs. and i do everytime I sit down and i do it with a smile!  I can eat more things but evernow and then some thign doesnt agree and it comes back up.  Sometimes is because i didnt chew enough or eat a little too much and sometimes it is what I aet.  I have had no major problems.  the skin is more of an issue but it is hidden easily by a light undershirt.  So 219..  That is 81 pounds since surgery and 111 from my highest weight of 330.  On a personal level.. I am going back to school in Feb and looking forward to that.. my job is good and relationship is good.  I am loing my new life and i know i need to take care of it better with some more activity... 

6 Months

Oct 30, 2007

and down to 222!  Just a quick note

The BEST Vitamins EVER!!!!!

Oct 16, 2007

I found them... They are called True Essentials.  I bought the womans pack and let me tell ya.. the hair loss is slowing, the nails are not as brittle and it has only been 3 weeks...  LOVE them
I bought them from www.fhtmus.com.  You will need a rep #, so if you want to look or order let me know....I am a part of the Fortune business.. but I HONESTLY love the vitamins!

6 month dr appt...

Oct 15, 2007

Went to my 6 month appointments.. but it actualy was only 5 months.  
Blood work shows low b12, low protein and low calcium...  that explains the loss of hair and leg cramps.  so back to protein shakes and making sure i take my vitamins!
i have lost 40% of my excess body weight... she said it is a little low.  back to the gym i go.
But over all i am doing good.  i am happy and more healthy.  Life is great!!

just thinking...

Sep 18, 2007

I was just thinking about some stuff...
When i first had surgery i told myself "If I just get down to 200lbs I will be happy." - Well now i am 227 and I am only 5 months out.  I know that I will be less than 200 and I have set my mind to a lower weight and i know it is a realistic goal.  
Before surgery i remember wishing i could wear a size 18-20 like my friend.  Well i now wear a 16. 
I looked int he mirror yesterday and was happy with what i saw.  Of course there is more work to do but i am not repulsed by myself.  
Before surgery i hated looking into the side mirror of a car when I was a passanger because my double chin was huge and that is all I would see. - this weekend i coaught myself in the side mirror and i saw a jawbone instead of a 2nd chin. and I didn't turn away quickly... I cherished the moment.
I am happy.


Sep 12, 2007

still stuck at 229...but lets see.. what am I NOT doing...  I am NOT going to the gym, I am NOT eating al the right things, I am NOT walking, I am NOT counting calories...  So if I want different I need to do different!!  Just telling on myself cause that is what I need to do.

About Me
Elk Grove, CA
Surgery Date
Jan 31, 2007
Member Since

Friends 15

Latest Blog 30
quick update...
oh ya and...
update Jan 2008
6 Months
The BEST Vitamins EVER!!!!!
6 month dr appt...
just thinking...
