Long time no post

Sep 10, 2009

Well where do I begin. ALOT has been going on here with me emotionally and physically. I have been going to school since the lay off in March and am going to be an LNA and Phlebotomy. Husband still no job and searching. Not sure that our disconnection can be blamed on the WLS or just life in general, but it is fading here in that area. I started having MAJOR abdominal pains on Aug 28Th. Felt like all my insides had fused together and were one mass. So I thought if i could just go to the restroom maybe it would help. Not. The pain was soo intense it hurt to even push. Like I had a cinder block in my abdomen. From my rib cage to my pelvis the entire abdomen hurt to even touch. So I try to go back to the bathroom and it only moved a little and was like water. The pain was letting up but I have been drilled so hard that pain is not normal with RNY, and this pain did not feel like normal diarrhea pain or constipation. SOO I call my surgeon and get into see him that after noon. I drive myself the hour to his office the whole time thinking he is just gonna give me meds and send me back home or tell me I have a bug. Almost talking myself out of going. I get back to see him and he looks at me and says " How do you feel about being admitted and running some test?" I said well my son has a football game tomorrow night, will I be out in time for that? OK these are his exact words..."Polly, do you wanna be dead or go to the football game?" I love DR P. lol He pulls no punches just lays it out there. I said well I don't wanna be dead. So any who, I get admitted and they run a CT scan Thursday night, inconclusive. Friday morning they do an ultra sound, GB looks healthy, test inconclusive. In the mean time my BP has now dropped to 88/56 and my pulse is at 44. The nurses are looking concerned and so am I. SO then they do an MRI, shows no stones GB looks healthy but bile duct dilated. Dr P wants to go in laproscopically and see what is going on. He said I was having way too much pain for it to be nothing. So he asks can he push on my abdomen one last time and he pushes on the left side just under the ribs..oh my major pain. He said that's what i have been looking for. The pain had been all aver the abdomen and not been able to pinpoint. Well needless to say he found out that scar tissue had twisted and kinked off part of my bowel. My GB was fine. He removed the scar tissue and move the connection of my bypass in hopes that the scar tissue will not reform.  SO moral here PAIN IS NOT NORMAL. I honestly didn't realize how dangerous my situation was. Just very thankful to have the most awesome DR! I went in last Wed for an upper GI to make sure there was no narrowing or anything. I go back to see Dr P on the 17Th of this month. My biggest fear, my insurance runs out the end of the month. Thank God this happened while i was still covered, but i am soo afraid of something happening before I can get thru school and get a job and insured.


About Me
china grove, NC
Surgery Date
Oct 08, 2008
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