MissVirgo GoddessTN

Blessed 2 Have - Floetry / Free - Jaguar Wright

Jul 09, 2006

Okay so here I am! A little background info on me. I am a 23 year old MBA graduate student with only a few months left in this program. I have degrees in Accounting and Finance. I work in the area of Project Management with plenty of room for advancement. Originally from Memphis, TN. I am a very family-oriented person with a great love for music. I once was a very social person and had lots of friends and went out a lot even as a 300+lb person. But as I broached the 400 mark and on up to 470 I started noticing myself climbing into a shell marked with deep depression and comfort eating. And although I don't eat a whole lot (one meal a day most times) I made the wrong choices. Not eating often lowered my metabolism and I couldn't lose a pound to save my life. The weight is a limitation for exercise and so the nasty cycle keeps going and going.

Being a very proactive person and having taken control of my life on every aspect as far as school, financial responsibility, and career to a certain extent, I neglected the most important thing - my health. My aunt told me one thing one day that I will never forget. She told me "if you can take care of all those things as a very responsible young woman, why don't you take control of your health". I had to agree with her and this would be one of various seeds planted in my mind and the beginning of my journey.

I was raised by a single mother that was very hard working and instilled values and morality into me. At the age of 19 when I was a sophomore in college, I lost my mother of heart attack (never confirmed, but she was not obese), and I just had to keep going because it was very important to her and me that I did that. This event caused me to throw myself into overdrive and I got really really sick that summer due to my immune system being down. I never ever want to feel that way again. I am still mourning her loss everyday and I gained even more of the weight after her death. Learning my family history, I learned that I had a predisposition to obesity, diabetes, hypertension and the rest of those things that plague black families. We have to take control of our health because we have a personal responsibility to do so.

Right now I feel like my weight is holding me back from so much. I think so highly of myself and I feel that I am highly favored in the Lord and I have so much potential that I have yet to realize. I have always been an overachiever and I just know that this weight is holding me back from advancing in terms of career and relationships (more on that later). I am a hard worker but I know that being obese gives a negative connotation to employers. You have to work extra hard to prove yourself. Oh there's the incompetent fat girl. I refuse to be treated 2nd class because of how opinionated I am and I am highly if not more qualified than some of these other people. Anyway enough of that.......

As for the process, I started on 9-10-2005 (My 23rd birthday coincidentally) by going to the seminar held in Memphis by Dr. Woodman's office at the Baptist Hospital East. He seemed very matter-of-fact and impersonal but knowledgeable. I had already read about him so I knew what to expect so it was no surprise to me. His record is more important to me and it was impeccable. He is a skilled surgeon and knows his stuff. I went along with my cousin who is currently approved for lap-band and my sister who came for support! NOTE: I originally wanted to get the lap-band too but after more research and decision making for myself, I decided that RNY is best for me. I also have more to lose than she does, and I don't want to fall victim to the sugars. I NEED the threat of dumping. It will keep me in check. To each his own and everyone needs to assess their own individual situation. Do your own research and your body will thank you later. Anyway, I digress. I was lucky enough to get appointments with the psychologist for the psych evaluation and the nutritionist while I was in town that week. Thank God for allowing me to get those things out of the way without a hitch. Psych eval was cool, I'm not crazy. The doctor was actually funny and a very no-nonsense kinda guy. Dr. Ed Amos was his name. The nutritionist, Jennifer Krog was the greatest. She was very thorough and very professional. She originally did my letter for lap-band so when I changed to RNY she had to revise it and we did another consultation over the phone because I live out of town. Shes very sweet and cares about her clients. My PCP Dr. Sonya Johnson (fellow black sista) is very accepting of my decision and has not hindered my progress and has helped me with all of my requests in a prompt and timely manner. Seeing her once a month for like 6-8 months was fun and we got to know each other well from seeing each other so often. Usually you see your doc like 1-2 times a year so I am glad that we have built a relationship with one another. She really cares about my health too and takes her hypocratic oath seriously. She is also mindful that I am still a college student and gives me all the blood pressure pills and birth control pills that I need for 6 months. She even gave me a blood sugar monitor with the strips and all. Thank you so much!!

I have submitted EVERYTHING to Dr. Woodman's office and I have called several times, but they say they are catching back up from 4th of July vacation so I will give them til next week then I will call back. I need to strategically schedule this surgery between the end of summer and when school starts in the fall so that I can graduate in December and leave this city!! Also, I am still under my father's insurance and he is staring retirement right between the eyes and I KNOW I haven't come this far to be left behind until I find a job with coverage. So he should be retiring soon he keeps telling me September will be his last days. Can I get submitted, approved, and get a date?? Thats all a sista asks. It took me a long time to even get to the point where I am mentally ready for this procedure so I need to stay focused!! Plus family and friends keep asking, "When is the date, so I can be there"..mannn I don't know but you will be the first to know when I find out!!

P.S. Thank you to Vanessa, Angie, Renee and even my Aunt Carlean that is worried about me having this done. I know yall are scared but I really am doing the best thing for me. To my friends I hope yall don't act funny with me.. I need you more than ever!!

Edit 5 minutes after I wrote this, Ann from Dr. Woodman's office called. Shes the insurance coordinator. She went over my file and let me know that both my nutritional and psychological assessments were procedure specific meaning that they said Lap-Band and not RNY. I already knew that for the nutritional and the new report got faxed over this morning but now I have to track down my psychologist and see if he will either change the info (Which says (Him): Would you consider gastric bypass? (Me): Oh No! I am too young for that!!!) OH yes this must be changed, pronto! Talk about getting me denied from insurance!! Glad we caught that early on before submitting. So I called his office as soon as I got off the phone with the insurance coordinator and left a message with his office and they assured me that they would page him with this info and would get back with me on tomorrow! Please don't let him take too much time on this.

Like A Star - Corinne Bailey Rae

Jul 05, 2006

Working on updating this and documenting this whole process. I appreciate all correspondence and support!

About Me
Surgery Date
Feb 27, 2006
Member Since

Friends 35

Latest Blog 12
I Have Not Neglected You
Birthday Weekend!!
Outkast - Liberation
Mom's B-Day (RIP) / Final Consult before Surgery
Leaving town
Pre-Op Testing
PT 4th Day! Carb Craving
Busta Rhymes f. Stevie Wonder - Been Through The Storm
Kindred The Family Soul - Struggle No More f. India Arie
