
Well, my psych consult has been moved ahead to TOMORROW!! That is 2 weeks ahead of schedule... I am so happy! I will write more tomorrow and let you know how it went.

Love Jennifer


I had my psych consult today with Dr Moorehead's group, and they told me that I was minimally depressed. Then the doctor called my PCP to ask him what the diagnosis was when he prescribed Paxil for me. I thought I was done!!! I really thought that being slightly depressed would disqualify me for surgery. But then Dr Moorehead said that 90% of all the bariatric patients she sees are depressed. Dr Bates said I would make a good candidate for surgery. Dr Moorehead said that they were there to help me achieve the best out of the surgery, and not to disqualify me.

I was so nervous, like they were the people who held my decision in their hands (no, that would be BCBS, lol) but I overcame, answered every question honestly, and feel pretty good about the meeting.

When I left, I felt totally drained. They had asked me every question about me and every member of my family, every diet I have ever been on, how I feel about everything, and whew... It was a lot of talking to do. I feel like I opened up every part of me.

If anyone has similar experiences to share, please email me. I would really love to know how everyone else's appt went. Also, what happens now? Will Dr Marema's office call me, or do I call them?

Love, Jennifer


The pre-cert department of Dr Marema's contacted me too late. They said that there is no other dates they can get me in, and that I would have to pay $10,600.00 if I want the surgery now. And they also told me that BCBS may only reimburse me 1500.00. I dont have $9,000.00 to pay for this.

Basically, I feel they are turning me away. It is too difficult to have to pay that much. I just cant afford it. I guess I will have to gather up my file from Marema, and find another surgeon.

This really sucks. I really wanted him to operate on me.


I have BMI of 45, I have polycystic ovaries, hypothyroidism, extreme high risk for type II diabetes.




Well today is my consult with Dr Hocking in Gainsville. Last night I joined his Yahoo group OSSG. They were so nice and all had great things to say about him. I am so excited. With 4 months of waiting for Dr Marema, and now I got right in with Dr Hocking (thanks to an angel ;)

I will let you know when my surgery is scheduled for. Today will be the day that I get my date you know... WHOO HOO.

It is finally happening. I am truly excited for my future. Just hope BCBS doesnt let me down... Love and broccoli, Jennifer


Hey, I wrote a 21 page report on every diet I have ever tried, accompanied with 15 years of pictures. I faxed it to Jenika at Dr Hockings office, and she was like "wow." I spent a long time getting this thing ready. I am so ready for my insurance approval. My letter from Dr. Hocking will be ready, and my info should be faxed by the end of this week. WHOO HOO, I can feel it! I know I am gonna be approved... love, Jenny

Oct 11/02 /02

I AM APPROVED!!!!!!!! I GOT INSURANCE APPROVAL !!!!!!Yeah Empire BCBS!!!! They got my file today at 1:00 pm, and she approved me at 6:30 pm!!!!!!!!! Talk about efficiency...

November 21, my re-birth day.

Now, lets get down to business. What do I need to know about the pre-op tests, surgery, hospital stay, and post op??? I would love to get the nitty gritty from you all...

I have read and read and read anything and everything about the surgery, so I am really looking for advise on what helped you out the most, not general info. Unless the general info is something I dont know yet, but ah, I think I am a know it all! :)

Ok lets calculate the days till my re-birthday. 46 days. OMG that is hardly no time at all. I have to pack everything I own and move, notify my employer, get a note for 4 weeks medical leave, apply for short-term disability, get ready for the surgery, and do all pre-op things in this very little amount of time... wow.

I am so happy. Insurance approval was the thing I feared the most (other than the death thing, but you know:) and now, I am approved.


I prepared a comprehensive 21 page diet history. I included 15 years of diets, their outcomes, pictures of me every year, and in chronological order a diet chart of success and failure. This helped me immensely.

Here is how I got approved. I called my insurance company about 12 times and spoke to the medical management department. I asked 4 different people what the requirements are for surgery. They said 1) BMI over 40 and at least 100 lbs overweight; 2) Proof of diet and other measures failure; 3) letter of medical necessity from my pcp; 4) Psych eval; 5) Surgeon consult and tentative surgery date (but they could pencil one in).

I compiled my own essay of diets I have tried (and thank you to all who have helped me by showing me your work). I called Jenika at Dr. Hocking's office to see when the ppwk was sent. I called BCBS to see that they had received it. Mary (God bless her) at BCBS told me she would get my determination done by today, and made a joke about how huge (an encyclopedia she called it) my application was. LOL

Dont give up, never say die, fight till your last breath, dont be rude, keep your head up, pray to God, this surgery will save our lives.

Sorry for the long post, I am just very darn tootin excited!!!


Love to all,
Jennifer White
Pre-Op 277
Nov 21, 2002
Dr. Michael Hocking

October 18, 2002

Well it is official. My surgery date is confirmed and I have requested the time off from my work. I found out that I will be out of work for 6 weeks to recover, so I had to ask about short term disability, and how to go about getting the time off... my job is really stressing me out lately. I feel like no matter what I do, it is not good enough. I am working really hard lately, and I guess I feel guilty for leaving my team for so long... I hope they dont hate me for it...

Love and peas, Jennifer

Ok, so it is 4:30 am, and I have been up most of the night reading profiles and stuff. I know that this decision is surgery. I know that surgery involves pain and recovery. I know that pain is bad for a baby like me, and I know that recovery will be hard, and not easy. I thought that I would have 2 weeks of yuck, and then boing! back to normal, but I have been reading otherwise. I am mentally preparing myself for a long hard road.

It doesnt help that I am getting stressed out at work. I dont know why, but I think I can do no right at my job. Every move I make I get talked to about. Like if I forget one thing, but do a lot of another job, I get a talk, and then I feel like I am a dissappointment. I work very hard and I am aggressive just to perform at an optimal leval of performance at my job, and then I get stressed out when it seems like my best is just not good enough. HA! no one is perfect, but please give me some credit for trying hard.....

So I am trying to seperate my feelings at my job. I am stressed out because I might die, I might be very sick, or I might just fail at losing weight. But I am dedicated. I want to go through the pain and recovery, to fight hard to get to my goal.

God Bless us all, and I will pray for my co-workers happiness and patience. Jennifer

It is only 4 weeks till my surgery date. I emailed my surgeon today asking him if he wants me to use the magnesium carbonate the night before surgery, and he replied that he has never found it to be helpful, and he would rather see me have a steak at a nice restaurant my pre-op eve!!!! LOL I love him!!!

I am not really nervous about it all. I have to move out of this apartment before then, and I am more nervous about that!!! I live on the second floor, and I think the move might kill me!!!

I just keep my head up and plow forward, well... I have to run, so pray for me, and never give up!!! love, Jenny

Wow... the night before surgery... I am gonna be a new woman! I have had time to get scared, but not too scared to chicken out. I know I have to go through the pain to get to the gain, so I am willing to barter with myself.

Wish me luck, and I hope to be online updating soon... Muah!! Love Jennifer

Nov 26, 02. Wow! I am finally on the other side. I came home last night from the hospital, and will update more later. I'm not in that much pain, more like an annoyance. I take my pain meds, but they just keep me high... lol... And I cant wait to laugh again.... Like a great belly laugh... cause right now it hurts... Love, Jennyfont>

12-04-02 Feeling much better now... Yippieeee. Yesterday I felt really tired, so I had to start eating... I had about 1/4 cup of chicken in a can with 1 tbsp mayo and one slice of sweet pickle.. What a difference it made. So this morning I ate one egg, and 3 hours later I tried to eat another one without success, I was too full. I have noticed that my incision is hotter than the rest of my body, and I have a dull pain inside it. Could this be an infection? I dont know, but I emailed my surgeon about it. Love to all, Jennifer

March 03/03

I guess I have been too ashamed to show my face here... I have bad news...
Ok, I remember being pre-op and reading the posts of whiney post-ops crying about not losing weight for 2 weeks. I remember thinking "wow 50 lbs in 2 months, I wish I could do that!"

Well here I am, and my story is a bit different. I will be 15 weeks post op on Thursday, and I have lost 50 lbs. However, I lost about 46 of those 50 in the first 8 weeks. I stopped losing weight and I am totally devastated!!!!

I eat protein and try to drink alot... I dont excersise, but I am beginning to think I am broken!!! Why have I stopped when so many others are still losing???

I did have one circumstance that makes me still cling to hope. I have hypothyroidism, and it went out of whack for my last blood test. They were going to up my dose from .20 to .30!!! that is a huge increase, but thanks to Dr. Hockings advice, we realized that I was accidentally switched from syntheroid to levoxyl. I am now back on Syntheroid and will be retested in a month.

Please help me!!! I am starting to lose hope and fall back into some of my old habits. I feel hopeless about my weight loss surgery and wonder why did I even go through all that pain and suffering to lose only 50 lbs and still be obese??

Lost in the sea of misery and crap!

Jennifer White
Open RNY: Nov 21, 2002, Dr. Hocking

JUNE 3, 2003

About Me
deltona, FL
Surgery Date
Jun 11, 2002
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November 2006
195 lbs.lbs

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