
Haven't been here in almost 2 years!

Jun 24, 2012

 It's been a while since I have been on this site.  Almost 2 years in a couple of weeks.  A lot has happened and changed in my life since I was last here.  Some for good and some for bad.
I really forgot my password and stuff and finally got it emailed to me, so here I am.  Facebook, Myspace and Blackplant has had me for a while.
Still NO SURGERY...but I have lost a little weight on my own.  I inheritated a child from my brother.  I have custody of his 2 year old and he keeps me BUSY!  Not married or engaged anymore...but don't feel sorry for my...NO SYMPATHY needed here.  He wasnt who I thought he was anyway.  
As for my...I am awaiting approval for the Gastric Sleeve.  Gastric Bypass is to evasive for me, having a toddler around.  Lap-Band will give me to much FREEDOM.  I am a NURSE. I can fill it and deflate it myself....Don't need that.  So, Gastric Sleeve it is.  Not as evasive as RNY, but No freedom like the Lap-Band.
This time, I am going to go through with it.  I will check back often as possible....but with this little boy running around....I don't know!


About Me
Altoona, IA
Feb 17, 2005
Member Since

Friends 42

Latest Blog 36
September 2007
August 2007
July 2007
June 2007
May 2007
April 2007
