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looking for hospital or surgeon that takes tri-care... preferably close to me... but I will travel if I have to10/04/05
I have finally decided on a surgeon that is in the tricare network, Dr. Jawad. I am in the process of scheduling an initial consultation, and my referral from my PCM is on its way ( where I dont know...LOL)


Tricare was great, I called them and asked how I know if a Dr .is in network, she said just ask... I had a list of Dr's from this site, and went down the list, the lady was really sweet and helpful and didnt mind at all... I researched a few, and was trying to stay close to home, Dr. Jawad isint very close, but everything I have read, he seems competent and has a good bedside manner, cant tell you how many chose someone ( like Dr.Overcash for example, and said he was a great Dr just bad bedside manner.. I dont know about you, but I dont want someone with a bad personality taking care of me... He may be a good Dr. but too many said the same thing).
So... I have OFFICIALLY started the journey ( otherwise known as hoop


I called the Dr office for my initial consult, I had called on Monday and left a message and was told they would call me back... I waited paitently... and called back on Friday... when the girl took my info she wrote my # down wrong, always follow up... lesson learned... my appt is for initial consult on November 1, they are sending me a packet and I think I will see if I can get the psych eval done before the appt, since it seems that that is a requirement. They had  also received my referral already... so far so good.My husband is due home in November for R&R, he is in Afghanistan, so I am having to work all of this around him... my hope is to surprise him, he is due home in July or August, if I have surgery by Jan, I should be able to loose significgant weight before he returns home, hopefully it will be a nice surprise for him... till next time

I just saw that this was updated and my pictures have been added, I figured it was a good time to tell a little about myself and my situation. I am the mother of 7 wonderful and beautiful children  (as you can see by the photo, taken at the USS Arizona in Hawaii) my weight gain started with the addition of children, I was, I guess average, not thin but not terribly over weight. My second child was born with a heart condition, and had open heart at birth, I found comfort in food and cooking. He spent 3 months in the hospital, and I spent a lot of that eating and cooking. As I continued to add to my family, I retained about 20lbs of weight with each child. I started having back problems when my 3rd child was born. when the 5th child was born I again found myself in the hospital world, she has had a total of 10 surgeries, and our lives were turned upside down for 2 solid years. Back problems would come and go, and it was something I just dealt with. Child #7 was born with the same condition as my 5th child  (they both have bilateral congenital glaucoma) and he too had many surgeries 7 so far and he is 2 & 1/2... however I ruptured a disc when he was born... it took me 12 weeks to be able to function again, however I live with chronic pain. 5 weeks ago I found out I have a herniated disc, I have been on my back for those 5 weeks... I am desperate. I am in a catch 22... I need to loose weight, but I cant move because of my back... and if I dont do something I am just going to keep gaining and probably die. I am Praying this will be a new lease on life for me... I dream of the day when I can do the minimul of household tasks without pain, and move on to the bigger tasks of improvong my home, I would love to paint some walls, but couldnt dream of doing it the way I am. Currently my husband is in Afghanistan, and I am trying to raise all of these children on my own... this really has to work for me... so I can be their mom again.

This is the letter I typed on behalf of myself for my insurance co. I dont know if it will help, but I dont have a lot of documented weight loss... just a lot of stuff I have tried on my own.
I go for my initial consult tomorrow, I am nervous... and wondering how long it will take for my insurance to approve the surgery, and if that will even be done tomorrow, or I have to have all the tests done first???

 October 30, 2005
My name is Dawn Garutti, and I am writing this letter on behalf of myself. I want to tell a little about myself, and explain why I feel I need this surgery to save both my quality of life, and my life itself.
When I was younger I didn’t really have a weight problem, I used to wish I had an eating disorder, so I apparently thought I should be thinner, but when I look back, I was perfectly fine.
When I was 19 years old I became pregnant with my first child, I didn’t gain any weight until I was 5 months pregnant due to hyper emesis, I  then proceeded to gain 65 lbs, by the time my first son was born I weighed almost 200lbs. I managed to loose all but 20lbs, and pretty fast, the first 2 children are only 13 months apart. When my second son was born he had a life threatening heart condition, he was flown to a hospital 3 hours from where we lived, and our lives were turned upside down for 3 months while he was in the ICU. During that time I found cooking and eating as a way to run from the stress of what was going on, when I wasn’t sitting next to his hospital bed. When he finally came home I immediately became pregnant with my 3rd child, I don’t remember how much weight I lost, if any after child #2, so I would say that is where the problem really began. After child #3 I started having terrible back problems, my marriage went bad, there was the death of a friend, as well as a miscarriage, so much was going wrong, and thus began the yoyo of weight loss.
In 1992 I began walking 3 miles, as often as I could, I was also doing slimfast shakes, and I did manage to loose weight I was at 185 when I married my second husband in 1995, not at guideline weight, but not too terribly over weight, and that was the last time I was ever close to being the ideal weight. When our 5th child was born, she was born blind… it took 2 years and 10 surgeries to give her functional vision… not only did I not loose any of my pregnancy weight, but I believe I gained weight, I remember being 210 when I was first pregnant with her and I believe I was 250 by the time she was 2. During this time I had tried some mail order diet pills, slimfast, diet bars ( didn’t know something could taste so much like card board and legally be sold as food), and I even read some books about dieting  all to no avail, I had even began walking again, but I was not loosing weight. I was again thrown into distress… my mother had a debilitating stroke and came home to me for full time nursing care, and I again found out I was pregnant. That was a very dark time in my life; it was so hard taking care of my mom, and trying to take care of myself. That pregnancy started at 250lbs.I almost became insulin dependant (gestational diabetic) and I know I ate everything wrong, because I was really not able to take care of myself. I started having more back problems, a few times I was bed ridden, for several weeks at a time, and I was 285 when child # 6 was born. When child # 7 came along I started the pregnancy at 260lbs, it was a very difficult pregnancy, I started having back problems almost immediately, I had issues with my blood (platelets), blood pressure near the end, my sugar (which was common in pregnancy for me), and at the end I herniated a disc, and ended up in the hospital, and finally had an emergency induction. This child was also born blind and started off life with many surgeries.  I could barely walk for 3 months, and finally I healed enough to live with chronic but bearable pain. I lost about 30lbs at first (I delivered at 295lbs), but then I began to gain weight as my son had a total of 7 surgeries so far, and child # 4 was diagnosed with Autism.  My max weight without being pregnant or post partum was 279lbs. I tried all kinds of diet pills, hydroxi-cut, metabolife, slim fast shakes, Atkins shakes and bars, frozen foods that were diet friendly, I even checked into weight watchers and curves, but I could not afford those. I would loose 10-15lbs but then I would put it back on…
It was so frustrating, because I felt like I was depriving myself so much, for only a few pounds.
My last attempt was the Atkins diet along with exercising a year ago. I completely altered my eating habits, and I was walking 8 miles a day, in 4 months I lost 35 lbs, but my back was having such a difficult time while I walked, it would hurt more and more every day, until I was finally unable to continue. During this time, is pretty much the only time, I was Doctor supervised during weight loss attempts. All of the other times I was usually under the care of a midwife, I didn’t have a regular Dr until after the birth of my last child. And I was unable to afford to get any of the other types of help out there. So I do not have a lot of documented weight loss attempts other than what I have stated here… I am not sure how to get them, but there should be the visit notes to my midwife that always documented my weight… and I got records from my last physician before Dr. Carey, but he only gave me the notes for the last 2 visits. I imagine if requested you could get all of them, they would only give me the two.
I am now caught in a very large catch 22. I can’t maintain an exercise program, I now have 2 herniated discs in my back, and I am having more and more health issues. I have been told over and over again, I need to loose weight and it would help my back. I see this as my only way out, It is my feverent prayer, that if I loose the weight, along with a procedure I am going to have on my back, that I can get enough weight off and relief to start an exercise program again, and hopefully return to my family and household, which have suffered the most over all of this. I have 7 beautiful children and an amazing husband… I want to be around a long time for them, and be able to participate in life with them, instead of watching from the sidelines.
I realize that a large part of my problem is that I eat for comfort, but as you can see, what I have told you about my children, I will unlikely be able to correct this on my own. I know I will follow the guidelines post operatively, because if I don’t I will suffer severe consequences.
Please, Please approve this surgery for me, so I may rejoin my life again.
Dawn Garutti

WOW... I had my appt yesterday... it was 4 hours... we had a lady (Sylvia) talk to us about the surgery, the different types that Dr. Jawad preforms  (he does 2 lap RNY and the band also lap, personally I want this to be permenant, so I am going to have the RNY)... what to expect, before during and after... I was actually surprised how many people went to this meeting somewhat uninformed...and I couldnt express enough how much this site has helped me... I have been able to research and KNOW I have chosen the best surgeon, I have been able to research the differnet types of surgery, and I KNEW what I wanted when I walked in the meeting.. and the most invaluable tool of this site, is the testimonials like this one... basically everyone is going to have their own outcome... but if you do EXACTLY as your DR directs you... follow the diet, take your suppliments, avoid carbonation... you SHOULD be ok... its not a guarantee... some people are going to have problems, food could or could not be an issue... you are PROBABLY going to like or tolerate things you did not before, and things you love, you may no longer be able to tolerate. You are going to have weight plateaus... expect them, and persevere, you WILL succeed.
I KNOW I have made the right choice to have this done, if you dont feel that way... keep researching.
Anyway... I am rambling... as the meeting progressed, we were given the opportunity to ask questions, and then they had a gentleman come and talk to us, he was once over 500lbs, he was now at 250 and I believe he said he was 33 months out...he is also available for support and encouragement to us as we take this journey.
We were then called back one at a time, I was of course last... I said if it means I will be first to have my surgery, then I will take it.. I am a good candidate, and I was told I would probably have my approval by the end of the I said before WOW...I have a fist full of scripts, I need to have the gall bladder ultrasound, see a nutritionist, have the psych eval and some blood work... I figured I would have to have all of that done before they would even submit my request for approval... but I dont... I cant believe it, but I could have this scheduled by the end of the month...
January could really be a new lease on life for me... the thing I am most excited about is my husband seeing me when he returns home... I could be a new person... literally.
Well I am going to go for now, the appt today really put a hurting on my back... I wont be able to move today, but I wanted to post while all of this was still so fresh in my mind... and I didnt think it was just a I am going to have the procedure on my back next week... they are going to inject steroids into my disc spaces  (I believe that is how it is done) and with Gods blessings I should get relief for about 6 months... that was what my sister got the first time she had it done... I pray I get relief, and then if I can get off some of the weight, that should also help.
till next time.

Well folks... things are moving fast, I go in the morning for the gall bladder ultrasound, and while I am there I will have my blood work done. My psych eval is on Monday the 7th and I am waiting on the nutritionist to call me back... I am surprised at how quick everything is going. My whole next week is appts because I am also having that procedure on my back on the 9th... The person in charge of approvals said she would e-mail me when they get the approval, I asked that they not call my house since my husband is due home next week... and then we will schedule the surgery.... all I can say is again... WOW!!!!!

well... I went and had the gallbladder ultrasound and lab work today... pretty quick and simple. I found a nutritionist at the base, and I have an appt. to see her on the 21st. That way it is covered... my insurance doesnt cover it, but I think if I go to the base it wont cost me anything. Right now it is just wait for my approval... trying to decide when I would perfer to have surgery, I dont know what their schedule is... if the end of November is feasable, do I want to do it then... or wait till the kids are on Christmass vacation ( after Christmas of course)... Decisions...Decisions, what a nice decision it is to make... :)
My husband should be flying out of Afghanistan today... it could take anywhere from 4 days to 7... we are hoping on 7, because if he gets here ON the 10th... he will be home for thanksgiving, otherwise he will not... but I will be happy whenever he gets here...
I should probably be more excited... but it is the army, and I dont think I will get excited till his plane touches down in Orlando.
You will know when he is home, cause you wont hear from me for 2 unless I havnt posted about my approval, then I will have to sneak on and do that... remember, I am not telling him about having the surgery...
Till I hear from the Dr about the approval...

My husband got home yesterday... which unfortunately means he wont be home for Thanksgiving... good thing you can eat turkey any day of the year... I am just so happy to have him home... I met him at the airport, I couldnt make it to the gate, but I met him at baggage... and when I saw him I grabbed him and held on for dear life, and cried like a little baby... I cant wait for the day I get to run across the airport and he sees the new me...and I can jump into his arms and hug him... and cry. :)
the also unfortunate thing is I have a lot of appointments the next week, but I will be happy to have him to take care of me after the back procedure... the price I have to pay to surprise him with the surgery... not to have him here to take care of me after that surgery... I am sure it will be well worth it.
Hopefully I will hear from the DR this week, if I do I will post. I am currently reading Carnie Wilsons books.. both at the same I like her a lot... and she tells it like it is.

Well folks... I should have figured things couldnt continue to go so smoothly.. I tried to call tricare and find out how the approval was going... they have nothing... so I e-mailed oidays, I told her I hate to bother her, but in order to stay on top of tri-care, I had to follow up with her... and now I am waiting to hear back.
While I was doing all of that I got a call from the pain mgmt. people who were supposed to do my procedure tomorrow... Yes I said supposed to, they canceled it... something about changing tax ID's, and they have to wait till all of that is straightened out  (TWO days before MY procedure) I could cry... I had been tolerating the pain, because I knew there was an end in sight... now I am back to where I started... not like I can switch doctors.. I mean I could, but how long would that take, it only took me 2 months to get to where I was.... ONLY... Scheduling said they would get me in ASAP once it is straightened out... so all I can really do is wait.
I did have the psych eval yesterday, I think it went well... she said she should have the report finished by next week... so I will make sure to follow up on that as well... so not too much other than that... which is a, and not too much good...
But I do have my husband here, so I need to just enjoy him... I have already had the painful realization of the fact that he has to leave again... I think I keep this wall of protection around me, which helps me through all the months of not getting to see him, and while he is here, the realization of just how much I really miss him sinks in... it is such an emotional wear on your mind and body.
But for now, I spend countless hours just watching him sleep, its something... he's a soldier with the air of protection, strength and whatever it is they emit from their persona... and yet so vulnerable when they are sleeping...
Till I hear something good...LOL

Can we say APPROVED!!!!!... well finally something went right... I dont have confirmation from the Dr. office, in fact I have e-mailed twice this week, once on Monday, and again Wednesday and have not gotten any response from them. But I kept calling the 800 # (for tricare) and today it finally showed up... and it was approved, so now I just need to schedule the surgery... I may get this done before I get the back done, although I would like to have the back procedure done first, I am hoping it will make my recovery better, not having back pain to deal with also.
My husband brought a flag back from camp phoenix, flown on Sept 11, to present to the Brevard vetrans museum, and apparently they want to make a big deal of it, news stations news papers etc... How exciting is that... he was already in the orlando centinel a few weeks ago.,0,98247.photogallery?index=6,0,98247.photogallery?index=9

OMG... I have a date... gotta say that again... I have a date... Dec 5... boy was that fast!!!! I would get nervous, but I dont have I think it could have been sooner, but pre op is on Thursdays, and the next available Thursday I could go was Thanksgiving... My husband is still home and I dont want to spend one of our days across the state at a Dr appt, I have already had too many appts while he has been home. He knows I am having surgery, but he thinks it is for my back... which, in the long run it is to help my back. But this Blog will be a sort of journal for him... so he can see what I was writing etc... I was thinking about doing a video diary as well??? I cant start it till he leaves, cause I dont want him to find it before he leaves... I also told him I was doing a blog on line, and I didnt want him getting nosey on the computer and finding it, but that he could read it when he gets home... I told him it was a diary  (again not a lie... I have a real thing about lying, so I dont want to do it to him...) I am just rearranging the truth a But he can read everything when he gets home...
I am sooooo excited though... anyone with advice... please drop me a line... I have to start a high protein low carb diet now, and in a week I have to go to 2 protein shakes a day, and 1 meal high protein, low carb... gotta look all of that up... what exactly is low carb (is there an exact amount I should follow???)
Like I said no time to get nervous... too much to do... I will probably be writing a little more often, as the day approaches... would appreciate all prayers,  Really dont want to leave my family motherless, or wifeless (who would do all the but I am sure they will appreciate having me as an active part of life again... so this to me is not elective.
Till later

Well, I thought I had better update a little today... tomorrow is one week from surgery. My kids are all sick, and I am so afraid I will get sick and not be able to do the surgery, but I figure if that happens, I will assume it is Gods will, and this will happen on His time. I kept saying I better hurry up and get sick, usually I do whenever they do, but I have been anemic for a long time, and started taking Iron after my initial consult, and I have been on prenatal vitamins for a couple of weeks now, so maybe all of that is helping ward off any illnesses...
My husband went back last Tuesday :( we had thanksgiving while he was here, The day itself just didnt feel like thanksgiving, and a friend and I went shopping the day after, and when I got in the car at 4am... the radio was playing "blue Christmas" I wanted to cry, but I just chuckled instead... The holidays this year are just not going to be the same without my sweetie... seems no matter how difficult things are between us... Christmas is always magical for us, and brings us so close together... this year I just want to get through it.
Anyway, I started my 2 protein shakes and one high protein meal a day a few days ago, had a little trouble getting started... jeezzzzzz it is the holidays... but I am on track... just hope I am choosing the right foods etc... they said low carb, not no carb... but I am not sure how many I am allowed to have.
I go for all of my pre-op stuff on Thursday, and it looks like we are going to Disney on Sunday...I should be tuckered out for surgery on Monday... we may go on Sat, but I think the older kids have an
ROTC function.
My back hasnt been too bad... cant complain really, I have been avoiding motrin... no one told me not to take any, but I know you shouldnt before surgery, I will have to call the office tomorrow and find out, but I have loritab, so when I need to I take one of those... so I have been able to be more active than I have the past 3 months, so that should be better for me for surgery, since I cant really excercise... but I have been doing a bit more walking...
Got all of my Christmas shopping done... pretty much... Now I just have to wrap it all before surgery....LOL
so, that is about it for now.... trying to get nervous every once in a while, then I chase it away... Oh yea... I have my psych eval, and nutritional eval in hand... they should have been faxed, but just in case I made sure I had a hard copy, so now I am sure they have all of my pre-op tests... completed.
till the next time...

The last day of November... just 5 more days... I go for my pre-op tomorrow... I am getting up early... the office is a little over 2 hours from my house. I think I am starting to get nervous... I was not able to fall asleep last night.
I am baking a few holiday pies... these are my christmas gifts. Doing some laundry, and killing as if you cant tell...
dringking my shakes, I have pretty much cut sugar out of my diet... starting to get used to the coffee with splenda finally, cut out soda and carbs... its a wonder any of my kids are alive... the other day I couldnt even drink my coffee... I cant cut out caffine too.. or I will really loose
So... tomorrow will be a long day... I will update again on the pre-op experience when I can... maybe not till Friday... no hesitation though... I am ready for this!!!!
till later

Well folks... I am all done with pre-op... it was a 15 hour day for me... the drive is about 2 & 1/2 hours away... then there was 5 hours at the office, then over to the hospital for another 3 or 4 hours... at the office we went over all the stuff to prepare for the g-tube, how to burp and feed and what we should be eating for the first few weeks post op... and a stern reminder not to ask to have the g-tube removed early... because the way it heals for removal can not be hurried. We were given instructions on excercising post operatively, and a general explanation of the surgery itself by Dr. Jawad himself... we are then examined, given a fist full of pain and nausea scripts to have ready when we get home from the hospital, and sent on our way to the hospital.
There we are asked the same questions no less than 4 given an EKG, chest ex-Ray and enough blood drawn to make me anemic...and lets not forget the paperwork... lots and lots of paperwork... I was also given a bracelet... and told not to get it wet or we would have to start the whole procedure all over again :~.. and handed a bar of soap and told to wash with that the day of surgery...  :|.. guess I am wearing a plastic bag on my arm????
I have been so busy I havnt had time to worry... I try every now and then, but I chase it away.... I am trying to have my house in order for christmas, so I dont have to be moving stuff around after the surgery. And lets not forget the laundry... 7 kids.. it has managed to pile up.. I almost have all of it done... now there are all these piles all over my living room, then I need to put it all away... God forbid no-one has the teens do their own laundry except for the socks... I prefer they not touch the bleach... God knows what will end up with bleach on it... so only I handle it...
I am on clear liquids now... had my last steak dinner on Friday... boy was it good... hope I can have it again one day... I am not a real red meat eater, but I do crave it once in a while, and lately it has been more often????
I gave up soda almost 2 weeks ago, and have switched to splenda with no problems... it took a few days, but I was enjoying my coffee again... now who knows how long it will be before I can have it again... hopefully not too long... or I will have to inject caffine cant give it all up at once, or I will kill the kids... maybe I can get some liquid
But I better get going for now... I am writing letters to each of my kids in case something happens to me... I know when my friend died I would have given anything for something like that... so I feel they are necessary... got too darn many kids I only have 2 of them done... I have a lot of work ahead of me.
If I dont add anything to this tomorrow... Please say a prayer for me...I want pain and I will see everyone on the other side... I have heard looser... I am definitely not one of I guess I prefer loosing side... or the slim side... :)
God Bless Everyone.... and if you are reading this and trying to decide, before I even go in... I KNOW  I have made the right choice, and to me this is sooo not elective... I WILL die an early death if I dont do something... this way I get a chance to live a long healthy life. in the words of Nike... Just Do It!!!!

I'm on the slim side now... very very sore, will update when I am feeling better... everyday is better just as everyone said... i'm only 3 days out, so I guess I need some more time.
I did get a shower today... thats a bonus.
Till next time

12/09/05  Posting this today.. this is the previous few days...

Day of surgery ( monday)
Ok folks... let me try to catch everyone up.... monday we took the 2 & 1/2 hour drive to the hospital, we left at 6am... we got to the hospital and proeeded to wait in registration area... it was nerve wracking and I was starting to get ansy.... finally they called me back and I was attacked.... literally, I had to pee in a cup, change into one of those wonderful gowns... I had people asking me questions while others were trying... TRYING  to get an IV in....I was dehydrated, and it was no fun, they found one, stuck me then backed off the thing like three or four times, then gave up and stuck me again in almost the same pace...and did the same thing all over again.... :@ finally they got it in the other hand. I have a laytex allergy, and when I was questioned by anesthesia they were more concerned than the day of pre-op, said I should have been the first case.... I started to get worried and think they were going to cancel everything.... so they re-set the room... and of course, all the people were gone now, and I was wondering why was I just attacked like that... it was all a bit overwhelming... giving instructions, taking questions sticking me.... geezzzzz... anyway a nurse comes in and says someone opend a pair of laytex gloves in the non laytex room.... so they had to re-set the whole darn room again  (for those of you who have lost count that is 3 times) they took me back, put me out and my friend said it couldnt have been an hour... I woke up in recovery wanting pain meds... said they would give it to me on the floor, it took them 2 hours to give it to mee   :(... had me up and walking 2 hours later, I think I walked 3 times???the meds were thing NO-ONE warned me about were the heparin shots in the belly.... that really freaked me out... I am great if I am prepared, but I wasnt and it really rattled now you have been warned... it really doesnt hurt, it just freaked me out, and left wonderful bruises all over me.. my belly and leg anyway (they put one in my leg, there were 4 in all I believe) the rest of the time I slept... and that was surgery day.

Day one post op ( tuesday)
Firts thing they did was take out the ng tube, I asked what it felt like, and she was done and said why try to explain it... felt better having it out. And took out the cathetar.
Today was more walking and that wonderful leak test.. cant describe the meaning of disgusting, it was horrible... any way no leaks, so I got a tray of water... LOL.... broth packet, tea packet and jello and juice, I drank the juice and ate some of the jello... tried the broth... but really it was groose. got instructions on my tube care, I have a g-tube in the left side and a JP drain in the right. Had a couple of visitors... Jan, a former patient and angle, heather also a former patient and her boyfriend was haiving surgery that day, and Rusty called, also a former patient and angle... I had my very own personal angel, angela, she is a wife of a deployed soldier also, and I could never have done this without her, she slept next to me in the hospital in a chair, drove me home, has had my kid ever since (the youngest)... she needs a medal of commondation... and I am going to work on that.
It was time t go home... 2 & 1/2 hour ride home, we stopped at one rest stop, I got out fuzzy slippers, robe and all and walked (went to the bathrom, but now the gas was something)...
Fatigue has just set in... better take the offer, I havnt slept all day... I will try to finish this weekend...
We got home and I settled into the recliner... I was up and down all night, took care of my own meds, drains and tubes, my mom-in-law looked a bit rattled by them, so I figured out how to do it by my self. I think I averaged 3 hours sleep at the longest, then morning came.

Day 2 post op (wednesday)
Today I rousted kids, and got out clothes, just a little bit of normalcy. My girlfriend "saint Angie" took the little one for me, gramma got the kids to school.
I did those little exercises and started trying to drink, I am going V  e r y  s l o w, no need to hurry. I was supposed to be able to start protein shakes and shower today... NOT... the pain is pretty intense, especially getting up and down. I did find one exercise that helps with rebound left shoulder pain, just lifting my shoulders up and down, or the little hands on shoulder rotation things, seems to help move the gas. I talked to my hubby for a min on the computer, still too hard to sit and type... he thinks I am recovering from my back surgery nicely.... honey, one day you will read this, I am sorry about the white lies, but hopefully, this will help my back in the long run. I slept a little off and on, not a whole lot, changed the bandages...gramma got the kids home and made dinner for them. she is also staying at the house at night, Which I am so greatful for!!!

Day 3 post op ( thursday)
I rousted the kids again today, pulled out clothes, and settled back down... my girlfriend came and got the little one after the other kids were all off to school, so I took the opportunity to take a shower... that was a chore, but I accomplished it... took about an hour... will work on that...LOL  I felt so much better.
I started protein shakes, and picked up my drinking a bit and started on more broth, I finally feel like I am getting in enough liquids, mouth doesnt feel like the mohabi desert every time I leave it open a few
Had to go to the bank today, the car ride was the worst part  
(sorry mom:) I made mom-in-law take my van and had to get a paper notarized for my daughter.. wasnt about to get dressed (
(that would have taken another hour) so fuzzy slippers, bath robe and off we went.... mom asks, "how many people you know you think you will you run into"? I said all of them and at least a few I havnt seen since high   thank God... didnt run into anyone, got in and out pretty fast got home and settled down again. Gotta finish later, the back is killing me... almost caught up though...LOL
the rest of the day was actually pretty much the same... I motored to the mail box and back, gramma helped and got dinner for the kids and got them to bed and stayed with me again. And again I did not get too much sleep... up to this point that was really elusive... sleep...

Day 7 post op (Monday)
Well life is starting to take on some normalcy... so trying to do each day is getting too hard... I know on Fridays shower I added washing my hair... each shower gets a little easier, and less time to accomplish. I am up to almost 2 protein shakes a day... I ordered this stuff called profect... 25 grams of protein per vial, so I look forward to that... not sure about the shakes, if I will be able to drink em or not later, for now they go to the tube... My biggest problems now are my tummies.... one seems to always be bloated... I think it is the old one..and it is starting to drive me nuts... gas x helped for a bit... but not much. Still getting help with the kids, cant lift the baby yet... I did my first tiny drive last night, to the post office and blockbuster... 3 blocks... I may be driving myself to the Dr office today??? so I wanted to see what it felt like.. gonna be interesting.
OK... its way early... I will try to finish up today on this for sure

Day 8 post-op (tuesday)
OK folks... lif is moving too fast again, and I am going to just have to move
I did end up driving myself to the Dr yesterday, 6 hours round trip, that was a little rough. but the drain and staples are out. So far so good... I have started my vitamins, drinking some protein now, still putting it in the tube. I am a little worn out... I did a lot yesterday, but I am starting to feel normal again... cant lift the baby for another week :(   hardest part... but I am able to hug the kids without being terrified...LOL (I am so afraid someone is gonna bounce off the incisions). Life is getting good again... I would say 1 full week from surgery is when you can expect it... I am sure it will be different for others.
I will be so glad when I can lay flat in the bed... tried again last night, still not happening... almost time to get the kids up... on with daily life...I never was a home body anyway, but seems like I will be more active than ever!!!! :)

Day 9 post-op
Yesterday was a turning point for me.... I felt human... or normal again... minus the tube hanging out of my belly...I was able to drink 2 protein shakes yesterday.... soooooo much better than having to put them down the tube. I was able to drink more normally, I have been taking tiny little sips, and all of a sudden I was able to drink more normally.... I think it it psychological. I had coffee again.... yeeeaaaaaaaaaaaa... I am not a human without my coffee... I can give up anything, but puhhhhhhhhllllllllllleeeeeeeezzzzzzzeeeeeeeeee
dont make me give up the coffee... even adjusted to the way I drink it with no problems (splenda, sugar free nestle french vanilla creamer   :). Went and ran errands... probably did way to much... but I cant be acused of not moving enough, and last night I got a few hours of sleep... still cant get in the bed... that is my next goal... I have also lost 12 pounds... not sure how to change the ticker on here... once I do I will update it. I dont plan on being a slave to the scale, but it is there, so why not... I probably weigh every day... but even if it didnt, I feel soooooo much better... not sure how that works, but it does. Maybe because psychologically I know it will eventually come off. I will measure one month post op.
I feel really excited now (I am such a pessimist, I didnt do it before surgery...LOL) I feel better, and the weight is coming off.. It is a good life... speaking of life... gotta go live it... crazy hour at my house getting 5 peope out the door to various schools, today I am keeping the baby home for the first time with me... still cant lift... he better come when he poops...LOL

Day 12 post-op
life is almost normal again... I am drinking my protein with no problems... seems as if I kept my iron clad stomache, even if it is much smaller... I am so glad!!! I can drink milk, the shakes... just about anything I need to... I bought some of the profect protein stuff... someone said it was great for putting down the tube (g-tube), so, I did that yesterday and had a little left and tasted it and it wasnt half bad... a little sweet... it is concentrated... but they have 25 grams of protein per 2 &1/2 ozs... so its a small price to pay... I have figured out why protein is so important... keeps you from loosing so much hair, helps with weight loss and helps keep you healthy in general... it is an important part of the rest of your life after this surgery, so if you figure out what works to get in your 80 grams a day, and quickly I would think... you are going to be so much better off in the long run.
I finally slept in my bed last night... it is so hard laying down... but that was heaven... I got several hours of un-interupted sleep, and I know that probably helped me a bit on the emotional side... they talk about some bouts with depression... but it is Christmas and my husband is 1/2 way around the world... so I expect to be depressed right now... being worn out from what my body has just been through and not getting enough rest I am sure was compounding it... so today my outlook is much brighter!!!!     :)
Life is good... and my surgeon has been blessed with a wonderful talent by God... I am greatful.
gotta go, life is going on, and I am more a part of it than ever... even post-op.... God is great!!!!

day 14 post op
Well folks... thought I had better update, looks as if after Christmas will be my next ioda of free time...LOL it is crazy as always for me... I am doing really well, a little low on energy, the body is still trying to heal, and I have not been getting a lot of rest... all the kids are out of school, and that makes for a more than hectic life right now.
Me and the g-tube have been having issues.. it is irritated and stings when I put my meds in and drain ( in case you are wondering, this is not something every Dr. does, my surgeon Dr.Jawad does it, and I am actually glad, no chance of dehydration, and you can put stuff you dont like the taste of down it..) Anyway... it has really been bothering me the past few days... but I am going to just have to deal with it. I found some bandages that may be more friendly to my skin, I seem to be sensitive to everything, more so as I get older. I ran out of the ones from the hospital, and had to get some from a local (carrys everything) pharmacy, they are very soft, and I pray they help... seems as if my problems cropped up after I ran out of them.
Other than that I tolerate everything very well..drinking my SF latte as we speak... love my coffee... can give up anything, just dont make me give up my coffee...LOL
I eat 2 protein shakes a day one for breakfast and lunch and then about 1/2 cup of creamed soup at night... maybe some pudding... I have not been hungry since surgery, so it is easy to keep with the program... another requirement, liquid diet for 4 weeks, then I can have soft food (actual food)... only 2 more weeks... never thought I could look so forward to a scrambled egg with cheese...LOL... smells do seem to get to me also... funny thing is Pizza... I never really was a fan, but I keep getting smells of it and I really want some pizza...LOL I guess you would call that head hunger.
OK folks, I am in the process of addressing 100 Christmas cards as we speak...a bit of a delay due to the surgery... but looks as if I am going to be on time... had to get all 7 kids together and snap a picture today, and we had success... that is all I want for Christmas!!!    :)
If I am not on again before Christmas... Merry Christmas, and God Bless you!!!!!!!!
And I have been asked a few times... any regrets.... NONE at all.... not one second.... this is the best thing you can do for yourself... be strongminded about it... Know they will get you up right after surgery to walk and accept it... do everything you are supposed to to speed the healing process... and you will be on the road to a new you faster than you can prepare... 14 days post op and I am down almost 20 lbs... Life is good

23 days post op
Hey everyone... well Christmas is over, and it wasnt as bad as I thought it would be... I was able to get my husband on line on the web cam Christmas morning, and he was able to watch everyone open presents... it was really cool, and almost like he was here. Not exactly the same, but close enough for now.
I am doing pretty well... Physically I am a little run down, did way too much for the holiday... I think I may have ripped a stitch on the g-tube, but it seems to be healing ok... just have to get through the next 3 weeks + and it will be gone as well. I guess I better start not using it in a couple of weeks, so I know I can get in all of my protein without using the tube... I have to admit the tube isint such a bad thing for that feature.
Other than that, I feel almost normal, I can sleep in the bed, eat a full liquid diet, and next week I get to graduate to soft foods... never thought I would look so forward to a scrambled egg. I have had no problems with nausea. All in all life is good. I have a lot of energy, although I could probably use a nap from time to time, and probably dont get enough rest... but that is my fault.
I have been as busy as ever... and feel great. I feel so blessed to have been able to have this surgery, and I would recomend it to anyone.
Till later

Welcome to a new year.. and I am lucky enough to have jump started my news year resolution early... to live a healthier life. It has been 4 weeks since surgery, besides the g-tube, I feel normal... I graduated to soft foods this week... Chicken and egg salad, lots of fish... I went to BJ's and bought some of theit fish... most have 20 grams of protein, one...lobster and shrimp stuffed talipia, has 24 grams of protein... I seem to be able to eat about 1/2 cup of food... I hope that is not too much... I didnt think I would be able to eat that much right off... but I do feel the full feeling, never over full, at least not yet... I guess it is normal to be nervous when you are just starting out... how many worry they will rip a staple line, surely I would feel sick first??? I just hope I am doing everything right. My biggest challenge seems to be getting in the 64 oz of h20, especially now since I have to wait 1/2 hour before and 45 min after meals to drink... I get up in the am and start drinking, and it seems like a day long chore... I hope this gets easier for me... it is really my biggest challenge, and I feel it is very important to get it all in. I am down 30lbs... I havnt done my measurements... I figure I will do those on the 5th.. I am not a fanatic or anything about that, I am just interested in keeping track. I think the biggest shock is watching that scale go down almost every day... that is really something.
Hope everyone had a great new year... we did manage to have a lot of fun... I got to ring it in twice... once Afghanistan time, and then again our time... had my hubby on the computer both times. It was pretty cool...LOL
Well folks... till next time



All is going very well... I get most of my protein by food now... I still think I amy be able to eat more than I should be... but I dont eat a lot, and I am loosing weight. I had a bit of a set back... but it was also my PMS week, so I am interested to see what next week brings.. the scales started moving again today... and I expected it to slow a little... I think I would look malnourished if I lost it too fast. My face looks so much thinner... I have heard so many say they look in the mirror and see the same person... I do not, my face is a lot thinner... and I am loosing inches everywhere... 3 in the waist, pretty much 2 everywhere else (bust, legs, arms etc...) that to me is just as good as watching that scale move everyday... Monday I will be 6 weeks post op and I have lost 34 LBS... thats a win in my book... took me 4 months of staving myself and walking 8 miles a day to get here a year and 1/2  ago. I cant wait to see the results when I can exercise regularly.
I am still having a lot of issues with this darn tube... only 9 more days till it comes out, and not a moment too soon... right now it feels like it is "healing" in my body, and everytime I move it tugs... all I want to do is sit still till it comes out.
I have had a house full of sick kids, and my 5 yr old has kept me at the Dr's office or ER all week... he has pneumonia and an allergic reaction to penicillin... so I have been medicating and dosing 3 times a day and breathing treatments... it has been one way of passing a week quickly... not one I would recommend.
Next week is pretty full of appts as well  (not for the 5yr old), and should pass that week quickly... hopefully the 5 yr old will be better...poor kid He spent his b-day at the er and home in bed...
I think I am a littlle nervous about getting the tube out as well... but it cant possibly hurt as much as the pulling it does every day... I am praying it will be a big relief...
The Husband and I stay in touch very often... he still has no idea, and frequently asks about my back.. which by the way... 34lbs lighter and it is feeling soooo much better... it hit me the other day... it doesnt chronically hurt anymore... and I think the normal blood pressure shocked me the most... it has been wonderful since the day of surgery.
So for now, as has been all is good. I would do it again in a min... however had you asked me that the first week post op and I would have said no... I was still hurting too bad back then and I remember thinking during the leak test... please let everything be OK, cause there is no way I am going back to the OR...LOL... and in fact... all was fine, and still is.
I consider myself one of the lucky ones.. I was prepared for the upset all the time stomache thing... and it is not... I havnt thrown up once... barely been nauseas... I was the other day, but not convinced it wasnt a touch of the flu... I have finally managed to get sick... not too bad.. a touch of a cold... and otherwise I am fine.
till next time.

I saw a profile and I liked the way that they did the update... I am
6 weeks post op today... I have lost 36 lbs so far, and I have lost inches.. 3 from my waist, 2 from my hips, bust, leg and arms... what I will do from this point is put how many lbs I lost from the last post, and I measure monthly... I am shocked at how the weight just comes off... I am wearing a size 16 pr of jeans, down to XL shirts, with room, my 2x's are swiming on me, and my capris are a size 18... my 20's are really big on me now. dont know why the different size from Capri's to jeans.. but oh well... till next time

I am tube free.... yeahhhhhhh... this is me doing a happy dance... it is so good to have it out... it wasnt painful, a little strange... some tugging and pulling, and then I had some spasams, but on the other side of my body, not the side the tube came out of ??? go figure... but the spasams stopped immediately... and now I am free....    :)
I have lost 40lbs... 4 lbs the past week... I thought I was having a lull, but looking back at last week and I see I am actually loosing still... so no lull... I will measure next week at my 8 week post op... only want to measure monthly, no sense in doing it more than that.
Thats about it for this week... the kids are doing bettter, no one is sick right now... shhhhh dont tell
I havnt heard from the hub in over a week, and wont for 2 more... that is tough... especially since I talk to him so much most of the time... and he still doesnt know... I will have to stop using the cam soon... dont want him to realize how much thinner my face is...LOL
Till next week...

OK so I'm a day late.. it has really been a week... did I actually say outloud last week that no-one was sick... well... 2 of them are now... nothing like a few weeks ago, but with this crazy weather, everyone has runny noses... including me, my sinuses are going nuts.
OK let me get to the stats... I lost 4 more lbs for a total of 44lbs,I started at 267, and I am now 223  (well I was yesterday... as I type this I lost yet another lb   :)
I havnt measured yet.... when I was done with this last week, I got a call that my mom had fallen and broken her hip, so it has really been a mad week, back and forth to the hospital, her surgery was on Wednesday, and they just got her moved to a nursing home/ rehab on Saturday... she has alzheimers and dementia, and may not recover from this... only time will tell  (she also had a stroke 6 years ago, and already had hemi-paralysis on the left side, and that is the hip she broke)...
So I will try and measure in the next few days... I will try tonight but no guarantees!!!
So, lets hope that next month is a better month... I finally got a 1 line scentence from my husband yesterday... after hearing that 2 soldiers were injured... I dont know if it was his group or not, he didnt say... all he said was that he was OK... I would have liked to hear more, but that will have to do for now.
I wanted to update a little about my eating etc... I do really well.. I can eat almost anything (tried a chicken kesedia(sp?) from taco bell, and the cheese was a little spicey, didnt bother the stomache any, but killed the intestines, and I figured I had better be careful)... but I can pretty much eat anything I want with no problems... I still havnt tried steak yet... and I dont dare do sweets... I dont want to dump... well actually I have tried a bite here and there, which I think is ok... the ultimate goal is a balanced meal... if I deprive myself completely of sweets, I will want them... so I have gotten a few SF things, and have one every now and then... seems the more you are away from them the less you want them... goes along with the rest of the re-programing thing.
I may be having a problem with eggs... I seem to get really gassy after eating them, but I am testing that theory.
It is a struggle to get in all the protein and water, but I am really pushing it.. I make sure to do protein supliments and water is an all day struggle... I hope that gets better as time goes on... I have been really run down lately, maybe cause of that, but I think it has a lot to do with my husband and not being able to talk to him lately... and there are issues with my son and mom-in- law... I wont even go there... but I may have to have my husband come home on emergency leave and straighten this mess out. Lets hope not... that would ruin the surprise...but it would still be a surprise non the less... I have lost close to 50 lbs since he saw me in November... :)
ok... I feel better now that i have vented a bit about that...and I wanted to post about my food intake... I really consider myself one of the lucky ones, no real issues with food... not lactose intollerant... never have thrown up  (knock on wood)... I am sorry to say its not that way for everyone,... but a lot of what I have read.. it gets better over time if there are issues... so you have to hang in there... for me this has been the best decision I have made... I think I saved myself from spinal fusion, and I have not had chronic back pain in weeks... just make sure if you are trying to find the answer in someone else, you cant... you have to find it in yourself... you do this for you and no one else.
Till next week

February 6, 2006
well folks... all I can say is its been another week   :(    I can always pray for better ones each week right... this has nothing to do with my WLS... it all revolves around my mother in law and son and my mom and her issues...
As for me... I lost 6lbs this week for a total of.... drum roll please...... 50lbs in 9 weeks... weight is now 217.. that still blows my mind... I dont see it in the mirror anymore... in the beginning I could see my face getting thinner, but it looks the same to me everyday now, and I dont feel any thinner... however my clothes are a lot looser... I am down 3 pant sizes from a 20 to now a 16.. my 2x shirts are hanging really long on me now... so I feel different in my clothes... but if I catch a side view in a windoe etc... I still see the fat me.
My eating is going pretty well... I find myself suplementing with protein... because I just dont eat a lot... I have never been a good eater, but I do try to get in protein bars etc... I bought some lean cuisines yesterday... I had salsbury steak with mac & cheese (24grams of protein)... my first beef since surgery... so far no problems. It was easy to cook and tasty... so I may try to keep those on hand and then I will at least eat... I am NO cook, and not good at putting stuff together... I have seen so many people with receipie books out there, they need to sell the finished product...LOL... cause I am no cook... never have been.. and I doubt I ever will be.
I take my suppliments every day... and I get in most of my water every day... I am at least consistent with 48 ozs... and I try to push that 64.. but I have gotten to 48 gradualy... I have faith it will come.
I finally heard from my husband.... poor guy... I blasted him with all the crap his mother has been putting me through... plus I was upset he didnt even write me once on his 3 week mission... I really need to hear from him and he doesnt seem to understand that... or want to do anything to change it     :(     so I am very sad over all of this right now... I have been off my anti depressants since surgery... I suspect I will be going back on them soon... too bad he cant just write me a letter and make me happy... typical man...
One good thing that happened today... I received an e-mail from our district Family readiness coordinator... apparently the show Extreme home makeover is loioking for a home of a soldier to make over... I contacted them by e-mail, and I was the first.. they came out and took pictures of my disaster of a house... we have 7 kids and a 4 bedroom home... we are busting at the seams... I had been bed ridden for 3 months before my surgery and then my surgery... so my house is really a disaster right now, and down right embarrassing... I have been so depressed over everything, that I havnt been able to get control of it... just keeping up with daily life is a challenge for me right now... anyway... he was going straight back to his office to get the pictures to State ( who I guess was contacted by the show and generated the e-mail) He said state was rooting for us, as well as himself... since he knows our situation with our kids and all... there are no guarantees... but I am gonna pray hard... my kids could get to go on another wonderful vacation ( make a wish sent our family to Hawaii last year for my son Chris's wish)... and we could end up with enough room for all of us to live... how wonderful would that be... If it is Gods will.. it will be... we were actually going to apply for the show ourselves when my husband was home on leave... but we just didnt have enough time to do the video..etc... and the FRC said not to say anything to my husband... can you imagine... he gets a new wife AND a new house...LOL he might have a heart attack...
So I will ask for prayers... what a Blessing it would be... cause right now we dont have the means to get a bigger house... so really this is the only way it will happen for us... I am soooo hopeful...
Well... I will keep everyone posted... except for the hubby   :)   I will say, at least the year seems to be going by fast... its already Feb... so that is good!!
Till next week
Future Update

Well I am a little behind... there wasnt a lot ot report this week... as of Monday... I had only lost 1lb..  for a total of 51lbs... I weighed 216 ( I did loose 2 more lbs.. and now weigh 214 for a total of 53lbs lost... but I will try to do an official update on Monday again) My exciting news for the week is I crossed over to the other side... to the regular department.. (happy dance) that was soooo cool... I am now in a size 16 regular... how cool is that!!!
Otherwise everything is good... my mom will be going home tomorrow from the nursing home... my brother is going to have his hands full with her... but I do agree she will be much happier at home.
I guess I should tell the good about my husband as well (he will read this one day    :) he sent me some beautiful carnations before valentines day, and for valentines day he sent me a beautiful arrangement of tulips and a gardenia plant (my favorite).. he had also written me a letter, and it came on valentines day... that made my day!!!!... see what a little writing can do for the spirits...LOL.. so he is back to being a good guy...LOL
He is actually a great guy, and I am very lucky to have found him... we were in a very bad place a little over a year ago, and where we are today is nothing short of a miracle... and a gift from God... I just want him home so we can enjoy the time we have and make up for the time we lost while we were in the bad place... not counting the time we are loosing now!!!
Till next week

11 weeks and 5 days post op... I am so off schedule...LOL.. I may start posting every 2 weeks... as alwyas I have so much going on... current weight 211... down 5lbs from my last post... for a total of 56 pounds... I had a small lul.. and it seems when you have those there is nothing you can do to change it... more protein or water didnt change it... but we have to remember... if we kept loosing at the pace we start off... we would probably shock our bodies... I feel healthy... I am a little tired... but that is normal for me... I have epstein bar... otherwise known as chronic fatigue syndrome... I have beeen told several different things about it...some Dr's dont believe in it  ... etc... all I know is I have always taken vitamins and extra B12 to ward it off... I may see if I am allowed to up my B12 any.. that could help with my energy.
Also something that may be of help post op... I am learning all this vitamin stuff... currently I am on chewable multi vitamins (from 2 a day... I take tums 2 a day (for calcium)... I take the multi and tums in the morning and again in the evening... you want to space them out so you absorb them correctly... Biotin has to be 2 hours after calcium... that helps with protein absorption and supposedly hair loss (it really has helped my nails too... hehehe)... I am in the process of learning about wether or not I need to wait to do my B-12 or if I can do it in the morning with my multis... Biotin and calcium cancel each other out that is why you wait... also Iron and calcium cancel each other out... so I take my Iron at bed time ( and at least 4 hours after my last dose of multis)... Vitamins are essential to our health after surgery... so find what works and stick to it... I take the orange multi chewables and the passion fruit Iron as well as the sublingula B-12 berry flavored all from Bariatric advantage...biotin is over the counter.. and as of a few weeks ago... I can swallow those ( I was putting them in apple sauce to soften them and then eating it...)
I am soooooo sad to say we did not get the makeover on the house... state did submit our name, and they were surprised to find out that other states were involved...:(   ... so someone from another state was chosen... but I figure it wasnt Gods will... and it just means I need to get our butt in gear and submit our own application to the show ourselves... something I had planned on doing anyway... it is

About Me
Merritt Island, FL
Surgery Date
Sep 14, 2005
Member Since

Friends 25
