"What You Can Expect From the RNY Surgery"

Sep 25, 2007

I am posting this excerpt based on other Patient's exp.  (This is just an FYI for those who are interested and are curious, --like me).

   “…Some days I am like on cloud nine because I get so many compliments and I can fit into clothes I haven't been able to in a long time...but the flip side of this new found body is the stuff that some people don't tell you about.  Especially things like...there are days that I don't eat, the fact that I feel week sometimes, my hair is coming out in clumps, the really bad breathe, the bad taste in your mouth, how food does not taste the same, the dumping, the dehydration, the lack of energy sometimes, taking your vitamins, making sure you get in enough proteins...etc. I mean these are things that can happen to you from having the surgery”.

"Most people I talked to prior to having the RNY made it seem like it was the best surgery since sliced bread!!! Don't get me wrong..when would I have ever lost 80 lbs as fast as I did...but along with that comes a price. There are days when I feel really good about my decision and then there are days when I have "buyers remorse".

 “… I would have to say that this whole surgery thing is 90% mental and 10% everything else”.

 "Your daily life will totally change. Your eating habits will totally change".

 “Now don't get me wrong on how great the surgery is because I would definitely recommend it for someone who has real health issues to be concerned about. But I would not recommend it for someone who is doing it for vanity reasons because like I said some of the effects of having the surgery can be more pressing than the actual reason you are having it. And then too, things that I am experiencing may not be the same for someone else”

 “… Dumping can be in the form of heart palpitations, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, sweating or shakes…”

 “… For some other people their dumping can last for hours!!...”

 “…Chewing gum was a big thing for me … but you aren't able to do that until you are about 5 or 6 months out, just for the fear of you swallowing the gum and it getting stuck in your pouch. Also, chewing gum can produce gas in your pouch and that's no fun either…”

“…Now just a little tad bit of info...the sex is off the chain!!! Oh my God ...see nobody told me that one. I didn’t know that you also loose fat down in that area also which makes you supper sensitive…”

"So what happens to your old stomach? Does it rot?

Sep 23, 2007

No, it actually stays there and creates a lot of digestive juices. Those need to be drained, so they reconnect the intestine to allow the juices to meet with the food so you can digest it."

I've Got A Date!!!

Aug 30, 2007

Okay, I'm set...Sept. 27th, 2007 - It's going down. So now, back to the sit-ups and long walks.   Gotta tone up some more.

More later.

First Things First...

Aug 27, 2007

Today I had my Pysch Eval. all is well (I AM STABLE ENOUGH TO PROCEED) (lol...HA!) Yay! So now, I'm going to the next step which is to see the Nutitonist on 08-30-07. More later.

I'm Getting There...

Aug 25, 2007

Yesterday was my first time on OH.  So far, so good.  There's a lot to learn here on OH and I'm glad we all have this wonderful option for support.  I am expecting to meet new friends here to share my experiences with; for their encouragement and to give to others once this process is complete.  

Stay Tuned.

About Me
Atlanta, GA
Surgery Date
Aug 24, 2007
Member Since

Friends 19

Latest Blog 5
"What You Can Expect From the RNY Surgery"
"So what happens to your old stomach? Does it rot?
I've Got A Date!!!
First Things First...
I'm Getting There...
