Pre-op Stuff

Mar 28, 2009

Hello Friends,

It's time I began this blog.  I should have started it months ago when I actually started my WLS journey.  Finally, after 4 months of doctor's visits and many months of research, my surgery date is upon me.  On this coming Friday, April 3, 2009 I will have the VERGITO.  Woo Hoo!  I can't believe it's time already. 

It seems like time was just dragging along as I jumped through the hoops and made sure I had all of the required classes, doctor's visits, labs, tests, etc.  Even though I am self-pay, I still had to do all of the usual preop stuff.  But now that it's almost time, I am getting a little anxious.
I am in the second week of my pre-op diet, which consists of 4-5 protein shakes a day and up to 2 bars for breakthrough hunger.  Do I like the shakes?  No.  Can I tolerate them?  Yes.  I don't feel so much hungry, but I still feel the urge to eat.   The weekends are the hardest for me, as I have more free time to fill.  Plus I usually cook on the weekend, so I have to find something else to do.  Needless to say, my family is on their own at this time.  I guess the best part of the pre-op diet is that I have lost 11 lbs. 

The worst thing thus far, is weaning off of my anti-depressant.  I take Cymbalta and have been completely off it since last Wednesday.  Not only am I cranky and irritable, but I cry at the drop of a hat!  I was watching the Chicken Little movie with my grand-daughter last night and cried, not once, but twice.  Crazy!  I will be glad to start taking it again.

In order to get ready for my post-op diet, I went to Wal-Mart yesterday and got stocked up on everything from sugarfree jello to chicken broth.  (Yummy!)  For the first two weeks, I will be on a liquid diet.  Dr. Husted says I can have anything I want, as long as it passes the "straw test."  Not that I can use a straw, I can't.  But I have to be sure that whatever I consume is thin enough to go through a straw.  He said I could have a burrito if I got it thin enough to drink.  (No thank you.) 

One thing I am worried about is not being able to pick up my grand-daughter.  She is only two, so she won't understand.  Today I told her the doctor was going to cut my belly and make me better.  She thought for a minute and asked if I would have band-aids on my belly.  I hope this doesn't make her afraid of the doctor.  She might think her doctor will cut her belly too!


About Me
Somerset, KY
Dec 10, 2008
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