April 15, 2005
I decided to have this surgery last August but am waiting for open enrollment to get on my husband's insurance in July. His insurance company covers bariatric surgery. My weight is around 255, I'm 45 years old and have been overweight since my mid-twenties. I'm married for twelve years, no kids (but I do have a chihuahua and cat). I'm inspired by all of you that have profiles!
I'm very tired being so overweight and can't wait to be healthy and active!

May 29, 2005
I'm counting down the days to July 5th,2005. That's my first appointment with Commonwealth Surgeon's. I've been to the St. Mary's orientation meeting and have done all my homework. I have my folder filled out and will soon write my letter they'll need to submit to Anthem, COVA. I'm so hoping the insurance goes through without any problems. I hear this insurance is easier than some. I have no related illnesses but am 120#s overweight. Being in the 'limbo' state is excruciating. I take it one day at a time and mark it off on my calendar! HA!
I will update throughout this journey. Anyone who reads this please email me if you'd like. 'til then... gina

July 5, 2005
Went to surgeon's office for first visit today, dropped off paperwork/letter and was told they would submit to insurance this afternoon. She said if I'm approved my surgery date might be six to eight weeks out. Wow, I hope it's that soon.
Will hear over the next week or two that status.
July 9, 2005
It's Saturday...last Tuesday my case was submitted to insurance for approval. It's a weird time waiting. Kind of like standing on a bridge looking at the other side but not allowed to cross. Not wanting to go back where I've been, but having to keep an open mind to whatever will be.

July 16, 2005
My surgery's approved and in 3 1/2 weeks! Came home from work Thursday night and hubby had approval letter in his hand.
Friday (yesterday morning) I called to get my date and they said
August 11th !!! Damn, I was expecting an eight week delay.
This is very cool, 'cuz my body is just worn out carrying this weight. I feel very fortunate that I've been given this opportunity for health and take it very seriously. Daily excersize and following all the guidelines. It'll be so worth it.

July 22, 2005
I've been in shock the last week with the news of the surgery so soon. (August 11th) But today I'm just happy, not nervous.

July 27, 2005
I went to my psych. evaluation this afternoon followed by a four hour nutrition/behavioral class at the hospital. There were only five of us in this four hour class. It was pretty intense and on the way home it really hit me that I'm saying goodbye to the 'old' me and the 'new' smaller me is about to take over. I'm kind of mourning the old me. I was told to go out and purchase all my protein shakes, vitamins, and stuff for after surgery. That sure hits home. Tomorrow all day I have my physical, lab work, EKG, Xrays, etc. It's all gaining momentum now! Makes me just kind of blink my eyes! Surgery is two weeks from tomorrow morning.

August 6, 2005
It's Saturday and my surgery is this Thursday morning. Friends and coworkers have been wishing me well this past week. I have all my protein/water/vitamins/yogurt/jello/Lactaid milk. I'm very psyched about the whole thing. Very happy indeed. I'm pushing my recovery though. I have a gig 15 days after surgery (have a jazz band). And I'm going back to work just two and a half weeks after surgery. So lots of focus on physical therapy (walking, breathing, lots of rest). My future is in God's hands and what is my fate will be so I'm not nervous about the surgery. I've had five abdominal surgeries over the last ten years so feel like an old pro with recoveries. I have lots of little 1 oz. medicine cups to sip, sip, sip from all day. I'll update during my recover......on the flip side.

August 18, 2005
One week post op. Lots of discomfort and feeling of bloating but all is well. Had a complication on the operating table. Surgeon said that they had to restaple a section that started to leak, so they fixed it right then. (Glad they do that leak test before closing up the surgery). My upper GI a couple of days later proved good and I'm home since Sunday. Was in the hospital four days. Since I've been home I haven't been doing near as well as I expected. With my other surgeries in my past when I came home atleast I could have a little glass of orange juice, half a grilled cheese, Mom's homemade something. But it's ALL GOOD ! I'm so blessed to have my health, no infection and the gift of this surgery to gain back my health. Thank God for this opportunity ! : ) hugs and kisses

September 1, 2005
Three weeks post op. Didn't feel strong enough to go back to work on Monday (Aug. 29th). This weekend is Labor day so I'll go back to work on Tuesday, Sept. 6th. Can't quite sleep in bed at night due to incision pain so still in the recliner. I"m eating/drinking well with lots of things to eat and drink now just very small portions and eating/drinking slowly. Not much strength but the newly added carbs have me feeling better. My nails and hair are growing like crazy with all the protein I'm eating. I'm getting in additional vitamins like CoQ10 Enzyme and Andrew Lessman's Healthy Hair,Skin and Nails and also vitamin C.
Am still only getting in about 800 calories a day and it takes all my time to schedule my pills, shakes, water and foods. In the evening you'll hear me say as I walk through the house "Ughh, there's not enough time in the day to eat all my food!" ... pre surgery I NEVER had a problem wolfing down the food. :)

September 19, 2005
Five weeks out and all is well. No complications and can eat everything that I'm supposed to. I've been sneaking in beef jerky too..naughty me. Haven't missed a vitamin, drinking all my fluids and still have two to three whey isolate protein shakes a day. I eat such small amounts of real food at a time....two ounces The dryer the food, the less I can eat. Very soft foods like applesauce and yogurt I can eat about three to four ounces. Don't think I get more than 800 calories a day...probably more like 600. It took me 30 days to finally sleep in my bed...so no more RECLINER ! WOOhoo. I've lost 26 lbs.
My energy is still low. I've been back to work for two weeks full time and it's fine. Just don't have the energy for excersizing. It's gotta be from lack of calories. I mean, how robust can you be with only 600 to 800 calories a day??? Walking is fine but then I'm pretty spent. All my incision pain has been gone for two weeks. I'll check back at my 8 weeks. hugs

October 13, 2005
Nine weeks out and 37 pounds gone! I'm happy with that. I've only had three times I threw up and that was 'cuz I ate too much too fast. I also can't tolerate Pineapple in any form. I stay away from citrus and acidic things like wine vinegar. Also, don't eat bananas or oranges. My favorite food is canned peaches in juice or apple sauce. My diet is fiber drink, then coffee in the morning, then a protein shake when I get to work with my morning vitamins.
Then I have fruits or a little protein food during the day. I enjoy a cup of lettuce once a day. I try to eat some frozen broccoli every couple of days. When I get home at night I have another protein shake. I use a powder from the health food store that's a whey isolate that's all natural and bioavailable. I mix it with skim milk.
I sometimes have a few pretzels in the evening as a snack.
Every night (for the first three months) before bed I take a Zantac. Doctor's orders. I have no more aches and pains in my joints since I've lost some weight. I can move easily and have
energy but find that working a full time job and trying to remember to drink water and stay on schedule of eating/drinking at work to be quite a challenge. The day just flies by. All in all I'm very pleased with my recovery. No complications and my health is very good.
I'm VERY surprised on how little fills me up. Literally just two ounces of solid food fills my pouch. I'm never hungary but do enjoy the taste of food when I eat it. I'll check back at 12 weeks.
sip,,,,sip,,,,sip,,,,gulp ! ooops

November 22, 2005
14 weeks out....50 lbs. gone and feeling very healthy. I'm halfway into my weight loss total. My diet has stayed the same....protein shake for breakfast at work followed by vitamins, meat/salad/fruit during the day and another protein shake when I get home at night for supper. I eat rare steak atleast three times a week. I also eat steamed shrimp or some lean pork chops. Of course only eating a couple of ounces at a time. I still stay away from all sugar. I try to have some olive oil every day to get in my fat. I have found PRUNES....woo hoo.
Prunes and prune juice keep me regular EVERYDAY. Since I've been eating so little, when I DO eat I'm very particular about eating whole foods. I find this the most amazing of all the changes. My complexion is clearer. Very happy with the changes in my body. I feel so blessed at this opportunity for health!
Love to all.

December 11, 2005
FOUR months out and Woo Hoo...all is well. I went from being strawberry blonde to having very dark brunette hair. Now as a brunette and down 54 pounds people don't recognize me that haven't seen me since before surgery. The other night my husband was talking to me at looked over at me and said "Who IS THAT WOMAN sitting over there!". It's funny 'cuz I see my self in the mirror constantly and am adjusted to the image but others still just ... blink... : )
Food no longer is a source of entertainment. Just a few bites and I'm DONE...NO CHOICE....JUST DONE. It SERIOUSLY take the fun out of eating but there's so many other ways to have fun when you have health. Will check back in at six months out. God Bless you all with your journey. gina

January 12, 2006
Had a colonoscopy today so I'm home resting from that. Had to have just clear liquids yesterday and that was not fun. Though I don't eat much food these days the food I eat sure is important to me so I missed it! The procedure went well and I'm back to work tomorrow. Feeling good. Taking my two protein shakes a day and vitamins and drinking plenty. Had no problems during the holidays 'cuz I stayed away from all sugar and didn't over eat.
I've discovered Russell Stover SUGAR FREE Chocolates. They're very cool! I'm down 60 pounds and do look much narrower.
I joke that I'm dissolving 'cuz I just keep getting smaller all over and starting to look like someone who's not heavy. The biggest difference I notice is that I don't have any difficulty moving. That's the blessing. But it's true, after THREE bites of anything solid, I'm full. One of my favorite snacks is canned peaches with Splenda. WalMart makes them already w/Splenda and they're so sweet and juicy. Very great treat at night. I still have a little extra hair coming out when I comb my wet hair after showering than I did before my surgery but they say it's temporary. Hope it stops in the next month or two. God bless you all in your search.
Talk to you soon.

February 19, 2006
Down to 199....Onederland. But now I'm stalled. sheesh. Been at this weight for a couple of weeks. My husband says he hopes I lose slower over the next six months. It just freaks you out when the scale stops moving. Had my six months check up last week and blood work was 'perfect'. Iron, hemoglobin, etc. all was excellent. I feel good too. Down to a size 14 pants and medium to large shirts. My calves are starting to get smaller too. I like that. I don't recognize myself in the mirror anymore. Especially when I'm all dressed up. I'm way narrower than I'm used to seeing.
It'll be a big day when I can wear boots. (get them over my calves)
I'm doing my morning and evening protein shakes and trying to eat right all day. Taking all my vitamins and getting my eight hours of sleep. Started weight training also to tone up. Will add an AFTER pic as soon as I can get hubby to take some. hugs, gina

March 31, 2006
Weight got down to 188 but then got back up to 191. So here I am eating more and my weight loss has slowed. I'm eating carbs everyday and eating more than I used to so my body's weight loss has really slowed down. I'm losing inches though and feeling very healthy. I can eat anything but sugar so I really have to watch that I stay away from nachos, pizza, etc. Even at small servings those things don't allow weight loss, ya know? I'm a size 12 now and wear medium shirts. Amazing how I can weigh so much and wear average size clothing. My parents have both told me not to lose anymore weight....that I'm thin enough already. I'm still going to get down to 170 though. 155 to 160 is my goal but I'll start at 170 and see if that is enough. I like being shapely and don't want to be thin...just a healthy weight.

I'm eating two protein shakes a day plus a meal and a couple of snacks. I still have a few prunes before bedtime to keep me regular and I take my vitamins throughout the day. Still take a Zantac antacid immediately before bedtime to keep away any acidy

My appetite is back a little but it feels like an empty feeling not a ravenous thing like it used to be. I do like my coffee in the morning and I have hot tea in the afternoon. I drink plenty of water throughout the day and stay away from juices.

Though I eat some I think breads sabotage weight loss majorly.
It seems like when I eat any breads I don't lose weight for a week.
Seems to set me back. Same with tortilla chips, potatoe chips, potatoes. All that stuff just halts any fat burning. It's so true.
The only way to start burning fat again is to completely eliminate them for weeks at at time. So your body is forced to start burning it's own stores again. My body seems to know that "Bread is on the way baby!" So no more bread, carbs, etc. for a couple of months to kick it up into gear. I'll check in May 1st and give an update of my success. : )

May 30, 2006
Hi there ya'll. I'm still weighing in at 186 and have been staying in that general weight for awhile. I feel great. No complications so all is well with my health. I've been good taking my vitamins daily and having one to two protein shakes a day. I'm in a size 12 but want to slim down my waist some so that I can wear a size 10.
The nicest part about slimming down has been feeling that I look average when I'm out in public. When I was larger I realize now that my size distracted me when I was in public and now I don't think about how I look 'cuz I know I look similar to everyone else.
I'm down 80 pounds and have very little loose skin. Some jiggly under arm skin but, hey, I'm 46...I'm allowed. : ) My body looks
good and I'm so thankful I have my health. Absolutely no sugar or carbonated drinks. Other than that I eat anything. I'm busy with singing in my band and also doing a holistic healing practice.
Life is good with my husband. I have many blessings. I'll check in again in mid-June. hugs

August 29, 2006
I've passed my one year anniversary of my surgery--August 11th.
My health is very good. No dumping and no throwing up. I completely stay away from all sugar and no carbonation. I eat everything else. I drink one whey isolate protein shake for breakfast every morning. I mix the powder with skim milk. That gives me 26 grams of protein that is easily absorbable to start the day. Some days I also have one in the evening about 8:00pm
if my protein intake has been a bit low that day. I'm currently weighing 181 and am working to get down to 165. Pilates is the excersize I like. I've been doing well with singing to the point that I got to retire from my corporate job and perform full-time. I'm so glad that I feel healthy now and can move around effortlessly. One of the best parts is being able to pick something up off of the floor without cutting off my breath as I bend down. It's amazing how just getting the weight off effects your movement so much.

I do find that I am different and must treat myself at every meal and throughout the day as 'altered'. I simply cannot eat too much and cannot drink and eat at the same time without over filling my little stomach and no one wins then. So I try to remember with each meal that I must be carefull. I drink my protein shake, take my mega B-Complex liquid under the tongue. Then have my One-A-Day with Iron. Later my Cod Live Oil (A & D). Then in the evening my second One-A-Day with Iron. Just before bed I take
a Prilosec. (Then in the morning I never have any acidic stomach). My hair is good. All my blood work is awesome and I feel great. My skin is very good. Jiggly underarms but legs/butt/stomach is pretty darn good. I still eat four prunes every evening and am super regular because of that. I do have to watch what I eat. I'll have a cheeseburger. I've had fries. But I feel the best if I eat healthy low fat foods. Fresh fruit (watermelon, peaches, strawberries, etc.) is so decadent and sweet. I buy the canned peaches from Wal-Mart that are sweetened with Splenda and they are super.

It's been a great journey of self-discovery to go through the physical awful surgery (though I had an easy surgery and recovery it was still quite an experience) and then to start getting smaller and begin looking like I used to years ago. I started looking like I always saw myself in my mind--how I remembered me. When that image came back in to view it was actually relaxing. It was like ...'ah, yes, finally'. : ) Now the world sees me as I see myself and all seems back in balance. I've been able now to follow my dreams and work in the field that I choose. It's an ongoing project though, isn't it? All of our lives are our ongoing
process. But we wouldn't have it any other way, would we?
God Bless us all. hugs to you.....
Future Update

February 18, 2007

Wow, I didn't realize how long it's been since my last update.  The last time I updated was about the time I changed careers.  I quit my day job in property management and now am a singer full-time.    I perform mostly Patsy Cline music.  It's been going well and I've been feeling well.   My weight stays between 172 and 175 (depending on my salt intake and eating carbs).   I'm happy at this weight which gives me a loss of 95 pounds. 

I still have a whey isolate protein shake for breakfast and take my vitamins (two One-A-Day plus Iron, one Cod Liver Oil and B-Comples with extra B-12 in a liquid.  Other than that my diet is normal....NO SUGAR ever and NO CARBONATION ever.

My skin is pretty good.  I stay pretty active.   My job entertaining keeps me hustling moving my sound system equipment every day.  (Gives me my upper body workout!)   No complications from the surgery.   If I overeat...I throw up.  Simple as that.  I love nachos and I eat them and they always don't digest well and I just feel crappy after I eat them.  But I still eat them occasionally.  Isn't that stupid.

I'm still eating 4 or 5 prunes before bedtime to keep me regular.   And I've added Viactive Calcium chews (2 a day) and I also now take 400mg  (3 tablets) of Magnesium in the evening.  The Magnesium is necessary for muscular health.  I allows muscles to relax and does many essential things in the body that most people never get enough of in modern diets.  So I've added that. 

My step-daughter has decided to have Lap Gastic Bypass surgery and goes for her first appointment with the doctor on March 4th.  Though you have to be commited to taking your vitamins and getting enough high quality protein every day it is a wonderful tool to getting and keeping a 'normal' sized body.   I'll start updating monthly again.   I love you all and God Bless you in your journey.

May 30, 2007

My step-daugther is having gastric by-pass on June 12th!   I'm so happy that she will be able to get and keep her weight off.   She's very excited.  I think she knows enough about the post-op lifestyle that she'll do quite well.

I've changed my calcium from Viactive chews to CALTRATE.   I still see my bariatric surgeon's office every few months to check in with them on my habits and results.  They told me that Viactive chews are not as absorbable as Caltrate so I take that now.  Everything is the same.   I eat A LOT of potatoe chips as my snack of choice but only if my weight is at goal (which is about 170).  I carry my weight evenly so everyone thinks I'm closer to 140.  So that's good I guess.   I've been staying away from sugar and carbonation.  Doing fine with meat.   Ribeye steak does the best for me.  Still take a few prunes at night to keep me regular.    : )

I'll be two years out August 11th.  I'm looking forward to that.   I hear lots of horror stories from people who know others who are several years out and have gained a lot of weight back.  Of course, I grill them on what these people are eating/drinking and it always comes back to them drinking beer, soda (stretching out their pouches) and also eating as much sugar foods as they can get in without 'dumping'.  I don't understand why they self-destruct but maybe the more time that goes by the more they forget how important the rules to the surgery are.   Every day I work to be a success story.  It doesn't take much.  Just NOT doing a couple of things (sugar/carbonation) so I think that's do-able.   I hope my story helps anyone reading this.  Bless you on your journey.

Monday, February 11, 2008
Hello!   Lots to tell.....  My step-daughter, Kimberly, had her gastric by-pass surgery successfully this past August, is doing great, 
feels good and has had no complications.   It's so good to see her feeling healthy.   She's down below 200 lbs. and now in Onderland.    

The other piece of big news is that  2 1/2 weeks ago my husband, Dennis, had gastric by-pass surgery too!.  He's on his six-weeks off from work recovery and doing really well.   His incisions are remarkable.  He must have special healing powers.  : )
He's following all the doctors orders and he's down 18 lbs. !    He's not whinning and moaning about the incision pain near as much as I did!   : )  We even walked around an RV show yesterday for two hours.  This morning he's feeling very well so that's good.

I've been eating potatoe chips which are my bad habit.  I've stopped eating things like nachos and lasagna and pizza that are very high in calories.  Other than the chips and full-fat cheeses my diet is very good.  I've stayed at 173 for over a year.  I'm still drinking my morning protein shake, still taking my two multi-vitamins, cod liver oil (A & D) and my B-Complex w/extra B-12.   I'm taking Citrical calcium as instructed by my bariatric surgeon's office.   I'm not excersizing though.   I'm leanin toward getting involved with a regimen of cardio because I think it will make me feel good and will probably melt those last 8 pounds off.   I'd like to be 165.
I'm a size 10 still.   Look good but am a little flabby in the belly/waistline.  I haven't gained any weight and honestly I started adding in fatty foods originally to slow my weight loss as I didn't want to look haggard and 'waisting away'.  But now that things are quiet again I think I can stay in control of the next amount of weight coming off just by excersize and low-fat foods. I'm still eating four prunes in the evening to keep me regular.  They are very effective. I still stay away from pineapple.  It has too much fiber and doesn't break down enough when I chew it. I'm fine with celery though.    

One thing I've been doing since I was 4 months out and that is eating medium-rare steak.   I try to eat it very often but once I chew it up if there is some gristle left in my mouth I spit it out and don't swallow that part.   This way I'm getting some benefits from the red meat without having to have that little wad of gristle in my pouch.   Works great but I only do this at home!   : )  I drink regular coffee every morning (about three cups).   I never have sugar in any form (not even ketchup or barbeque sauce), no alcohol and I eat fresh spinach atleast every other day.  Though I'm not perfect in my eating I'm in control and know what to adjust for optimum health.  Before gastric by-pass surgery I seemed dominated by my hungar and metabolism but now I feel in control to make adjustments as needed.

I'm still singing Patsy Cline shows every day and hubby and I have decided to sell the house/land within the next year (housing marketing allowing !)  and buy an RV to tour the country.   See the country while we work (sing).   Dennis will take early retirement from his job (State of Virginia) and we'll travel.   With Dennis regaining his health from this surgery I'm looking forward to him getting excited about his future and all the adventures he can have.  

So lots of news.   Not all good though.  Both of our mothers are seriously ill.   My mother has a terminal lung disease and Dennis's mother has advanced alzheimers/dementia and is in a wheelchair.   We cherish all the many blessing in our lives and the rest we turn over to the Lord to help us carry.  Bless you all on your journey.  Gina

About Me
Richmond, VA
Surgery Date
Sep 10, 2004
Member Since

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