Happy New Year!- Update 1/2/2009

Jan 02, 2009

The scale said 169.8 today!  I may be out of the 170's for good!  Yippee!  I will update my wt. tracker as it goes down further, I want to make sure it is the real deal before I post it!

The Holidays were great, not really too tempting, and not as hard as I thought at all.  We have our last celebration for the Holidays this Sunday, because my parents were out of town for the Holidays.  I have decided we are not doing the big Holiday meal.  Maybe I can think of something different to make.  Right now a big pot of soup sounds good and easy to make!  We will see what everyone else is thinking...

I went to the gym Monday & Wednesday this week.  I was supposed to go today, but I did not make it.  So I am making it up tomorrow!  I really need to get stronger and tone up a bit too.  I am trying to promise myself that I will continue to go at least 3 days per week.  I need to get addicted to going, so then I go no matter what!

I have been a lot better on my vitamins this week.  I have been making a special effort to not miss any times or pills that I am supposed to be taking.  I still wonder why my energy level is not were I want it to be, but that could be that I just need to get more active to be active?  Also, I am interested in what my labs are going to say.  Pre-op I had low Ferritin & Low Vitamin D.  I have a feeling both are still low or in the toilet despite the supplements.  I get no sun really, so I think my vit D will be lower than it was in Sept when there was sun everyday.  My Iron (Ferritin) I am not sure but I sometimes think I am anemic since surgery.  I am really trying to take that iron every night now though...

I also stopped tracking my food intake for a while.  I think I was slacking on everything a bit.  Maybe I need more protein everyday and maybe I just need more calories.  The last 2 days I have averaged around 680 per day.  Not sure what I should be eating, but I am stuck wanting to eat only when I am hungry and I am not hungry very often (until I wait too long to eat then I get really hungry or shaky).  I also like the soft foods more.  I know they are easier on my pouch, are not going to make me sick, and I can eat a healthy amount.  So, I tend to lean towards re fried beans with cheese and sour cream, cottage cheese, protein bars & shakes.  They are quick, easy, and I know they have the protein I need.  I am just not into the meal thing yet...  I have had salad on several occasions and I am surprised by how much I can eat.  It tastes so good and I try to eat chicken or chopped ham with cheese in it to get some protein.  I love the BBQ Chicken Salad from BJ's with the dressing and sauce on the side!  OMG it lasts for days they give me so much!  It is delish!  I also indulge sometimes in a sf ice cream bar, or a sf candy (always chocolate).  I think that really saves me when I am watching everyone else eat dessert.  I just pull out a piece of my sf candy and feel totally satisfied.  I have tried less than a bite of my hubbies dessert and they do not taste all that great.  That makes me feel even better, that I am not putting all those calories into my body when it is not even very tasty to me!

I think overall I am doing really well.  I have some days that I feel like I ate to much of something and beat myself up for it.  But, I am trying not to have that old me mentality.  The new me says well just do not do it again, and I make up for it the next day by being extra careful with what I eat etc...

Everyone is amazed by the wt. I have lost.  The compliments are nice and wearing smaller clothes is cool too.  Now people are telling me I do not need to loose anymore.  I am fine with that as long as they do not get pushy about it.  I know that I still have 20 lb to loose.  They can't see it, but I see my tummy in the mirror naked they don't!  I just say thanks for saying that I do not look like I need to loose anymore, but I do and I set the goal with my Dr. to be a healthy BMI.  That usually shuts them up...

So that is my update for now!


About Me
Sacrametnto, CA
Surgery Date
Aug 13, 2008
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