happytoloose posted a discussion topic 6 years, 11 months ago

Wow, its finally happened. 198 lbs today. What a rush. i never expected to see this.

The weightloss has not ended completely as of yet.

Maintenance has not been easy, found myself falling into old habits, but fought my way back on track

happytoloose posted a discussion topic 7 years, 7 months ago

Wow, its been 2 yrs since the sleeve. It is everything they told me it would be and more.

I cant believe how much my life has changed. Unbelievable? Not really. If one works as hard I did.

Never was easy, lots of work. Well worth the EF

happytoloose posted a discussion topic 8 years ago

Pretty sure my body likes it here. (227)

I kinda like it here too.

Still count my protien, avg 80 gr a day. I seem to be taking in a few more carbs, nothing outrages, probably 60 to 80 gr a day.

I Keep looking at nutrition label

happytoloose wrote there goes seven more! 8 years, 3 months ago

16 months, still ticking down. Feeling great about the results thus far.

Its a little slower now but Ive exceeded my clinical goal, changed my personal goal about three times. LOL


happytoloose posted a discussion topic 8 years, 3 months ago

Its official. In 15 months, Ive lost HALF of my body weight. Can you belive that? Kinda hard to wrap my head around that.

Still loosing too, slow but sure. Life has changed for me.

I havent weighed a portion, or gone hungry in over 4 mo

happytoloose posted a discussion topic 8 years, 5 months ago

Well its been nearly 14 months, 213 lbs, and a bevee of stalls. The most recent one lasted 2 months. I started thinking the weightloss was over.

WRONG! I have shed 10 this week, unbelievable.

Anybody else experience this late stall only

happytoloose uploaded a new photo 8 years, 7 months ago

happytoloose posted a discussion topic 8 years, 7 months ago

Well, its almost here. Its been a year since I began this journey.

Its been everything you guys said it would be and more.

The weight loss has exceeded my expectations, the health improvements

have been astounding.

At th

happytoloose posted a discussion topic 8 years, 9 months ago

Well, 10 months have flown by since surgery day. I dont know how things could be better.

I knew that the weight loss would slow a bit as I approach my goal weight, but what I didnt know is that it would kickstart

again. Without changing

happytoloose posted a discussion topic 8 years, 9 months ago

Whats up fellas?

What a ride huh?

I dont know if any or all of you guys are experiencing a strong desire to roll back the clock, and do some of those things that you

enjoyed doing "back in the day" , or just always wanted to do.

happytoloose posted a discussion topic 8 years, 10 months ago

Wow, what a ride!

Getting used to the "new normal" but still as excited as ever.

The weight loss has slowed down but still going. 

Health improvements keep happening, almost daily. Feeling better all the time.

Doin thing

happytoloose posted a discussion topic 8 years, 11 months ago

Until today, my weight loss numbers have been just that, numbers. What happened today made it real.

I was helping a buddy of mine unload horse feed from his pickup, and carrying 2 50lb bags of pellets, 1 over each shoulder and moving them about

happytoloose posted a discussion topic 9 years ago


7 months in, down 170, 8 inches smaller around the waist, feeling 20 years younger!

But those aren't  the HUGE nsv.

I got on my dirt bike and went for a long ride in the desert, over 90 miles of trails, dirt roads, with a 

happytoloose posted a discussion topic 9 years ago

Well,  I tested the limits over the weekend while on a fishing trip to the mountains with a friend of mine.

I ate all kinds of garbage, and drank beer too. 1st time since I started this journey I feel like I cheated myself.

Picked up 4

happytoloose posted a discussion topic 9 years, 1 month ago

Hey sleevers,

I just past the 6 month mark. I had a vit d deficiency but am taking 4000 units a day now, seems to help.

I still cant eat all my protein on a daily basis, doing great on liquids though, 100 oz a day no sweat.


happytoloose posted a discussion topic 9 years, 1 month ago

I got a little cocky with my program and my restriction has eased up tremendously. I traded in my protein shske in the morning for a protein bar a couple of weeks ago and am now noticing a lot less restriction. ive gone from an oz and a half to 4 or 5

happytoloose posted a discussion topic 9 years, 4 months ago
SLIP UP ALERT! -   Oops.... Slipped up and had a piece of chocolate. It was nice. But not as nice as pre op. Just a small chunk was enough to satisfy my sweet tooth. Not a whole bag of mini sni...

happytoloose posted a discussion topic 9 years, 4 months ago
Found! my new comfort food. - TOBASCO SAUCE! ANY flavor is good. A little on some roast chicken,  wheat thin, or just a dab on my finger. Really seems to settle the rumbling that goes on down there. No calor...

happytoloose posted a discussion topic 9 years, 4 months ago
ok sleevers, great news - Hey gang, Hope the chaos of the holidays is winding down for ya. Today at 5pm AZ time. I hit the lost century mark. 100 lbs , completely overwhelmed. Got a long road ahead, but ...

happytoloose posted a discussion topic 9 years, 4 months ago
relief - Ive seen several old posts about mmj after surgery, but nothing recent. Is this subject off limits here? I never really thought seriously about medical marijuana until after surge...

happytoloose posted a discussion topic 9 years, 4 months ago
hittin' my goals early on - Good morning fellow sleevers, Today is a huge day on my journey. I should reach the lost century point today, or maybe tomorrow, so close I can feel it. I cut myself short on wa...

happytoloose posted a discussion topic 9 years, 5 months ago
here it goes again! - This is great! I just broke another stall and the pounds are just melting away. I went 6 days this time with only a 1 pound loss. But.... Yesterday, I lost 2, and I'm down 3 to...

happytoloose posted a discussion topic 9 years, 5 months ago
fluids getting easier - Hey y'all.... Well now 2 months and a week out and I can finally drink a cup of water without hurting. Not every time, still sipping all day but nice to know I can catch up if I'...

happytoloose posted a discussion topic 9 years, 5 months ago
another string of 3 lb days - Looks like its starting again today, after a few days of no loss. Seems like a reoccurring thing for me, a stall and then rapid loss for a few days. Not a problem anymore, just g...

happytoloose posted a discussion topic 9 years, 5 months ago
What a rush! - Hey sleevers, hope all is well. Ive made a major discovery. I LOVE VEGGIES! That's right, the greener the better. I was having some low energy issues, had to try something, neve...
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