I had the laproscopic gastric bypass on June 17, 2005. As of August 19. I have lost 53lbs.

August 29, I have lost 60lbs.!!! WOOHOO!!!

October 13, I am at 79lbs. I have had a 2 1/2 week stall which I was very upset about. But this morning I lost a pound so maybe it will start to come off slow again. I am happy to be inbetweeen a size 16-18. close to my size goal but the weight goal is a full 100 pounds to be gone. Good Luck to all!!

Nov. 11th, 89 pounds gone!!! I weigh exactly 200.1 pounds!!! So close to my first goal! I am losing my hair by the fist fulls. It is so sad and depressing. I am thinking of either shaving my head and going with a wig (this will also help support my mom with her hair loss during her Chemo) or just cutting it pretty short and dealing with it as best as possible. So all that said, when asked how am I feeling or am I doing well-- I always say I feel great and am happy with my progress. So the next month I am hoping to hit my goal and figure out what to do about my hair. Take care! and Good Luck!!!

Almost 7 months I have lost 110 pounds. It has been slow the past month again. I am hoping that it will pick soon again. I wish warm weather will come soon. I love walking, but not in the COLD!! I hope everyone else is doing fine. I am still looking for a local support group, so if anyone from the Cincinnati area wants to chat, please e-mail me.
Take Care!

I am trying to learn more about making this profile like others. With pictures and back grounds. If anyone can help me, please let me know. I want to show my weight loss photos on here too!

Well I am almost 9 months post-op and I have lost 130 pounds!!! I now weigh 164 pounds!!! Almost to my next goal of 150! I need to have pics done. I am in a size 12-14 now. I feel great and am dutifully takeing my vitamins! My last doctors appointment went very well and all my blood levels look good. Take care!

I am 11 months out. I have 1 more pound to go final goal. I am extremly happy with every thing!! I am in a size 8/10 top and 10/12 bottom (which is wonderful and surpassed my dream size of 12's!!) I am going to try and post some more pics on here, but if I can't I have several on Myspace.com and at the Yahoo group Gastirc Family .http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/Gastric_Bypass_Family/


Please take care of yourselves. I hope to hear from everyone soon!


Almost a year out!! I feel wonderful!! My hair is growing back, FINALLY! I have some wonderful news! I had the goal of being in a size 12, and I have beat it! I am in size 8's!! OMG!! I have never ever been this small!! Does it seem real to me? No. I close my eyes and I still feel 289 pounds, I still see my self in my minds eye as being 289 pounds. I know this is mental and it will take another year or so for it to sink in, I really don't know the woman in the mirror before me, but I am learning to LOVE this woman more than I loved the 289 me. I have hit platues (sp) and I am actually on one now. For the past month I have been trying to lose 2 pounds, that right, 2 pounds. It will bring me to my final goal of 150 pounds. But ya know honestly if I don't lose those 2, I will be happy. I know I have gone on a wonderful journey and wouldn't change anything at all. I will continue to update when possible and hope to have more pics avalible soon either on here or my yahoo web site. Take Care Everyone, Thank you for ALL your support!

Hello to all who have been following my progress. I am 17 months post op. I am 140 pounds and I am in 6's and 8's in clothes. I am thrilled!! I have had no major issues. I did lose some hair, but it is growing back. I have a ton of pictures on Myspace.com/heatherapowell... and at heatherabyron@yahoo photos area named my weights loss journey. I hope everyone is well. Take care! Heather Powell

About Me
Springfield, OH
Surgery Date
Aug 21, 2005
Member Since

Friends 2
