Under 200 LBS!!!

Aug 11, 2008

Under 200 today for the first time in over 20 years!!!!
I didn't even know if I would get down this low when I originally talked to my surgeon about this surgery.... It was a dream goal for me to ever reach the 200 LB mark.... A dream has come true today 8/11/2008. I don't think I have been under 200 since my early 20's, before I met my husband. I can remember times of extreme starvation diets when I would weigh around 180 lbs. But I would litterally starve myself for weeks to get to this weight. I would feel weak and sick trying to achieve some ideal. In some ways I am healthier now than then....
I now weigh less than I did at my wedding!!!!
I now weigh less than my husband!!!
I now wear a size 14/16 depending on the cut and brand!!!
I now love to go for walks at a park, I was in a wheel chair before my surgery!!!
I can now travel comfortably, and fit in any chair I want!!!!
I can wear cute shoes again!!!! (shoeaholic)I am even a size smaller.....
I can go places and feel comfortable... Not feel like everyone is staring at the pathetic fat woman. Sad but true this is how I often felt.
I am now back in College and working on my Masters Degree in Education.
I am working part time substitute teaching at a pre-school and looking for a permanent position. I couldn't even take care of my self pre-op let alone hold a job taking care of someone else.
I have so much to be thankful for!!!!
If you are reading this and still trying to decide if you should have this surgery, I would say to you "Go for it!" Read everything you can, ask all the questions you need to, to help you make your decision. Do not give up until you have the answer you are comfortable with. You too can make some of your dreams come true.
Thanks for reading my story and I hope this helps to encourage someone.... It makes me feel great to add this awesome accomplishment to my profile.
Thanks to all of my supporters especially my surgeon and his staff and my personal therapist, my husband and children, all of my WLS friends and the loved ones in my life who supported me during this transformation that is still taking place.
I love you all and God Bless You!!!!

One Year Appointment

Jun 08, 2008

I went to my one year appointment last week. I know it was 2 months past one year..... but this was the earliest I could work it into my schedule since it takes several hours for me to commute to Portland and see my surgeon. Dr. D was very pleased with my progress. I offically weighed in at 211 lbs. This is 233 lbs lost from my highest recorded weight of 444 lbs. I surpassed their max. goal of expected loss of 80% of my excess body weight. I am sooooo proud of myself and how wonderfully successful this surgery has been for me. I can't even express it fully. I have a LIFE now..... I don't know if I was really living before!!!! I was so sick and tired and I was miserable. I tried to stay positive, but life was so hard for me when I carried all of that weight..... I am returning to see my surgeon in 3 months to talk about reconstructive surgery, I have excess skin that will need to be removed.... but I am ok with it.... hopefully I will be able to get some of it covered by my insurance co. 
I will be going on a trip of a life time next week, it is a dream come true for me. I will be going to Washington DC and NYC with my son's 8th grade class. I never could have dreamed about going without this surgery..... I am a bit concerned that I will be very tired from all of the walking we will be doing.... but hopefully I can keep up with everyone. I am so thankful for this opportunity. I will be seeing and doing things I never dreamed were possible. 
I can ride comfortably on the plane.....
I can ride comfortably on the bus......
I can climb up and down stairs......
I can fit in booths at resataurants and can sit on chairs without worrying if they will break.....
I can cross my legs when I am sitting.....
I can share a hotel room with other moms without being embarrassed.....
I am going to a broadway play, and am not worried about the theatre seat..... (My son and I are getting dressed up.... I wants pics of us together)
I am sure there are many other things I will be thankful for as I embark on this trip..... I will try to cherish each moment and the experience I have...... 
To anyone still contemplating wether or not to have this surgery, I would do it again 1,000 x's over to feel this way..... I am alive and I am Living.....

9 1/2 Mos. Post Op

Dec 27, 2007

I am amazed at my success since surgery!!! I weighed myself last week when I was just under 9 1/2 mos. out. I have now lost 200 lbs. I can hardly believe it. 
Then I went shopping right before Christmas and decided to try on a smaller size because my clothes are getting too big. I put on an 18, yes I said size 18. I have not worn a teen since I was married, at least I don't remember wearing anything under size 20+ for the last 18 years. This is truly incredible. 
I also just got back from a cruise to the Carribean last week. When we made the reservation I didn't know if my sister would have to push me around the ship in a wheel chair. We actually booked a handicapped room. 
I had so much fun and could do pretty much anything I wanted to do on this vacation. We docked at a port in Mexico, and I went to see the Mayan Pyramids. Yes I walked all around for 2 1/2 hrs in the amazing heat of Central Mexico in the middle of the day, and I only sat down to rest one time for about 5 mins. What a miracle!!!!! Then I went to shop at another port and shopped all day long!!!! Walking from store to store in the heat. When it was time to go back to the ship the people I was with wanted to get a taxi. I said, "Come on it's not that far.... let's save our money!!!! I could hardly believe my own words. 
I forgot to mention the plane ride!!!! Yes I could fasten the seat belt, no problem. I didn't feel like the HUGE fat lady on the plane. I didn't feel like everyone was looking at me fearing I would sit next to them. I actually had pleasant flights to and from my sister's state. 
This vacation was a dream come true. I even ate in the dining room every night with my sister. We had 5 star meals every night, I just explained to the waiters that I was picky!! Oh well I ate what I could, and left the rest. I tried lobster and several different vegetarian entrees.  I think I only got sick once at dinner. We had a sugar free desert choice every night which I nibbled at. It was loads of fun, to taste things and not have to feel like a glutton. 
I could go on about how wonderful everything is going for me .............
I am so thankful for my new life.

6 Months Post-Op

Sep 17, 2007

I wanted to post an update! I am six months and 10 days out. I was weighed last week and I am down to 292.4 pounds. That is a total of 152 lbs. counting the 10 lbs I lost pre-op. I can hardly believe I am under the 300's. Yipee!!! I am also at a BMI that is not off the charts any more. It is now 45, I know that is still way too high but I think it was close to 65 when I started. (at least I remember it being close to that.)
The changes in my life are amazzzing. I can take a bath now, I can actually fit in a tub. I can take a shower without sitting down from exhaustion. 
I can walk around the High School track a few times, I might need to stop and rest, but that's ok. Last year I had to be wheeled out to the track to watch my son's football games. This year I can walk out there no problem. I feel so free!!!
I can shop in the store now wtihout using a riding cart!!!! This is a biggie for me. I hated being stared at, it was so humiliating. I have gone shopping now for up to an hour without using a wheelchair or a cart. Last year at Christmas I couldn't go shopping, without a friend pushing me in a wheelchair. I can't wait til this year's day after Thanksgiving day sales. I'll be there with bells on. (Maybe Literally, I'll be so excited.)
I thank God, my family, my surgeon and my friends. I feel like my life has started over, and I have so much to look forward to.
Thanks for reading this, I hope I can inspire someone else the way I was inspired by others before my surgery! You can do it! It is worth it all!

3 Months/11 days Post-op

Jun 18, 2007

I went to Curves today for the first time since surgery!!!
I was so ready to try it again. I can move around so much better, now that I have lost weight. I went for a walk Sunday at the park. It was a short walk, but the fact that I even went for a walk at all was a big deal to me. Pre-op I would have avoided walking if at all possible because of the pain. 
Well, the biggest news of all is that when I went to curves today they asked if I wanted to be weighed and measured..... and drum roll please............ I have lost a whopping 100 lbs. 10 pre-op, and 90 since my surgery!!!!
I was so shocked, surprised, happy, excited all rolled into one. I almost started to cry, I couldn't believe it.
I have lost 12 inches in my bust, and 11 inches in my waist. I will have to add up the total inches of the different places they measured on my body... ok I did it! 43 inches total!!! OMG
Now that I will be excercising more the inches will become more and more noticeable I hope! I can tell that my clothes are becoming loser. 
This is a happy day for me, what fun!!!

Post-op 6+ weeks

Apr 24, 2007

I went to my 6 week post-op Doctors appointment.
I was pleasantly surprised at my weight loss. I am down 54 lbs from my pre-op weight. My BMI is now 
right around 60. I am excited with the totals, I can't believe it, it seems too good to be true. I have been having alot of problems with nausea, so I talked to the NP about it, and I realized I haven't been taking the pepcid twice a day that they prescribed. Ever since taking the pepcid regularly, and slowing down my eating, and being more careful, I haven't been as sick. I was so sick that I ended up back in the hospital one night, so the could rehydrate me and keep an eye on me. I felt "green" II was so nauseaus. Hopefully the worst of it is behind me, and I will continue to work on supplementing my sparce diet. I want to slowly try to introduce foods, so I won't have a bad reaction.

Surgery Date March 7th

Feb 18, 2007

Yes I am approved for surgery. The major waiting game is over. I am approved by United Healthcare to have the gastric bypass surgery!!!! I am excited and scared all at the same time. I am sure that those who have travelled this road before me can relate to my mix of emotions. I am so hopeful for all of the benefits that lie ahead of me. I am scared of the actual surgery, I don't do well with things I am not in control of.  I think I can deal with whatever complications I may have, I just can't wait to get to the losing side. My surgery date is set for March 7th.
I hope it won't be postponed, I haven't lost much weight pre-op, so they may not like that too much, hopefully they won't delay my surgery date because of this. My pre-op appointment is set for the 24th so we will see.


Dec 12, 2006

C Cheesy
H Hilarious
R Refined
I Industrious
S Scary
T Tender
I Innocent
N Neglected
A Adventurous

Name">http://www.go-quiz.com/acronym/acronym.php">Name / Username:

Name">http://www.go-quiz.com/acronym/acronym.php">Name Acronym Generator
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About Me
Lebanon, OR
Surgery Date
Sep 25, 2006
Member Since

Friends 37

Latest Blog 8
Under 200 LBS!!!
One Year Appointment
9 1/2 Mos. Post Op
6 Months Post-Op
3 Months/11 days Post-op
Post-op 6+ weeks
Surgery Date March 7th
