closer to goal

May 26, 2009

i am currently around 144 - 146 fluctating between the 2.  i am down to a size 10 (loose).  i do have some loose skin on my arms and on my lower belly (not bad)  the arms i dont like. 

i do miss pasta but it doesnt agree with me.  chili has started to disagree with me which i find odd because it never bothered me before.  ice cream doesnt agree with me but i can eat a cookie weird.

i exercise 3X a week at the local gym and do the wii fit.  i do the treadmill for 20 minutes and do the circuit training.

1 comment

trudging along

Mar 04, 2009

i have been doing pretty good - i am down to about 169.  i am still i size 16 (i am not losing much off the belly) but they are getting baggy in the but and legs.  i have a few 14's ready - i can get them on but cant zip them.  i would love to just zip past the 14's to the 12's.

i have joined a gym last week.  i do 15 minutes on the treadmill with the incline changing to get the calorie boost.  i also do 2 rounds on the circuit.

i have so much energy than i used to have.  my knees dont hurt

12/18/08 pics

Dec 18, 2008

i was looking at my pics to see if i could see any weight loss since my last pic.  i dont see much difference but i seem to be losing off f my legs and a&& but not my gut.  the pants are baggy but the next size is too small.  i amalso having a major rosacea flareup since i havent been taking my doxycyclene. i am taking the doxy  but it does give me some stomach cramps its a catch 22.   i just wish i was losing off of the stomach also.


post op

Dec 15, 2008

i had surgery (lap rny) on november 10.  i was scheduled for 2:40 in the afternoon but didnt get in till around 5pm.  i briefly remember the pacu and going to my room.  i was very lethargic the next day due to the morphine (i am sensitive to narcs).  i was throwing up in the hospital but it was due to the broth (didnt agree with me).  i was discharged 5 days later.  i was doing fine at home sipping my liquids.  on day 12 i started throwing up this vile stuff and went to er and found out i had an intestinal kink.  that resolved the next day.  i had to stay to wait to have a gi study which was good.  i ended up in the hospital for 4 days.

i am now 4 weeks out - my energy level has increased.  i am starting to work out.  i am drinking my liquids and getting my protein in.  i am losing weight and feeling good.

PAT's today

Oct 29, 2008

I had my pre admission testing for my november 10 surgery date.  i had bloodwork and an EKG.  i am nervous and excited to begin a journey to better health.  I have bought me a bunch of samples of protein and have all the vitamins i think i need (will have to double check this).

Date with surgeon

Jul 09, 2008

I had my appointment today.  The PA said i was close enough to my 10% to have my appointment with the surgeon.  I have an appointment to see dr dunnican in 2 weeks.  i still have to get my 2 support sessions in and then i will be good to go.  so psyched.

Wii fit

Jun 21, 2008

i have to say i am enjoying the wii fit.  i bought it off of ebay for 120.00 with free shipping.  it was worth it  due to just not having the hassles of looking for one.  i have been doing the 10 minute free run with my ipod, 2X the advance step and 2X the hula hoop (basic).  i also do a few of the strenth training (nothing on the floor because it is too hard) and some of the yoga.  i have been doing 40 minutes.    My sister-n-law comes over and does her routine.  it is funny because she yells at the game for calling her obese.  she is slightly over.

About Me
chatham, NY
Surgery Date
Apr 26, 2008
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post op
PAT's today
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Wii fit
