J. Wesley Alexander

"My first impression was he was very kind, and sincere, and LISTENED!! My impression has not changed much! When he is rushed, he is a little short on time, and is short on answers...but, aren't we all?? Office staff is great! Before I recieved my info packet...it was very nerve wracking...because I didn't want to bug them...but, I wanted to know when it was coming. They told me to be patient. I wasn't. But, I did not call and bug them all the time either!! The least thing about Dr. Alexander that I did not like was I have not received a full explanation on my actual surgery, and the complications I had. I still have questions...I will be asking at my next check up. Future patients...go in with a list of questions. Do your homework. Write down answers, so you don't have to ask the same questions over and over!! AFtercare is emphasized!! He expects you to be responsible. Definetly explained the risks of surgery!! Very up front!! Rate: excellent!! I trust him fully! Definetly surgical cpmpetence...if you don't have that, it doesn't matter what their bedside manner is!! Think about it!!"

Christ Hospital (COE)

"Hospital itself was excellent. Staff is very varied!! Some did excellent...some had no clue what I was doing there and gave very bad instructions. I am lucky I knew what I could and could not do...becuase if it was left up to some of them, I would have been in big trouble."
About Me
Surgery Date
Mar 09, 2004
Member Since
