18 Months

Sep 06, 2009

18 months since surgery.  I weigh 151 pounds less than that day and 175 pounds less than when I began this journey.  15 pounds still to go ... but apparently now I am worrying people that I am too thin.  Whatever.  LOL, but I do love what a friend called me yesterday, "wispy".  Made me smile.

There are still days when I turn to food for comfort or to solve a problem.  The other day, I had such a moment and was thinking I was sad, but when I really thought about it, I was MAD, really mad, and recognizing that helped me not eat what I wanted to.  This will continue to be a work in progress for the rest of my life I am sure.

I never wrote down my measurements on my blog, so I will do a comparision now:

                                      ON SURGERY DAY                          TODAY
Weight                                   281                                           130

Chest                                        51                                            36
Waist                                       47                                            29
Hips                                         54                                            36
Arms                                        18                                             12

Thighs                                     32.5                                          20


About Me
Misawa-chi, XX
Surgery Date
Jul 20, 2007
Member Since

Friends 46

Latest Blog 24
Grandma JoyChick
Checking In - Nearly Four Months
Out of Town ....
Why Have You Abandoned Me?
6 days Post Op
Pre-Op Surgeon Visit
Chapter Three - Big Book
