98 lbs down more or less

Dec 08, 2008

I am wavering between 96 lbs lost and 98 lbs lost.  depends on how much fluid i have on board.    This weekend we took the kids to the night of lights at UT Pan Am.  Last year i stayed in the car while my family went to the carnival because i didnt have the strength or endurance to walk to the center of the campus.  THis year i hiked all over the place and wasnt even tired.    We had a great time at the parade too.

nearly 10 months

Nov 12, 2008

I am down 91 lbs now.  last week i bought some size 20 petite pants and now i can take them off without unbuttoning them...my shirts have gone from a 5x to now xl is baggy.... hmm  maybe a miracle bra would help.
the girls have left the building.  I think my daughter found them though....
i feel so much better. 

75 lbs so far

May 11, 2008

Well it has been 111 days since my surgery.  I have lost  75 lbs although that last two pounds tends to waiver up and down a bit depending on my salt intake.  
 I have been off insulin since 3 weeks after my surgery.  Before my surgery i couldnt walk across the house without stopping to rest.  Now i can walk a mile.  
I still have to take blood pressure medicine but much less than before.  
 I have so much more energy for activities with my family.  I am so glad that I had the RNY and wish that I had known about it about 10 years ago.


day 3

Jan 23, 2008

That morning my bp was better so the PT came and took me for a walk.  I had been sitting up for a long while and had just decided to head back to bed when he showed up.  My son and husband were there too and walked with us down the hall to the end of the unit and back.  It seemed like a long way  going down but the return trip wasnt as long.

Soon after that the dr came in and said that I could go home.  
It was mid afternoon before i was discharged.  They removed my iv and then discovered that my bp was elevated so they had to put in a new iv and give me some meds before i went home.    i was really tired by the time we got home.  David headed out to buy me a new recliner since the old one wouldnt sit up easily.
The kids were glad to see me .  Matthew 6 had been warned by his older sisters not to hurt my tummy so he was scared to come give me a hug.
Benny sat on the armrest of my new recliner and chatted for a long time.

my operation

Jan 21, 2008

Last week on the 14th, I had my RNY.  I was pretty scared when they wheeled me in and very uncomfortable when they were positioning me on the table, when whomp lights out  
I woke up in the recovery room and gradually figured out where i was.  The nurses were very kind to me .  After a while they moved me upstairs to my room and my husband was able to come see me.  I was feeling fine at that point.  kept spitting out blue stuff though from some dye that they used during surgery.
 I had ted hose and those squeezy things on my legs to prevent blood clots.  it felt wonderful.
My mouth was very dry and I asked for a wash cloth so that i coul moisten my tongue and lips.  eventually they brought me some little sponge things on sticks that i could dip in water, squeeze out and moisten my mouth.  Loved those little things.  Felt sooo good.
I had a nasogastric tube to suction,  IVs in both arms, a catheter, and a jp drain that looked like a little rubber hand grenade attached to me by a tube coming out of the left side of my tummy.   I had a little button that i could push for pain medicine but didnt use it    i felt no pain until around 7 pm.  the nurse had said that she was giving me some pain meds in my iv.  later i was hurting pretty bad and asked what was different.  she explained that they put pain med in the tummy area in surgery and that had worn off.  after that i used the pain button occasionally.
Tuesday morning my bp was low from the iv bp meds they had given me.  it was 78 over 38  they wouldnt let me sit up or get up.   they thought that the morphine might be contributing to the problem so they switched me to loritab elixer for pain med.  it tasted like varnish remover.    they gave me more fluids and then after looking at my lab reports decided that i was now anemic.  they said that on the diet it would take a long time for me to catch up so they gave me two units of blood

i have a surgery date!

Jan 09, 2008

My RNY is scheduled for Monday Jan 14th, 2008!  i am very excited and a bit nervous. 

About Me
Rogers, AR
Surgery Date
Dec 13, 2007
Member Since

Friends 12

Latest Blog 6
98 lbs down more or less
nearly 10 months
75 lbs so far
day 3
my operation
i have a surgery date!
