I cut my Hair off

Dec 03, 2009

OK.........................................after weeks of combing a CHIA PET out of my hair daily, i finally woke up last Saturday and got in the car and went to the beautician. I said? Fix me! Cut it all off.......

And I did... End of story..no .just kidding..

I was getting down everytime that I took a shower and washed my hair and then combed what is left of my long curls. Handfuls of hair coming out.

NOw onto better things....I am down to 180. I feel really good about that. Still having aversions to food. I have to make myself eat now. And I am bored with it.

I bought myself a recumbent(reclined)exercise bicycle. I seem to lose my energy that I have before I can get the car down to the gym or the recreation center to walk or do weights. So I brought the gym to my house.  I am putting the bike together this morning and will start my routine.

I am determined to get the remaining 45 pounds off of this body.  And to look pretty fit when I am done. This should take care of the legs, thighs, buttocks, lower abdomen ...etc.......

So I took a few  pictures this morning(LIke 200 and deleted 199). I was laughing..I am at that odd stage where Ive lost alot of weight, but i gotta big nose and I look like a HUGE BAZONKA ON THE FACE. I may use photoedit and cut 1/2 of it off....lol..I am laughing.... No seriously.......I have a really good camera and it showed every dark spot, vein, blotch on my face.. so I had to powder it up and put on lips and try again. Ahhhh..much better this time..Well time for me to go. I need to get in my first of many rides on my new bike! Keep on trying every day!!! That's all we can do! That is how we truly succeed! When we try. When we give up trying, thats when we dont succeed! >>>>>>>>A new day! Happy Friday all!!!

Hugs to all my friends!!!!!! I can see my collarbones now~!~ WOW>>>>>

