I had laparoscopic RNY on October 1st, 2004 with no complications. I was discharged the next day. I am happy with my decision and with my procedure and my surgeon as well. I am now 4 days post-op and I am showering and walking, and with help I am doing small chores around the house. The only thing that is miserable is not being able to sleep on my stomach as yet.

Dec. 17, 2004
I am doing terrific. I have lost 45 pounds as of today. I went to my work Christmas party and had a great time. I can't wait till next Christmas.

January 1st 2005
Well it has been 4 months since my WLS and I am so happy with my decision. I am down 65 pounds and I am feeling great. The last 4 months has been easy for me in part because I was so informed of what to expect and I learned from the great people on the Obesityhelp message boards. My new addiction is the OH message board and I learn something everyday from it.

March 15, 2005
I am doing wonderful no problems and no complications. I weighed this morning and was down 2 pounds, this was after 2 weeks of not losing. I weigh 182 with a loss of 78 pounds. I am doing cardio exercise 30 minutes a day 6 days a week and it sure is showing. I started tanning in the middle of February so I will look good this summer in shorts and bathing suit. I am going on a Spa weekend retreat this week with my support group. Can't wait should be lots of fun.

April 4, 2005
I went for my 6 month check up with Dr. Pleatman today and I am right on target. Wow does not seem like 6 months already. Again I am feeling terrific. I consider myself a slow loser but I am okay with that. I am down 3 pounds in the last couple of weeks. Total 81 pounds. My next milestone will be the loss of 100 pounds. I have 19 pounds to go. There is no doubt that I will get there.

May 5th, 2005
I lost 12 pounds last month which surprised me because I thought I would slow down as others has at this stage. I am 7 months out and have lost a total of 93 pounds. I now weigh 167 and I am doing great. I do 30 minutes on the elliptical and about 25 minutes of free weights every other day. On the other days I go outside and walk or ride my bike or just work out in the yard.

June 4, 2005
My 8 month anniversary. I finally hit the 100 pound loss. That achievement was important for me. Thinking of that milestone kept me going strong. I am wondering what the next 4 months have in store for me. I also added my new picture.
I went to Frankenmuth with about 40 members of the Michigan OH site. We all had a great time and I also added the picture to that to my profile.

July 4 2005
Well I am still losing and I haven’t gone up on the scale as yet although I am expecting it anytime so I won't freak out when I do. I have lost 10 pounds this month and I have 12 more pounds to go for my doctor’s goal and 10 pounds for my personal goal. I am in a size 10 now after losing 110 pounds in 9 months. I am exercising an hour every other day (40 minutes cardio and 20 free weights) and I very active and enjoying each and every day.

August 2nd
Ten Months already! When I first decided to have WLS the time went by so slow, but as I look back at the last 10 months it seems more like a make believe story. I have lost 6 pounds the last month which doesn't seem like a lot but it is to me. I weigh myself everyday and I will continue to as I will not allow myself to gain more than 3 pounds. I now weigh 144 for a total of 116 pounds lost, and I have 6 pounds to my doctor’s goal. I can now see where people that get this far out struggle with their continued weight loss. I can eat so much more than I could at the beginning and I have no trouble with anything as of yet. I have not tried refined sugar yet. I follow the pouch rules but I do have some crackers, pretzels or chips occasionally. Life is GRAND!

September 3rd
This month I can post another loss of 5 more pounds I now weigh 139 pounds I am 1 pound from goal but I consider myself at goal now. I can lose another 5 pounds, but that is it. I am still exercising 3 to 4 times a week but may cutback the intensity. I now have to concentrate on eating health because it is so easy to have a meal of just salsa and chips or a bagel instead of the protein and vegetables. I still take my vitamin religiously and will continue to. It is still hard to believe that not only am I small now, my body is toned and looks great (except for the loose skin under the clothes). Next month is my 1 year anniversary and even though I knew I would be at this stage it is still unbelievable to me that I succeeded so well. I am so happy!

One year ago I had my surgery and I am thankful each and everyday. It has been one unbelievable journey. I took advantage of the tool from day one and have been at goal for the last 3 weeks. I am proud of the way I look and I now dress and take pride in my appearance. I have lost weight every month for a year and this month I lost 4 pounds and weigh 135. I listed what I believe help me to be successful.
1. I took special care to stay away from bad carbs.
2. I still yet to add refine sugar back into my diet.
3. I take all of my vitamins and drink water faithfully.
4. I have done extensive exercise since November.
For the first time in my life I am maintaining my weight instead of trying to lose weight. I now focus on healthy eating because it is easy to eat most anything now. I now ride with my husband on a motorcycle and roller blade, I turned into a gutsy 53 year old.
Life is Great again.

November, 2005
I weigh myself everyday and I love what I see. I have a marker placed on 135 and everyday it falls below that marker. I can eat more one day and less another, I can exercise 4 times a week or 1 time, and it is always the same on the scale. That is so unbelievable to me. Everyday my fear is to look at the scale and it would be up 5 or more pounds in one day. Like years before my WLS the scale was my enemy which in most incidences I would stay away from knowing it would tell me that I was a failure once again. Now the scale is another tool to my new life. If I go two pounds past that marker, I am going back to basics. Everyone has their own tips on how to maintain after WLS, this is mine.

January 26, 2006
Wow what an exciting 2 months! The holidays were wonderful and things are going great. My mind is finally getting to accept my new body. It was too unbelievable to see 130 on the scale and not see the overweight person in the mirror. Now I am seeing the new me in body and soul. My husband and I are going on our first Cruise in two weeks and it will be the honeymoon we never had. I went from a part time job to a full time job at the beginning of the new year and I lost 4 pounds this month. I am still exercising but just for health, not to lose weight.

July 26, 2006
Six months has past and I am just now updating my profile. A lot has happened in the last 6 months and how exciting it is being a size 6/8 in stead of size 26. I want to do so much now, I roller blade, ride my bike, I have more parties and go to more outings. I did get down 5 pounds below my personal goal and I have to admit that after 20 months out, I am gaining some weight. I am now 138 up from my lowest of 129. Of course that was too low, but I was expecting the weight gain when I reached my goal. Now it is all about maintaining which is too me very hard as I can eat anything and not dump. The higher the carb count, the more I can eat at one setting. I can only eat about 3 oz. of meat at a setting, but I can eat a medium box of cheez=its at one setting? I really have to be very careful and not get into the grazing which comes easily now. I have included my cruise pictures of Feb, O6 and a picture of me on the jet ski July 06. I will be carefully aware of my eating and water consumption. My husband even commented that I can eat more now. YIKES!

About Me
North Oakland County, MI
Surgery Date
Aug 04, 2004
Member Since

Friends 1
