42 year old mother of 5 year old twin boys, both diagnosed with autism.....one mild the other more severe.  Love my little men!  Married to a supportive hubby.  I have struggled with my weight since i was about 11-12 years old.  I have done every diet, plan, program, pill you could probably think of.  I have been as high as 250 lbs and my lowest was 150 lbs.  Always up and down....spending a ridiculous amount of $$ in the process.


I approached my Dr a year ago asking him to refer me for surgery.  At 5 foot 4.5 and weighing 242 lbs, I fit into the criteria...however he refused.  Said that only people who weight about 300 plus pounds get bypss surgery.  So, for the last year I have been doing my homework and researching and talkin to people about the surgery.  I am going back to him on Thursday to again request a referral.....i will explain that if he can just send the referal the bariatric doctors with make the decision as to whether I qualify or not.  Fingers crossed he understand......if not, i guess i will try to find a doctor who is willing to refer me. 


At 42 years old I am tired of the struggle.  I have two little boys with special needs that need me to be healthy and mobile....I already have problems with my knees and ankles.  I want to get on track and just live life!


About Me
Nov 15, 2015
Member Since

Friends 12
