Hi All!

Oct 27, 2011

I haven't been on the OH site for a while.  It's been a busy summer.  My Mother has been real sick and lots of things happened.  Anyway, I'm maintaining my weight.  I can't eat much at one sitting so my band is keeping me honest.  It's working for me.

I attached a few new pics.  I got a baby girl from one of my friends.  She didn't want her and I could not see putting her in a shelter so I took her.  Her name is Daisy Mae and she's a crazy dog!  I love her to pieces, she's so sweet.  She is a Havanese and she will be one year old on Nov. 5th (according to her AKC papers!)

I hope all is going well with everyone.  I'm at work so I've got to go!  Maybe I'll catch up later!

July 8th, 2011

Jul 08, 2011

Lost 3 more lbs.  I'm almost there.  Since my last fill (I was at 9.7 cc's in my band), I was way too tight.  Everytime I ate, I got sick.  I was really looking forward to my appointment today. I had .3 cc's removed so I'm down to 9.4 right now.  I met my sister at McDonald's after my appointment and had a small coffee, a sausage pattie and an order of scrambled eggs.  I was able to eat 1/2 of each.  Then I was done.  I sipped the rest of the coffee till I got home.  I could actually feel the food going through to my lower stomach.  It's wierd to me still!!!  Now, for lunch, I had 2 small stuffed ravioli (chicken and cheese) and could only eat one, then got sick.  I just cannot do pasta!  It's a live and learn thing.  Somedays I can eat something and the next, I'll eat the same thing and get sick.  I wasn't drinking as much water as I should have either because it took so long for it to got through my stomach.  So now I feel a little better, I just have to stay away from pasta.  We are having a family pool party on the 31st and I want to look sharp at the pool.  Time to start kicking up the exercises!  I don't have to go back to the doctor for 4 months so I'll try and keep in touch on this site in the meantime.  I've been really bad about keeping in touch with my peeps and I apologize.  Take care everyone!

Thanks for all your comments!

Jun 05, 2011

Yes, I agree, the Culver's burger just wasn't the same without all the "stuff", lettuce, tomato, onion, bun, etc.  Anyway, the only thing I can really keep down is Alloute cream speadable brie (Walmart:  $2.48 and Stacy's Naked Pita chips with a walnut on top.  I have about 10 od them for dinner with a glass of wine. Breakfast is a protien shake and a fiber granola bar and lunch is usually a small soup from the cafe at work, depending on what the soup specials are. If its something I don't like or cannot eat (like pasta) I just have another protein shake.  My doctor has a really good protein powder that I mix with coffee, and Sweet Italian creame coffeemate.  DELICIOUS  Ok time for bed, over and out!  Have a good week everyone!


6 lbs away from my goal weight

Jun 04, 2011

Well a little over a year after my surgery and I'm down to my last 6 lbs.  Today I ate a butterburger from Culvers and got so so sick.  It was awful.  I just ate the meat, not the bread and I think I gave 1/2 of the burger to the dogs.  I'll never eat that again.  Food is no longer an obsession for me.  I just eat to stay alive now.  I look forward to yogurt and I got some protein powder from my surgeon and it's delicious.  I make it with coffee so it's like a mocha shake.  I have at least one of those a day as a subsitute for a meal.  I truly feel that having this surgery saved and changed my life.  My next doctor appointment is July 8th so I hope to lose the 6 lbs. before then.  I've got a month, that's doable! 

Happy Surgiversary to ME!

May 04, 2011

One year ago (at this time) I was coming out of surgery.  Yep!  I can't believe it's been a year already.  I go to the doctor for a fill on Friday, May 6th so I'm going to count that as my offical "1 year" weight loss.  I think I'm about 160 but we shall see.  I feel fantastic!  If I am correct about my weight, I will have lost 110 lbs!  That's nothing to sneeze at!!!  I would like to lose another 10 lbs but if I don't, I'm good with 160.  I am really filled and can hardly eat anything.  I get sick if I overfill myself so my band is keeping me "very honest".  There are some days when I can eat more than other days but even then, it's not a lot.  I know I will lose the last 10 lbs, it's just a matter of time.  I wish I had enough money for a boob and tummy job!  That's ok though, no one is going to see me naked so it's just between me and God and he already knows!  LOL

I will officially be back on May 6th with my "official doctor weight!"  Till then, think Spring everyone!  (At least that's what we are hoping for here in Chicago!)


Feb 25, 2011

 When I got to work today and took off my jacket, one of the girls I work with said, "Wow!  Look how skinny you are getting!  Then she told the woman next to me to look and she said, ya, I know, she's wasting away to nothing.  I have not been called skinny for about 14 years!  This really felt good.  No one at work knows I've had the surgery, they just think I'm on Atkins (which basically, I am).  Like I said before, I just don't want to tell people because then they think you took the easy way out and we all know that' is not true. I don't want the peeps at work talking about me behind my back, they just won't understand. These are just people at work and not my close friends so I don't feel guilty.  

So on that note, I'm signing off.  Have a nice weekend everyone!

Almost there!

Feb 17, 2011

2/18/11-Well it's been an exciting year!  First my car took a major dump on me and I had to spend buko bucks to get it fixed.  Then, we had the Blizzard of 2011, now it's finally starting to warm up a bit and most of the snow is gone and like the snow, so is my blubber!!!  I'm just 18 lbs away from my goal and it hasn't been a year yet.  I feel that I am doing very well.  My band is filled to 9.4 cc's and I'm very tight.  I can only eat about 1/4 to 1/2 a cup of anything.  If I try and do any more than that, I get very ill and will have some major sliming taking place.  It's such an uncomfortable feeling, I hate it so I really try and limit what I eat at any given time.  I still take more than I know I will be able to eat.  It's funny how the mind controls everything you do.  Some days, like now, I even have a hard time taking all my vitamins, etc.  It's a slow process.  My next fill is scheduled for March 25.  My goal is to lose this 18 lbs by May 4th, my surgiversary date!

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Dec 24, 2010

 I hope each and every one of you are having a very Merry Christmas.  I am sitting on my bed with Jack and Daniels (the Shih-poo and Shih Tzu), watching TV, and enjoying a wonderful coffee/chocolate protein shake (thank God for my Keurig, I love that thing, it makes the best iced coffee!)  Gone are the good ole days of sitting around with a Mimosa, eating decadent French Toast, sausage, bacon, bagels with cream cheese, cheesecake, cookies, brownies, oh my, the list goes on!  I got a fill on Wednesday and I'm up to 8.9 cc's in my band and I am TIGHT!  I'm going to my sister's house later where I will see my family and the one I am really looking forward to seeing is my little Christopher!  He's two this year so the Christmass' will just keep getting better.  My sister is the cook in the family and she's having Italian beef, cheesey potatoes, lasagna, turkey divan and I won't be able to eat any of it! -- I just added another to the list of characters on my bed, my cat Kramer just jumped up on my lap and he's purring his little heart out.  Ok, getting back to the food.  That's ok, even though it will be much different from last Christmas, I am now 95 lbs. lighter and it's all been worth it.  I just have to be very careful that I don't eat too much and that I don't eat too fast.  I don't want to get sick and have to run off to the bathroom.  My goal will be to enjoy the day with my Grandson.  We had snow in Chicago again yesterday and as I sit here looking out my bedroom window everything looks so beautiful.  The trees are snow covered, the lake is frozen over, ah, it's so pretty.  Perhaps I will take the boys for a walk later.  They love getting their parkas on and going for little walks.

Have a wonderful Christmas and I hope Santa brought you everything you wanted.  I am sure you were very good this year and deserve it all!!!

Merry Christmas and Happy New year!!
1 comment

12/6/10 - Our First Snow

Dec 05, 2010

We had our first snow this weekend.  It was very pretty and the dogs loved running around in it.  I took them for a nice walk up to the park and it was fun.  After we got home, I had a cup of coffee, warmed up a bit and decided to tackle shoveling the drive-way and deck out back.  WHOA!  I could not believe how super easy shoveling was.  I was dreading it, thinking of how my back was going to be hurting, how winded I would be and what a darn, awful chore shoveling was.  I was really down, dreading the winter, cursing the Chicago winters, blah, blah, blah!  I was very pleasantly surprised at how wonderful I felt.  This was no longer a burden for me.  Even though the snow was heavy, I had absolutely no problem.  Losing all this weight has made me much healthier and fit.  I can't wait to tell my surgeon when I see him on the 22nd.  I still do not like driving in snow but at least my shoveling problems have been solved.  I really felt good when I was done!  I haven't been able to say that in many, many years!

Happy Post-Thanksgiving!

Nov 29, 2010

11/29/10 --  I'm back at work.  I had a nice holiday.  I didn't overeat (I can't really) so that's good.  I've kicked up my exercising on the TotalGym a bit and I'm sore in my abs and arms today.  I think I'll forego a workout tonight.  I'll just walk to the train instead, besides, who wants to exercise when they get home after having 4 wonderful days off!

I stepped on the scale this morning and was 176!  At least the scale is moving.  This last 30 lbs. seems to be the toughest to get off!  I'm hoping that by kicking up the activity a notch, I'll get it moving again.

So far today the only thing I've consumed was my vitamins, etc., a cup of coffee and 1 piece of string cheese.  I brought chicken salad for lunch.  Yummy!  You know, even if I wanted to over eat I can't, I'd end up sliming the minute my pouch gets full!  Chicken salad seems to agree with me so that's what I've been eating mostly (or tuna salad).  I'm trying to lay off the crackers too!  Maybe I was eating too many carbs in the form of crackers.

About Me
Romeoville, IL
Surgery Date
Sep 06, 2009
Member Since

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