10 months post op and feeling FAB!!!

Jan 12, 2009

Well I am officially 10 months post op, a week over, and I feel like a new woman!!! I have found my confidence and have ran into people that know me, but haven't seen me in forever and their mouths drop, when they realize it is me..they don't recognize me...LOL  In the past 10 1/2 months, I have lost 158lbs. That is an entire person, how crazy is that??  I still have 42 more pounds to go till I hit my goal of 162!!
I am at the stage where the weight has slowed down ALOT!!! I am lucky to lose 10lbs. a month, but that is fine, i have had such success, that I  cannot complain!! Here are a few accomplishments that I have made in the past 10 months~

Everytime I sit down, I can cross my legs like a lady and it is comfortable, not just plopping my ankle over my knee

My cholesterol has dropped from 331 to 184 *AWESOME*

I went to my first Marine Corps ball EVER..hubby has been in 12 years and never had a date, because I was too self conscious to go, I refused to be the fattest wife there!! But this year I went and rocked it with a beautiful gown (See my pics)

When playing outside with my kids, I actually "run" around and don't even realize I am running..LOL

I am not afraid to go out in public, even without makeup, I feel confident and finally feel normal size

I have gone from a size 30 jeans to a 16 which is starting to get baggy in the booty!! I haven't been in a 16 since I met my hubby 12 years ago!!

I can now proudly shop in the "regular" size clothes and bypass the plus size, because they are all too big!! I will miss you Lane Bryant .. LOL 1 more size and we are through :( 

My hubby calls me skinny and I cannot even imagine putting that word to my body, but he says its true :) 

OH and I have these things called "collarbones" and boy do they like to stand out in the crowd..hahaha

I saw my mom for Christmas and she could not get over how skinny my legs got...LOL Thanks mom :) 

I have had a complication free journey, so far, except for a few times of getting food stuck, but that had to do with eating leftover meat that was too dry & getting a hold of some YUMMY bourbon teriyaki chicken and inhaling it like nothing..OOPS!! Had to make a run for the little girls room at the mall!!! hehehe Hey it happens!!
I still continue to eat all of my food on a salad plate, it has just become habit, and even over christmas with all the extremely tasty induldgences, I managed to lose a pound, which included 1800 miles of road trip there and back!! So I can't complain there!! But so far, I feel absolutely fabulous and just want to wish everyone the best of luck that is considering this new lifestyle change!!  It is an awesome ride!!! Now for the pics :) 

 -158lbs....down from 362lbs. to 204lbs. CRAZY!!!


About Me
Cherry Point, NC
Surgery Date
Nov 02, 2007
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Friends 120

Latest Blog 11
7 months have passed
I made it!!!
4 1/2 months post op and feeling fine :)
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A Little Post-op Amusement!!
Post op ~ feelin' GREAT!!
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