5 years out!!!

May 15, 2012

Hello OH, May 7 was my 5 year anniversary and I am truly happy I had the surgery. I gained over the five years around 20 pounds so that is 5 pounds each year. It is a struggle to keep the weight off but I am working on getting back to my 170 slim figure. Pray for me thanks.

Day 17

May 24, 2007

I had my follow-up appt yesterday and everything is going great.
I'm down 22 pounds yeahhhh.

Day 14

May 21, 2007

Today I had post-op visit with primary care Dr.  He was very excited that I lost 20 pounds. Things are getting better each day. Thanks to all my good friends @ OH.

10 days post

May 17, 2007

Well today I drove for the fisrt time after surgery yeah!!!
I went to a support meeting which was very helpful.
I surgery was text-book no problems...until I got home.
Had some nausea and was re-admitted to the hospital. After some fluids I felt a lot better.  Started walking and feeling better each day.

10 days and counting

Apr 28, 2007

Well my surgery date is getting closer and I feeling a little scared.
But thanks to my OH friends I'm going to make it. Just ordered some Optisource supplements (yum) and stocking up on appoved liquids.
I know 10 days will fly by. Keep me in your prayers.

About Me
Columbus, OH
Surgery Date
Oct 30, 2006
Member Since

Friends 20

Latest Blog 5
Day 17
Day 14
10 days post
10 days and counting
