My name is Jerry, and I have been seeking the surgery for the better part of 15 years.  All my doctors said I was just a big guy and I didn't look over weight. I finally saw a doctor that listened to me once I was on 21 meds and five shots a day for diabetes.

Thank god she listened.  I started January 23rd 2015 with the orientation class.  I promptly quit smoking, drinking pop, and tried to eat healthier.  I was over 500 lbs, not sure how far over no scales would weigh me. By the end of June I lost 70+ lbs and off diabetes meds.

Currently 5 days after surgery I am at 422 lbs.  I gain a few lbs in the hospital, but lost them promptly.  I am looking for people near me that have had the surgery recently to share this experience.  

About Me
Mason, MI
Jul 19, 2015
Member Since
