took the first steps ....

Apr 17, 2012

so i went to my first apt. for my surgery theres a very long 6month process but im very looking forward to it . i found out alot of useful info. while i was there and all the people and drs. were extremly nice . im just looking forward to everything else that has to come. might i add ive lost 8lbs in 3 weeks im on a very good diet pill that is helping me .  im so proud of myself for that never thought this day would come its as if almost ive won the lotery or something lol. but im very happy


super excitied....

Mar 18, 2012

im so supeth of excitied im going the 28th of march to my first apt. ever for the gastro bypass i know this is going to seem like a long 6 mons. but i keep telling myself in the end it will def. be all worth it im kinda nervous but more excitied then anything ......   

catching up on things.....

Feb 21, 2012

so things have been up and down lately alot of family issues but thats neither here nore there... i have picked out the hospital where i want to have my surgery done at . just need to speak with my reg. dr. before scheduling myself an apt. im excitied but nervous and scared all in one i know its something i want and something i need but im a pansy when it comes to pain lol



Nov 27, 2011

thanksgiving was wonderful... couldnt of asked for a better family time this year was the first year we actually all got to sit down at the same table at the same time and enjoyed one anothers conversations. on the other note ive been getting much needed support from family on having the surgery done which is very helpful. im waiting to the new year to begin anything because of christmas and everything coming up. but im planing on going threw whatever it takes to make me healthy again.


Nov 18, 2011

im new to this site im trying to figure it all out and meet new people who have support and comfort for me as well as others and find some good friendships out of it . any info u can offer me or any help i would greatly appreciate .

About Me
Nov 17, 2011
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