I'm Finally Home!!

Sep 30, 2009

After a couple of nights in the hospital, I finally made it home! It was a kinda rough start once I got to my room and woke up a bit from the anesthesia, but i got through it... All I wanted to do was sleep, and all the nurse wanted me to do was get up and walk! If i had the strength, i probably would have punched him.. But I didn't so off i went around the hospital and then straight back into bed...

Tuesday was a little better, they got me up around 8 and had me sitting up until about 1:30 and I was seriously hurting by then! i had lots of visitors and was ready for bed that night! I finally got to have ice chips that afternoon and was very thankfu for them cause my mouth was insanely dry! They took out alot of my tubes pretty soon after that, and took away my morphine drip :( But the stuff they gave me after that was way better and took away my pain right away..

They had my up bright and early today.. My Dr came in around 8 and said everything looked good and i could go home as soon as my paperwork was ready (yay!) The nurse took my drain out, which surprisingly didnt hurt at all, and i was ready to go by 10...

I started to regret having the surgery on monday when my pain was horrible but i had to keep reminding myself that this will pass and I'll love the results in a few months!

I'm so glad to be home and am soooo ready to get started on my journey :) I'll keep you posted on how things go!

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About Me
Weslaco, TX
Surgery Date
Sep 23, 2009
Member Since

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