Tomarrow, Tomarrow!!!!

Aug 11, 2008

Well the day is finally fixing to be here. I have been so full of emotions. One minute nearly crying the next laughing. I am packed and ready to leave early in the morning!! I am so thankful that my mom and sister were able tp fly in for me!! My friends have all called and been very supportive. I am ready to meet everyone on the losers side!!

Pre-op at hosp. done!!

Aug 06, 2008

I went and finished all of my pre-op today!! It is getting so close. I have been a little emotional the last few days, it could have something to do with starting my liquids. Which by the way I hated the first day!! Today has been a little better. Everyone says by the 3rd day you will be adjusted to them!! I am hoping for that. Well time will fly by. My mom is flying in on friday and my sister on saturday. It means the world to me that they are going to be here. That is all for now! The next time I post I will probably sitting on the other side!! The Losers Bench!!!!

Love to all,

I have a date!!!!

Jul 23, 2008

I am schedualed for the 12th of August. This feels so surreal! I am so excited and scared at the same time. It is really fixing to happen.

I am approved!!

Jul 17, 2008

I am finally approved!!! I am so excited! I am now just waiting on Debbie the lady in the office to call me with my surgery date.It seems like a eternity. I am so thankful though. Will update when I find out.

About Me
Kingwood, TX
Surgery Date
Jun 04, 2008
Member Since

Friends 27

Latest Blog 4
Tomarrow, Tomarrow!!!!
Pre-op at hosp. done!!
I have a date!!!!
I am approved!!
