Already a dreaded stall!

Nov 07, 2009

I didn't get the 3 week stall, instead I got the 4 week stall.  The scale has been floating between 221-222.5 for over a week now and it sucks.  I know not to freak out because stalls happen, but you still can't help but think, "am I the only one who could possibly fail?" lol.  I lost at least 25lbs my first month, so I'm doing good. 

I got back to the gym a couple days ago and walked a couple miles both then, and yesterday.  My legs are sore, but it's worth it. I have been a bump on a log for the last month and I feel gross.  It really sucks that you know, once I start feeling better and getting to the gym I have to be brought down for another surgery next week.  The anesthesia just knocks me out for a couple weeks at least.  I hate feeling like I'm a burden on everyone.  My husband is in training to be a pilot fo the civil air patrol (auxillary airforce), and he cannot miss any Tuesday's in November, and if I have surgery on Tuesday, I don't know what to do.  They were supposed to call me on Friday to tell me if it would be Tues. or Wednesday, but they didn't, so I will have like one days notice.  Not only that but I have boy scout pack meetings on Tuesdays, so I will have to have someone else take my son.  Someone will have to pick up my kids from school.   My family doesn't act like I'm burdoning them, but you know, I hate having people do stuff for me, I like to be independent! 

Food wise, I'm doing ok.  I was forced to eat out tonight at a Mexican restaurant.  I shared my meal because of course I can't eat much.  I ordered flaming cheese (queso flameado).  It comes with tortillas, so I had one small tortilla and about 2 tablespoons of cheese.  I was shocked the tortilla went down ok.  I tore it into itty bitty pieces and spread little bits of cheese on each and chewed to a paste.  I bought some low-carb tortillas that I have in my fridge and it's nice to know that I might actually be able to use them.  Remember, I'm about everything in moderation and I keep track of my carb intake well.  The other day I had some salad with turkey and cheese and did good on that.  What still doesn't work well is dense protein like a chicken breast.  I had problems with that when I had a band, so I naturally expect the same now.  Hopefully that will get easier.

I would love to see that scale start moving next week.  I really need to get better at my water and calcium intake.  For some reason I forget to drink my water and I forget to take the calcium.  I know in the short term (a couple weeks) it's not going to harm me (the calcium), but for long term, it's really really important.  Thankfully I do an excellent job getting the rest of my supplements in.  My goal for this week is the make sure I take my darn calcium 3 times per day as required.  I know the first month the only thing that matters is fluids and protein, so now that I am in my 2nd month, it's time to get that rolling and do it well.  I have 21lbs to go before onederland... I haven't been this close in 15 years... at least.  I want to be there before Christmas, and I know that I can, and that it is possible with my new tool.

I need to take my one month post-op pics and measurements.  I forgot!  It makes it nice so that when a year is up or 18 months, I can do my timeline with pictures. I always take pics wearing the same thing.  For me I have this one piece black bathing suit that shows every lump and pit, so it will work well for my pics.  I'm too humiliated to post those pics now, but when the weight starts coming off, I will be happy to post them!  I did it for my lapband and let me tell you, even today looking at that lifts my spirits.  Right now I feel like there is no way I will look good in one year, but I know I can.

Another day, another post.  I love to write write write and it makes me feel better to write and let it all out.  I keep all of my postings, even non-WLS related ones on my website @ .  I have been writing for years!


About Me
Southgate, MI
Surgery Date
Nov 16, 2005
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