
Apr 27, 2010

Since my last post June 2009 I have gone through some things. Well to skip all of the real personal data due to "you never know who is watching!"  I am now a single mom. That is ok because I am loving the new me and in it to win it!! I know there is someone meant to be...


Jun 27, 2009

Wooohooo!!! I have gone from a size 319 (doing Kaisers six month plus 10% weight loss) to presurgery 277 to now weighing 174 pounds!!! I am proud to be me!!! I am now a size 8/10 and purchased a skirt size 6 (depends on the brand)!! This beats a size 26/28 or a 30 anytime.

Thyroid issues (Graves Disease) are still there of course, I just have to adjust my medicine here and there. Now the eye stares with this disease are getting worse. "I hope I don't get the bulging eyes"

To be honest, when I look in the mirror I see the same fat person. The only way I know the difference are trying on clothes or hear someone say "wow, you lost weight"

Other than that I feel great.

Haven't posted in awhile

Dec 12, 2008

Loosing the weight is at a stand still right now, but it seems I am getting rid of some inches though. I just can't complain at all. I am ok except sometimes my thyroid acts up. I am trying to think of some goals for 2009 as it is around the corner. Perhaps if I add them to my journal it may help me succeed a bit faster.

I am excited about getting my Associate degree this month. And now off to getting my BA in Management and a certificate in Human Services.  I am an adult learner and proud of it!!!


Nov 22, 2008

Well shut my mouth!! This morning I weighed in and I am now in wonderland....who ever knew that this girl could ever ever ever get into wonderland!!! I am so proud!! 

I feel greeeeeaaaatt!!!

Sep 06, 2008

I am beginning to enjoy the new me!!!!

Friday, July 18th

Jul 18, 2008

I am not feeling all that great today, nauseated, just sick. To feel better I ate some cooked and tender turkey with green beans pureed.
Later, some Hawaiian Punch Lemon Berry Sugar Free water That is all I can tollerate at this point. My 29th day will be next week I can't see moving to the next phase everything seems yuck and I can't keep all down. I know it will get better.

The Break Down

Jul 18, 2008

Wednesday, July 16th I had a break down. Jehovah help me!!! It finally really hit me that my father is no longer with us. Our best friend. I have so much to tell him. He passed in April, I have been crying little by little but this really hit me!! "Deep breath, deep breath"!! It is ok...

Days 11-28

Jul 18, 2008

A few more choices of foods, but guess what!!! Everything makes me sick. I am not really eating. I know this is bad, but I can't help it. I can tollerate Slim Fast high protein shakes, sugar free flavored popscicles, and now Hawaiian Punch Berry Lemonade sugar free powders you mix in with your I like water. Here and there I will bite a bit of lean cuisine pureed in my magic bullet--must have!! So far I have lost 25 pounds within 3 weeks of surgery...

Days 1-10

Jul 18, 2008

Oh my my my!!! I can't stand jello, broth, and soups!!! I hate this!!! I want Taco Bell, Outback Steak, McDonald's hot large french fries, a big mac. "Ohhh K" Back to reality this is part of the problem as to why I chose to have the surgery along with thyroid issues. Get it together girl, you want to be cute, and comfortable!! You can do this!! My mom bought me sugar free flavored popscicles...ahhhh I also hate water.....

Tuesday, June 24, 2008 Surgery!!

Jul 18, 2008

I arrived at the hospital at 6 am and was called back immediately to undress and give my family members my clothes. I was given a gown called the bare claw to warm me up before surgery, this was to reduce infectiion.  I was given a heprin shot, pregnancy test, and an IV. I had the nervous ooobies, so I asked if I could go!! Whew!! Next thing I knew the anesthesiologist came around with Dr's and other nurses saying hello and do I know why I am here. I must've had about five bracelets around my wrist, from religion, allergies, id, etc. I said bye to my fam, and off I went strolling to the O.R. When I arrived I looked around and noticed the instruments all lined up on the table, "ok, now is my chance to jump off the table and run!" Before I knew it, I was transferred over to the table and positioned in the center. And next thing I was knocked out!! I woke up probably in recovery but don't really recall that. I woke up again and my fam was in my room. I said did he do open or lap!! Yes, he did lap!! I was knocked out again. I woke up for a moment and was out again. I woke up and said I can't breathe. They came in and gave me asthma treatment every six hours. I was still knocked out. I was transferred to the telemetry because my heart rate went really low. Coming to find out it was the morphine...way too much. They had to reduce it. After the next day I was able to stay up and was more alert. I went home late Thursday night. I didn't hardly walk but from my bed to the bathroom. They were more concerned about my heart. I had a lot of tests done and I am ok. I practiced the walk at home...thank goodness I had a walker from my complication with pregnancy two years ago. The walker really helped me without asking a family member to assist me to walk!

About Me
Euclid, OH
Apr 11, 2008
Member Since

Friends 53

Latest Blog 15
Haven't posted in awhile
I feel greeeeeaaaatt!!!
Friday, July 18th
The Break Down
Days 11-28
Days 1-10
Tuesday, June 24, 2008 Surgery!!
