It's definitely been TOO long!!!

Apr 21, 2009

Hey all!! Sorry I've been MIA...not too sure why, but whatever!!! Time passes so quickly! Well...I am one year, 2 months, and 17 days out!! WOOHOOO!!!! I have been fluctuating between 123 and 126 lbs for about 3 or 4 months now, which makes me feel I am FINALLY done losing and this is where my body wants to be! I am VERY happy with my body's decision!!!  I feel like a trillion bucks!!! And though many may disagree, feel like I look like them too!! Going from a size 22-24, I NEVER envisioned wearing a size 3-5...and a small?? ARE U KIDDING??? Well, I'm not!!! I wear a size 3 in any pants that have any kind of stretch to them at all and a size 5 hip-hugger stretch! I have added recent pics to my profile since pictures are worth a thousand words!

I am currently on the track to plastic surgery since I have been left boobless, with batwings, and excess skin hanging from my lower abdomen and thighs. I am most interested in having my boobs and arms done first since they seem to be the most affordable and the most important to me when I look in the mirror. I went from a very nice DD to a very saggy and just skin B, which is terrible for me mentally, I feel like my womanhood is gone..NOT GOOD!!! Besides the boobs, my arms are the only dead giveaway(with clothes on) that I was not always thin, which really rattles my cage. So, I figure I should tackle these first...we'll see how it goes!!!

Well, I can't say when or if it will be soon or not, but I promise I will update!!!


6 months out and I haven't updated in WAAAAAYYYYY too long!

Aug 07, 2008

Hello Fellow OHers,

I feel like a million bucks!!! I am so glad I did this!!! I just had my labs and all was ok, except low folate, so now I need to take folic acid daily. To be totally honest, I have been terrible with the vitamins adn I really need to get in gear with those, because if I don't I will regret it!! I KNOW, I KNOW!!!! Beyond that I beleive I am doing GREAT!!! I have gone from a tight size 20 or a 22 to a size 10!!! I CAN HARDLY BELIEVE IT!!!! IT IS AMAZING!!!! I am skinnier now than when I was 12 years old!! Sad, but true!!! I AM SOOOOOOOO THRILLED WITH THE RESULTS THUS FAR!!! My body is totally screwy with all these flaps of skin and yuckiness, but that is fixable, so I Am not complaining. Following you will see a chart of my progress thus far. I will be claiming my century card REAL soon hopefully!! I still want to loose another 15-20 lbs to be at a weight I am happy with, so I am hoping to get there by Halloween, where I will definitely wearing a very CUTE, SEXY outfit this year, FINALLY!!!! I cannot wait!!!

MONTH Weight Difference Total Loss
2/6/08 266    
4/6/08 224 -42.00 -42
5/6/08 210 -14.00 -56
6/6/08 193 -17.00 -73
7/6/08 183 -10.00 -83
8/6/08 171 -12.00 -95

Well, I promise I will try to get some newer pics on here very soon!!! Thank you for everyone's support and responses to any question I ever have, THANK YOU!!!!

3 weeks out! Complications, Complications....

Feb 25, 2008

Hello OH World! Sorry I have been "lost"! First I was trying to catch up with all the house work and all that, so I was VERY busy! Anywhoo, ALOT has happened since my last blog, so here goes...

That deadly muscular pain was gone, just as the DR said it would. On Valentine's day, it was almost non existent, so that was GREAT!!!! I was "back to normal". Now at 3 weeks out That pain is totally gone. I have to strain it in some way for it to be painful, otherwise I am ALL GOOD!
Okay, so that not so hot part of all of this...
I ended up BACK IN THE HOSPITAL 02/20/08. Mind you I started work on Tuesday the 19th and was out for the rest of the week. I have the world's GREATEST BOSS, thank God. Cause I have only been here for about 4-5 months and I was ok'd to get surgery and now I was out again and luckily have gotten no grief so far (came back again today!). Anyway, that's not what you want to know right? You wanna know WHY THE HOSPITAL AGAIN?? WHAT HAPPENED?? Well,  Monday night, when I drink my second vitamin, I throw it up because it got STUCK!!! DAMN DID IT HURT!!!! Well, that was that. And,like I said, I got back to work on Tuesday and was in MASSIVE pain from heartburn, reflux, Whatever you wanna call it! I even posted about it on the message board for help because I was going CRAZY!!! I though, well, I am back to work, there is a huge stress on me cause of the amount of work on my desk, so that's what it must be! Right? Well, let's keep going!! I couldn't "eat" ANYTHING!!! Pudding would not go down, Jello-O? NOPE!!! NOTHING!!! Protein Shake, NOTHING!!! OMG, What the F*** is this?? Why do I feel so bad? I had already called the surgeon's office about not being able to swallow the vitamin and about the reflux, and was waiting for a reply. In the meantime, I keep going crazy! Anywhoo, I was told by the DR Office what to do about reflux, so I was just waiting for a reply about the vitamins. So the day goes by and no reply, but I can deal with that, no stress! At night I did not even TRY to take the vitamin because I did not want to go through that whole episode again, so, ok, no vitamin, but I HAVE TO TAKE THE PROTONIX(for reflux) that is the ONLY way I will be able to try to sleep. OK, so I put this TINY pill in my mouth, drink it with 2 sips of fat-free milk and I was in pain for over an hour and a half!!! WHAT THE F***???? 
Well, I finally got some sleep, not much, but some. The next morning I am still not feeling well, my pouch is all kinds of cranky! I get up to get to work and get ready. Prepare my protein shake to take for the commute and all and there was just NO WAY IN H**L the protein shake would go down! I FELT TERRIBLE!!!! The Dr.'s office calls me and tells me DR wants to see me tomorrow since he is in surgery most of that day. Ok, so I do not think and say OK and hang up!  Then it hits me, TOMORROW???? No WAY!!! I feel terrible, I gotta see someone TODAY!! So I call back and the office was still not open, so I got the answering service. I leave the DR a message, he calls back, tells me to go to ER. SO, I DO!!!!! I walked in the ER of Palmetto General Hospital 9:30 AM. By noon I was out of XRAY which showed I had an obstruction and that food (liquids) were just NOT going down. So HERE IS WHERE MY MISERY BEGAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok, so I do not know what will happen I am going crazy ALONE in ER thinking the worst of everything! Thinking I would have to go to surgery again, whatever!!!! Mind you, I have not eaten anything, so I am starting to get hungry. At about two-ish the nurse comes to me and tells me, " I have orders to admit and he(the surgeon) has ordered medicine for nausea and he'll see you tomorrow." HUH????????? What do you mean?? OMG!!!! What is happening??? Why am I getting admitted??? Ok, so after going crazy, I called the Dr's office. I SWEAR I LOVE LETI!!!! If it wasn't for her I think I would've lost my mind. She gets the DR on the phone who goes on to explain what he had requested the nurse tell me but the IDIOT(nurse) HAD NOT!!!!! I had an obstruction in the second connection and he ordered medicine to help dialate(sp) the issue and he would see me tomorrow after a follow up XRAY. OK, and if the meds do not work, do I have to go to surgery? He tells me no, that it would be done through my mouth and not to worry, more times than not, the meds will work since it is not COMPLETELY obstructed, it's just too tight. Ok, much better, so now I know that I am staying in hospital, there is meds I need to be given and I will see Dr tomorrow. That calmed me greatly! Ok, remember this was two-ish! Well, at 5 PM I had to FIGHT, literally FIGHT with the IDIOTIC nurse to give me the meds because he kept saying it was for the nausea and not for anything else and since I was not complaining about nausea he was not going to give it to me! I explain to him my conversation with the DR and he says that Dr's say one thing to patients and another to them. At this point, I am NOT in the mood to argue with him, so I advise him to put the IV fluids and the meds or I will call the DR myself to explain the misunderstandings. Five minutes later I have the meds and IV going. OK... SO at 545, I am DYING of heartburn!!! DYING!!!!! I ask the same idiotic nurse for meds for the heartburn(remember this was my initial complain in all this odyssey) and he says there are no orders for anything for heartburn and there is nothing he can do but place a call to the DR. I said, " You do what you have to do, but I am in PAIN and NEED relief, NOW!!!!!" Ok, so ER DR(an intern mind you because there was no DR on duty) comes, says only my surgeon can order those meds since he is the only one that can order anything for his patients, ok, fine, no problem, so call him, they stated they had and no response, but that the meds to help with the tightness gives heartburn as a side effect. GREAT!!!!! Thanks for the warning!!!! Anywhoo, seven is shift change, and still nothing, nurse states will let other nurse know. Other nurse comes in, same story, there is already a call to Dr. Sosa and no answer. Now, I know some DRs don't answer pages, but this Dr has PROVEN to ME he does!!! I mean I had already personally spoken to him 2xs before, so SOMETHING IS JUST NOT RIGHT!!!! Ok, I am over it!!!! Almost 9 PM now, still no relief! I called the Dr's Office, get the answering service, and left a message! I swear it, 2 minutes later, the DR was calling the ER with orders for meds!!! DO YOU REALLY EXPECT ME TO BELIEVE THE ER CALLED AND HE DIDN"T RESPOND, BUT AS SOON AS I CALL HE JUMPS??? I think NOT!!!!!!!! He is a responsible DR and would have replied to pages from the hospital, but I am SURE NO ONE HAD CALLED HIM!!!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRR....... Ok, so I go to a regular room in the Bariatric wing of the hospital. Let me just say , in my humble and HONEST opinion, PALMETTO GENERAL HOSPITAL SUCKS!!!!! I do not see how such a fabulous surgeon works in this TERRIBLE hospital!!! I DO NOT GET IT!!!!! Anyways, I was there until Friday at around 7PM. The entire time I slept a combined total of 7 hours, do the math!!! Beyond that, every 6 hours I was after the stupid nurses to get me the meds, I also had to go to them to change the IV bags when they were empty, to give me the heartburn meds, I mean everything!!!!!! IT WAS TERRIBLE!!!!!!!! On Friday, I finally slept from 3 am-5:30am. When I got up my nightgown was wet, but I thought it was the IV leaking or something, so I paid it no mind Went to tinkle and when I come back to pug the IV pump to the wall, I turn on the light, OMG!!!!!!! BLOOD!!!!!! All over my bed!!!!!!!!!! BLOOD!!!!!!! Ok, calm down Johanna, you may have your period, no biggie! Go to the bathroom, again, not that!!! Checked all incisions, NO BLOOD!!! WHAT THE F**K?? WHERE IS THIS COMING FROM??? OMG!!!!! Ok, so I checked the stain on the front of my nightgown, YUP, BLOOD!!!!!!! I RAN TO THE NURSES DESK HYSTERICAL!!!!! They were sure it was from the IV, HELLO!!!!!! No blood around or near IV, It's from my belly, but HOW?????? DAMN IT!!!!! is there atleast ONE nurse that knows ANYTHING in that hospital???? PLEASE!!!! There is blood, I DO NOT KNOW FROM WHERE, PLEASE HELP ME!!!!! Ok, so after they totally dismissed it saying they did not know where it was from and not to worry, I keep checking where the stains in my gown where and realized it was from where they had injected the blood thinner in my tummy, but it was almost 24 hours ago. Is that normal??? None of them could tell me! So, I waited for the bariatric coordinator, she tells me it's ok and not to stress. Later Dr comes in and I ask the same thing and he says the same thing, so I am ok with that! He also asks if I want to go home Friday or Sat. TODAY!!!!! RIGHT NOW!!!! Says, ok, lets try liquids all day, if all is ok, he will leave order to let me go home! YEEEEEEEEIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!! So, I went home that night and all was ok. Let's see how this plays out!!!!! I hope it all works out and that this S**T doesn't happen again because seriously, I am gonna loose my darn job!!!! Not to mention 3 weeks so far with no pay is NOT FUN!!!!!! We'll see!!!! 

Ok, I will stop boring you guys!!!! LOVE YA!!!!!! I will update again soon!!!!!

ON A BRIGHTER, HAPPY, EXCITING note, I AM DOWN 26 lbs in 3 WEEKS!!!!!!! WOOHOO!!!!! I am the skinniest I have been in over 29 months!!!! WOOHOOOOO!!!!!

WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME???!?!?!?!?!?!

Feb 11, 2008

Okay, so I went to the Dr. yesterday as scheduled. All my staples are out. I now have the steri strips on all my incisions. Not painful at all, I had expected some sort of pain/discomfprt. THat was neat! So, I get in & weigh-in. According to Dr.'s scale -15 lbs since 1st visit. Pretty Cool!!!! Anyways, the Dr. Comes in with 2 interns or students of some sort. "How are you?" Did he really want an answer?? Well, I told him! I AM MISERABLE!!!! TOO TOO TOO MUCH PAIN!!! I CANNOT WALK! I CANNOT SIT! What is this??? What has happened? What is wrong? 
SO, I had Lap RNY, all went well, I'm just allergic to all narcotics and cannot tolerate the non-narcotic pain meds. Tylenol does NOTHING and does not sit well in pouch either. So, basically, what is wrong? Well, they went through my muscle(strandard procedure apparently) and my muscle is in pain. That is all that is wrong! Sounds pretty minimal, but WHY DOES IT HURT SO MUCH? It's normal, is the response I get. OK?!?!?!?!?!?? So how long is this going to continue? Well....ususally about 5-7 days, I am still on day 4 (day 5 as of today) so, I have a few more to go! Is it better than yesterday? Yes.  So that means that it is worst than it should be tomorrow! Well, I can deal with that! You can guarantee there is nothing wrong? Dr. answers there is nothing wrong. PArt of the recoup and all will be ok. Incisions healed nicely. He will see me in one month!
I LEAVE HAPPY!!!!!! IT MAKES SENSE!!!! MUSCLES DO HURT!!!! YEIIIIII!!!!! I AM NOT DYING!!!!! WOOHOO!!!!!! DH also has a huge sense of relief in face though he has said nothing 'til this point.(drove me since I couldn't drive and was all TOO anxious to be ther himself. LOVE THIS MAN!!!) 
So, we are off to the nutritionist. Downstairs from Dr.'s office. I get in and well, here we are! One week down and on to full liquids! So, how have you been? have you been vomiting? Yes, DUE TO THE MEDS!!!! ANything else, upset stomach, diarreah(sp)? Nope. How about your protein? Well, only have been able to get 42 grams a day! OHOH!!!! NO!!! you need 80 at LEAST!!! Should be getting 90! So you need to get on that NOW!!! Ok, so I can have skim milk, puddings, a full soup(blended and strained), protein shakes, CIB, Dannon Light & Fit yogurt smoothies, and not much else, but ok, alot more than these past 9 days, so I am one happy camper!!!
DH took me to Walmart!!! YEIIIIII!!!!!!!! got me an electric cart so I did not have to walk and we could take our time, got everything I wanted and he was SOOOOOOOO HELPFUL! (Did I already say how much I love this man?!!!) So we spent like an hour in all!! I got all my foods and we are ready to go! 
He spent the entire day with me, helped me clean out and organize fridge and pantry and all. He is great!!!
Anywhoo everyone, I will quit ranting! I am doing MUCH better! Atleast mentally and the pain has subsided, so I am happily on my way to recovery!!!!

One Week Out! Can't WALK!!!!!!!!!

Feb 10, 2008

Good Morning All!

To everyone who has sent me PMs and positive messages and all, THANK YOU FROM THE VERY BOTTOM OF MY HEART!!!!

This has been the most difficult week of my life, BY FAR!!!!

Surgery was last Monday, Feb.04,2008, early in the morning, I think I am a week out almost to the moment in time. By this time I was already in surgery. Anywho, I was ok Monday, though in a lot of pain, and I do mean ALOT! On Tuesday, I was taken to do the upper GI series which all gave OK. I was then brought back to my room where the IV was taken off and clear liquids started. Along with the clear liquids, oral pain meds. Mind you, my surgeon usually gives Tylenol 3(codeine), however, they did not give me that due to my allergy to Vycodin, so after much wait, they decided to give me Toradol for pain management. Well, BIG MISTAKE!!!!!! I was throwing up from 2pm on Tuesday to 9PM on Wednesday. I FELT MISERABLE!!! I was unable to walk due to excessive pain. At around 4AM on Wednesday, my nurse decided I HAD TO WALK!!!! So, I got up, with my IV since I Was back on IV and back on NPO(nothing oral). I got out of my room, walked to the nurses station and to the elevators across the nurses station. THERE IT BEGAN!!!!! I needed to throw up and no nurse had one of those little bucket things at all!!! So, my mom was given napkins where I was finally able to throw up,and to the shock of all, I WAS THROWING UP BLOOD!!! Nurse finally realized I Was not being lazy, I REALLY FELT ILL!!! She quickly grabbed me since I was doubled over from pain and took me back to the room. The surgeon was called and now I was off the blood thinners. Well, all of the next day was VERY MUCH the same! Throwing up, feeling ill. Was sent to do a follow-up xray on the upper GI, all was fine, no leaks, no obstructions. So, what is/was it?? MY POUCH DID NOT LIKE THE MEDS!!!!!!! Ok, so no more oral meds. Finally at 9pm while still in IV I am allowed to drink apple juice. On Thursday, 4 days post-op now, I am finally allowed to drink and eat jell-o. All goes OK. Thursday at 5PM get sent home! Mind you, I was still unable to walk for more than 3 minutes without crying like a baby doubled over from pain, and I WAS NOT GIVEN PAIN MEDS TO TAKE HOME!!! Regular Tylenol if and as needed for pain. OK?

Now, I have a VERY HIGH threshold for pain, but this is like nothing I have ever experienced. MInd you I have had a child, through C-section, and I have had kidney stones which were worst than my labor pains, and I have to tell you, THIS IS MUCH WORST!!!! So, finally, Friday night comes along and I am home, with MASSIVE pain. OK, I am about to go to bed, it's early, like 9, but I am tired and in TERRIBLE pain, so I take 2 Tylenols. Well, STRIKE TWO!!! I began throwing up again, anything and everything that went in, came out! I was liek taht until Saturday at about 9AM where I phoned my surgeons answering service. He returns my call, advises me to go to ER so he can admit me. OK, we run a round like chickens with our heads cut off, find someone to stay with baby, drive 35 miles to drop baby off, well, now it's about 11AM and Hey, hold on, I haven't puked un about and hour. WOOHOOO!!!!!!! Okay, hubby and I realize it's Saturday, going to ER today, means staying in Hospital ATLEAST until Tuesday, do I REALLY want to do that? NO!!!! So we stop at Winn-Dixie, buy apple juice and Jell-O. I spend the next 2 hours testing waters, all ok! IT HAD TO BE THE TYLENOL!!! Ok, my ouch does not like pills!!! So we go to my mom's I am in MASSIVE,MASSIVE pain. Tears and all!!! So hubby goes to pharmacy, buys liquid Tylenol, I cannot tolerate the taste! So, we mix it with sugar free fruit punch, Much Better!!! Okay, pain get a lot milder and tolreable! We spend afternoon @ mom's and we go home! At niht, same show, MASSIVE pain, I can't stand it! We crush Tylenol and I begin to take with some apple juice. OK, pain is tolerable, time for bed.
Mind you, I have yet to be able to stand or walk for over 5 minutes without EXCRUTIATING(sp) PAIN!!!! I need to run to sofa or bed and lay down because sitting hurts too! I feel nothing else at all, no discomfort, nothing, except this pain under my right ribs which radiates to my right kidney. What is it? I don't know, but it has me handicapped, which I wasn't before, so WE HAVE AN ISSUE!!!!!!!!!!
I understand, that I am suposed to be swollen, I mean, come on! I had major surgery, but I HAVE A HUGE BULDGE(sp) there, and only there! It is sensitive to the touch and has me HANDICAPPED!!! I cannot walk or stand for over 5 minutes and when this pain attacks I MUST LAY DOWN to make it go away! WHAT IS THIS???? WHY ME????
Okay, so I am going to the surgeon's office today for my first post-op and to take out stitches,so hopefully we will find out what is going on! I will keep you updated!
On the only positive side of all this, according to my scale, I am down 14 lbs! I wish I coul dbe happier, but this has come at a VERY HIGH PRICE!! I AM HANDICAPPED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now that you have heard my story for this week, I hope you can all understand why I have not gotten on here and why I have not gotten back to anyone. Thank you very much though for your concerns and your well-wishes! And please continue to keep me in your prayers! I need it!!!!!

About Me
Homestead, FL
Surgery Date
Dec 17, 2007
Member Since

Friends 22

Latest Blog 5
6 months out and I haven't updated in WAAAAAYYYYY too long!
3 weeks out! Complications, Complications....
WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME???!?!?!?!?!?!
One Week Out! Can't WALK!!!!!!!!!
