My RNY Surgery / Hospital Ordeal

Sep 18, 2010

I had my surgery on 9/14/10 for a revision from a Nissen Fundoplication to a RNY.  When I got to the hospital they informed me that the surgeon was “moving right along” and I would probably be taken in a little earlier. After the initial paperwork in admitting I barely had 10 mins to sit with my family before we all got whisked into the pre-op area. Even at that point it still did not seem real what was about to happen.

No sooner did I get into my hospital gown then I had a stream of people coming to speak with me from anesthesia, the surgical team, nurses, doctors, students, you name it, I got introduced. Of all the people I remembered one name, the name of the anesthesiologist. I figure that was the more important other than the surgeon as she was in control of my life. I was told that I would have to have a heparin shot to thin my blood and would have it regularly while at the hospital.

I don’t even think I had time to think about what was about to happen as I had so many thoughts in my head and emotions had no place because I could have changed my mind. My husband and my oldest daughter were with me and they were cool and collected. I honestly could not tell you what they said to me as I was being wheeled away, but I vaguely remember either family or one of the OR nurses saying it was beginning of my new life. I don’t know why but I got a tear in my eye as I was being wheeled in.   I think part of me for a quick second thought what if something happened to me on the table, I was sad thinking about my hubby being without me. The other part was thinking about the beginning of my new life. Wow that was scary, it was like I was saying goodbye for good to someone I have known my whole life, ME. I wiped the tears away quickly before I got into the operating room. I really don’t remember much other than them confirming my name, date of birth and did I know what procedure I was going to have. That was the last thing I remembered (can’t even remember going off to la la land).

As I came to I was in recovery and remembered that I kept asking for a swab to moisten my mouth. That cup of ice water and swabs was my friend for the next few days. I drifted in and out during recovery after a 4 ½ hr surgery. My family visited me in recovery and then they were gone. I was told that there was a room for me and that I would be going soon. Some time had passed and I was being wheeled to a different section of the PACU (Post Anesthesia Care Unit) along with a few other surgical patients. Apparently there were no rooms available on the surgical floor that we needed to go to. All in all I was in that PACU unit for 24 hours! Thank goodness I finally had the upper GI test in the morning and got to take the nasal tube out, that sucker caused so many problems and discomfort through the night.

The first nurse and the last nurse I had in the PACU were wonderful, but the one nurse Susan that I had from 7 pm until 7 am I did not care for her beside manner, she was very condescending and downplayed my concerns.  Instead of explaining nicely that my constant use of the swab could be causing the nausea I was experiencing she bitched at me that she was not going to give me any more medication for nausea.  I was sure to let the surgical team know of my dissatisfaction with her.

I finally received word around 4-5 pm the day after surgery that a room was ready. When transport came to bring me upstairs to my room we got stuck behind other gurneys near the elevators. For some reason there was a computer glitch or something and none of the elevators in the hospital were working except for this one tower passenger elevators. One by one each gurney had to have the rails taken down, the medical pumps removed from the pole and the head of the bed brought into a full upright position. I thought I was hallucinating what was going on until the elevator doors kept opening and people were yelling and asking what was going on and why they had to take the stairs. I finally made it to my room and had a barrage of people streaming in. I was on all sorts of monitors including a breathing treatment every 6 hours. Prior to coming up to the room I had the catheter and drainage removed. 

The surgeon finally came up and explained to me what had happened during surgery. Apparently the hernia came back and was worse then it was 5 years ago. He explained it was approximately the size of a softball. I also had scar tissue that had formed against the lining of my lung(s) and had to be carefully removed. He undid the old hernia surgery, repaired the new hernia, repaired the esophagus and did the RNY gastric bypass. The pain that I was experiencing in my chest in addition to the gastric bypass area was due to all this work that was done. The drainage they had in for 24 hours was to remove any additional air, blood and fluids near the lungs. I had breathing treatments every 6 hours up until the day I left and my oxygen was monitored regularly. The only time I had the finger probe off was when I went to the bathroom.

I had the surgery 9/14 and by 2 days later I had fallen asleep for the night and 2 hours later when I got woken up for my stats I complained to the nurse about severe left shoulder pain. The nurse was not sure why she thought it was perhaps the way I slept. I have been using Gas X strips as directed on the box and taking the pain med every 3 hours as recommended and nothing is working. I do get up every hour and walk around for at least 10 mins or so and I have been out of the house doing plenty of walking as well. I am not able to tolerate the texture of the protein drinks and I was able to get them down no problem before surgery. I am at least getting in the Gatorade G2 per the suggestion of my surgeon for the electrolytes. I am also having broth and sugar free popsicles. This hasn’t been easy the past 2 days of being home but I am sure it will get easier.  

