My journey to surgery

Jul 09, 2011

well,  i started my journey back in December 2010. When I first walked into the surgeon's office and found out I had to attend 6 months of classes, I thought they were crazy. Why would I need 6 months of classes to get surgery I thought I was already ready for. Well, I've never received so much education about nutrition and weight loss, and after graduating from class last Tuesday, I'm so very glad this was a requirement.
I feel like I now have the tools to make my surgery a success.

My journey started with a partner and it was great.  We lived together, so we ate together, exercised together, learned together and helped each other adjust to the our newer way of eating healthy and living healthy. We went to each class together, each appointment together and even scheduled our surgeries for July 25th together. Now I find, I will be doing the resto fo this on my own. The partnership came to an end today.

My liquid diet starts on Monday and I was really looking forward to having that support. But I guess I will rely on myself for my own support and encouragement. I'm nervous as I know the next 2 weeks will be a struggle. I made my protein jello and pudding tonight. I've written out a "menu" so I'm clear on what to have and when. But I feel so lost now doing it alone.But I've come to far, and two weeks away from surgery I can't let this stop me now. I have to continue to be strong and determined.

So, I'm going into this with the same positive attitude I have had for the past 7 months and I know I will do all the right things. I'm a little nervouse about surgery. I have a great surgeon with a terrific success rate. But surgery is surgery and things can happen. I try not to think about it, but he gave me this several page statement I have to read and sign. It lists all the things that can go are plenty. But most apply to about any surgery you undertake.

Well, I'll be on here a lot as this is the only support I will have now. And it's easier to talk to people who understand what I'm going through than my family and friends who still don't think this is a good idea. Of course, they've not been fat their entire lives and don't know what it's like to yearn to be thin and healthy.

I'm on my way and am looking forward to surgery....and being thinner and healthier.  Thank you everyone on here for all of your sharing, it has helped me a lot the past few weeks. And it's such an encouragement seeing the before and after pics!
 I love it!


About Me
Surgery Date
Jun 15, 2011
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