Catch me if you can!

Sep 10, 2009

Okay, so I walked an hour this morning. Yesterday, too. This is pretty big for me considering that 3 months ago the concept of walking for that long was inconceivable to me.  This morning I left my home at about 4:45 AM and got back around 5:47 AM and didn't even realize I was going on for that long.

I have lost 43 pounds in a little over 2 1/2 months. That's okay, but I do get a little dismayed by how so many people on the board lose so much faster. I know it's not supposed to be a competition, but it's hard not to compare.  Still, I'm just doing the best I can, keeping up the walking, eating all my protein (between 80-100 grams per day - sometimes more). I eat between 600-800 calories per day.  I just simply can't eat more than that.  I have a tiny little pouch, which is fine.  Keeps me out of trouble.  I just want my big fat belly to go away!
1 comment

It's okay to be Overwhelmed

Jul 17, 2009

I'm what you might call a perfectionist.  That is to say, I give 100% at my job.   I have my own office and an assistant (albeit part-time) and business cards. Whoo-hoo! 

But since my surgery, I've been soooo tired all the time, I have a very hard time getting in a full work day and concentrating.  Since my job is very detail oriented and technical, it requires a lot of concentration.  Apparently, I've been letting things slip because I got called into a meeting with 2 of the partners yesterday. I emailed something out to a client that had a typo in it.  My boss was embarrassed and upset with me. She knows I usually catch things before they go out to the client, so she wanted to know what's up.  I told her, quite honestly, that I am utterly exhausted most of the time, especially in the afternoon and sometimes have a hard time concentrating.  The partners said they would rather have me there fewer hours at 100%, then pushing myself too hard and making mistakes, which sounds good to me.

i know my job is safe a) because they assure me it is all the time and b) because my position is so unique, and my skills so highly specialized and technical, that it would be both difficult  and expensive to replace me. I know this, they know this.  So I'm not worried about my job.

But I am so tired of being tired all the time.



I'm losing, I'm losing

Jul 16, 2009

I got weighed at the doctor yesterday and they told me I was down to 254.  That's down 11 pounds since surgery. 22 pounds since my first consult.  

No, it's not the grand pace I once imagined, but my NUT and my surgeon say I'm making good progresss and I shouldn't compare myself to other people.  (yes, mom.)

I'll try not to.  My husband is just happy I'm getting healthy.  I'm just happy that I've got some downward momentum. I've got 124 pounds to go, but a year to do it.  I can do it. I know can, I know can, I know I can.

Start losing already!!!!

Jul 10, 2009

I'm 3 weeks out and less than thrilled with my weight loss.  I lost 12 lbs on the pre-op liquid diet, but only 4 pounds since the surgery.  I still have 130 pounds to go.  Aaaaarrgh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In the meantime, I'm just sticking with the program - getting all my protein in, sipping my water, walking a mile a day.  I figure the weight has to come off eventually - right?


About Me
Glendale, CA
Surgery Date
May 15, 2009
Member Since

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